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研究生: 杜明國
Minh - Quoc Do
論文名稱: Human following and Gesture Recognition for Mobile Robot using an RGB-D camera
Human following and Gesture Recognition for Mobile Robot using an RGB-D camera
指導教授: 林昌鴻
Chang Hong Lin
口試委員: 呂政修
Jenq-Shiou Leu
Yuan-Hsiang Lin 
Ching Shun Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 移動機器人人類與機器人互動(HRI)人物追蹤手勢識別機器學習
外文關鍵詞: Mobile robot, Human Robot Interaction, Human following, hand gestures recognition, machine learning.
相關次數: 點閱:371下載:3
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嵌入式裝置近期內不管在娛樂、醫療保健和工業應用的地位都日趨重要,使用上也更貼近現實生活中的需求,此外人類與機器人互動(Human Robot Interaction,簡稱HRI)的領域更是因為嵌入式裝置不斷的擴展而在學術界與工業界都獲得良好且快速的成長,致使此領域在各方面都獲得了更好的發揮舞台。本研究基於顏色和深度攝影機來實現一套支援手勢識別的導航移動機器人系統,在技術上,本系統透過ARM的嵌入式裝置來實作手勢識別並進行移動機器人的控制,而在人物追蹤方面是透過(Human Depth of Interest,簡稱HDOI)找出人的深度範圍並與CAM-shift演算法結合來達到追蹤的效果,此外套入虛擬彈簧模型(virtual spring model)以提高嵌入式裝置的使用效率,在導航的控制部分,基於前人所提出的RGB-H-CrCb色彩空間模型以顏色區塊分割來找出手的部位,並計算其雙手偏離的角度來當作移動機器人旋轉的控制參數,系統中手勢識別的分類器是採用韋伯局部描述子(Weber Local Descriptor)結合支持向量機(Support Vector Machine,合稱WLD+SVM)的演算法來控制其線性移動。

This dissertation researches and implements the human following and hand recognition based navigation mobile robot system using color and depth cameras. Embedded devices recently become more crucial in some real-life applications, such as the entertainment, health care, and industrial applications. Furthermore, Human Robot Interaction (HRI) has drawn the great importance in not only academic but also industrial applications. Given the development of embedded devices and the enormousness of HRI, a mobile robot with the human following function and navigation controlling based on human gestures recognition is built up with an embedded ARM board. In the human following function, Human Depth of Interest (HDOI) is proposed to cooperate with CAM-shift method for the human detection and tracking. The virtual spring model is modified to work more effectively in the embedded device. In the navigation control, the hand detection based human’s face is implemented from skin segmentation with the proposed RGB-H-CrCb colors. The deviation angle between left and right hand is chosen to control the rotation of robot, and hand gesture classification from a new proposed Weber Local Descriptor and Support Vector Machine (WLD+SVM) algorithm is issues to control the linear motion.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS v ABSTRACT vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background and Motivation 1 1.2. Thesis Contribution 2 1.3. Thesis Organization 2 Chapter 2: RELATED WORKS 4 2.1. Human Following Applications in Mobile Robots 4 2.2. Human Gestures and Behaviors with Mobile Robots 5 2.3. Weber Law Description 6 Chapter 3: RGB-D CAMERAS IN VISION APPLICATIONS 8 3.1. Overview 8 3.1.1. Introduction of RGB-D camera technologies 8 3.1.2. Asus Xtion Pro Live Specification 9 3.2. Calibration in RGB-D camera 10 3.2.1. Generate 3D coordinates 11 3.2.2. Calibration of depth and color images 12 Chapter 4: HUMAN FOLLOWING MOBILE ROBOT 15 4.1. System Overview 15 4.1.1. Mobile Robot Architecture 15 4.1.2. Overview of Human Tracking and Following 16 4.2. Proposed Human Following Method 17 4.2.1. Preprocessing 17 4.2.2. Human Detection and Tracking 19 4.2.3. Human Position Projection with Robot Motion 24 4.2.4. Modified Virtual Spring Control Rule 26 Chapter 5: VISION BASED STEERING WHEEL IN MOBILE ROBOTS 30 5.1. System Overview 30 5.1.1. Working Environment Setup 30 5.1.2. Overview of proposed robot navigation control 30 5.2. Proposed virtual steering wheel method 31 5.2.1. Preprocessing 31 5.2.2. Hand Detection and Segmentation 37 5.2.3. Hand Gesture Recognition with WLD+SVM 41 5.2.4. Vision Control and Robot Control 46 Chapter 6: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 51 6.1. Human Following Mobile Robot Application 51 6.2. Vision-based Steering Wheel Robot Navigation Control 56 Chapter 7: CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS 64 7.1. Conclusions 64 7.2. Future works 65 REFERENCES 66

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