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研究生: 曾毓晴
Yu-Ching Tseng
論文名稱: 運用PZB 模式與Kano二維品質模型研究小班美語教學補習班服務品質
Using PZB and Kano Model to Study Service Quality of Small-size English Cram School
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Tain-Yi Luor
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 小班英語教學服務品質SERVQUALKano 二維品質模式顧客滿意度
外文關鍵詞: small-size English cram school, SERVQUAL, Kano model and customer satisfaction
相關次數: 點閱:561下載:15
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為了解消費者對於小班美語教學補習班的服務品質需求所在,本研究利用PZB三位學者所提出的SERVQUAL量表為問卷設計基礎,根據有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性和關懷性五大構面發展出 19 個題項,來訪問學生對服務品質的重視度與滿意度。並運用Kano二維品質模式之正反向題組設計問卷來訪問家長,分析各服務品質要素之屬性歸類。最後,研究者得知四項當然品質、兩項一維品質、四項反向品質和五項無差異品質,再將所得結果加以解釋與分析,期望對補習班經營者未來在服務品質有所提升並增加顧客滿意度。

English has become an international language and been integrated into people’s lives as a means of communication. There is no doubt that English is the most spoken language all over the world. Taking a small-size English cram school in Taipei City as an example, the researcher tries to investigate the demand of students from aged 7~18 years old. What are the major elements students concern before coming to cram school? What elements that students care after service is rendered? Parents have the biggest role as promoter, influencer, determiner and purchaser. Children are the users, but parents are the decision makers. Their relationship is too complicate to tell them apart. What are the attributes that parents care the most?

The study applies five dimensions of PZB service quality model (SERVQUAL Scale) including tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy as a survey basis to develop nineteen items, trying to find out students expectations and perceptions through qualitative method. By adopting Kano model to design questionnaires with question pairs (positive and negative) to survey parents. Each service quality attributes is then analyzed and classified into one of the five quality attributes from parents’ perspective. There are four must be quality items, two one-dimensional quality items, four reverse quality items, five indifferent items, and four ineffective items. Besides, further integration to explore each service quality to enhancing satisfaction and elimination of dissatisfaction influence degree.

Table of content Abstract (Chinese)I AbstractII AcknowledgementsIII List of TablesIII List of FiguresIV CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1 1.1 Background and Motivation1 1.2 Research Purposes and Questions4 1.3 Significance of the Thesis4 1.4 Organization of the Thesis5 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW6 2.1 Definition of Cram School6 2.2 Types of English Cram School6 2.3 Service Quality7 2.4 Customer Satisfaction11 2.5 Kano Model14 2.6 Integrating PZB and Kano Model for Service Quality in English Cram Schools.16 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY18 3.1The Structure of the Research18 3.2 Questionnaire Design19 3.3 Data Collection24 3.4 Data Analysis25 3.5 Service Quality Classification of Kano Model25 CHATPER FOUR RESEARCH ANALYSIS28 4.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis28 4.2Reliability Analysis30 4.3 Service Quality Dimension Analysis31 4.4 Service Quality on Importance Scale and Satisfaction Scale Analysis32 4.5 Service Quality Classification analysis of Kano Model33 4.6 Comparison of Viewpoints From Students’ and Parents’ Perspective38 CHAPTER FIVE RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS42 5.1 Conclusion42 5.2 Suggestion42 REFERENCES44 Appendix I49 Appendix II51 Appendix III55  

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