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研究生: 林恩如
Enru - Lin
論文名稱: 飛航主題相關影片之字幕翻譯研究分析
Subtitle Translation Analysis in Films Related to Aviation
指導教授: 賈繼中
Chi-chung Chia
口試委員: 鄧慧君
Huei-chun Teng
Yuang-aun Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 飛航管制航空用語航空術語字幕翻譯翻譯策略
外文關鍵詞: air traffic control, aviation terms, aviation jargon, subtitle translation, translation strategies
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:3
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For the past years, the film industry worldwide has shot movies and TV series about aviation. And the field of air traffic control under aviation is rarely known to the public. Since the subtitles of the films play an important role, the audience with few background knowledge of aviation even air traffic control will rely on the subtitles to comprehend the plot. The aim of the thesis is to examine and analyze the strategies used in translating the subtitles of films related to aviation and to provide more effective and practicable solutions to the problematic dialogue in the films. The aviation jargon is collected from six English films and one TV series. The suggested translations of problematic subtitles are proposed based on the perspective and what had been learned as an air traffic controller. The result shows that “deletion,” “decimation” and “direct approach” are the strategies frequently used to translate aviation jargon and terms. The quality of the subtitle translations is influenced by the listening ability and professional knowledge of the subtitle translators. The three main factors in mistranslation are caused by the misinterpretation of the nonstandard accents and the images in the films and the lack of specialized knowledge in aviation. It is suggested that subtitle translators apply strategies like “expansion” and “annotation” to clarify the meaning of the terms during the process of translation, and then “condense” the subtitles to fewer words in accordance with the images in films in order to conform to the limited space and help the audience grasp the plot easily and get immersed in the world of aviation with ease.

摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF EXAMPLES xiii LIST OF SUGGESTED TRANSLATIONS OF EXAMPLES xiv CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation of the Study 1 1.2 Purpose of the Study 2 1.3 Significance of the Study 3 1.4 Definition of Terms 4 1.5 Organization of the Study 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Screen Translation 7 2.1.1 Translation Theories and Subtitle Translation 9 2.2 Characteristics and Limitations of Subtitle Translation 13 2.2.1 Subtitle Translators’ Point of View 14 2.2.2 Audiences’ Point of View 14 2.2.3 Time Limitations 16 2.2.4 Space Limitations 16 2.3 Procedure for Translating Subtitles 17 2.4 Strategies of Subtitle Translation 18 2.5 Terminology Translation 25 CHAPTER THREE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND THE RESEARCH MATERIALS 28 3.1 Introduction of Aviation 28 3.1.1 Civil Aviation Organizations 29 3.1.2 Airline and Airport Codes 29 3.2 Air Traffic Control 33 3.2.1 Area Control Center 33 3.2.2 Approach Control 34 3.2.3 Aerodrome Control Tower 34 3.3 The Journey of a Flight 36 3.4 Research Materials 38 3.4.1 Always 39 3.4.2 Final Descent 40 3.4.3 Blackout Effect 41 3.4.4 Ground Control 42 3.4.5 Pushing Tin 43 3.4.6 United 93 45 3.4.7 Ultimate Airport Dubai (TV Series) 45 3.5 Procedures 46 CHAPTER FOUR TRANSLATION STRATEGIES, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 48 4.1 Aviation Jargon Explained 49 4.1.1 Radiotelephony Call Signs for Aircraft 49 4.1.2 Runway Name 57 4.1.3 Altimeter Setting 61 4.1.4 Altitude and Flight Level 63 4.1.5 Nautical Mile 67 4.1.6 Airspeed 68 4.1.7 Wind 71 4.1.8 Heading 72 4.1.9 Radiotelephony Call Signs for Aeronautical Stations 74 4.1.10 Radio Communications Transfer 79 4.2 Dialogues 84 4.2.1 Example 2 (From “Ground Control”) 84 4.2.2 Example 3 (From “Ground Control”) 85 4.2.3 Example 4 (From “Ground Control”) 88 4.2.4 Example 5 (From “Ground Control”) 92 4.2.5 Example 6 (From “Blackout Effect”) 96 4.2.6 Example 7 ( From “Blackout Effect”) 98 4.2.7 Example 8 (From “Blackout Effect”) 101 4.2.8 Example 9 (From “The Ultimate Airport Dubai Episode 9”) 104 4.2.9 Example 10 (From “Always”) 106 4.2.10 Example 11 (From “United 93”) 110 4.2.11 Example 12 (From “United 93”) 112 4.2.12 Example 13 (From “United 93”) 115 4.2.13 Example 14 (From “United 93”) 118 4.2.14 Example 15 (From “Always”) 120 4.2.15 Example 16 (From “Final Descent”) 127 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 135 5.1 Summary of the Findings 135 5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 138 WORKS CITED 140 In Chinese 140 In English 140

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