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研究生: 張凱富
Kai-Fu Jhang
論文名稱: 適用於微創手術訓練之二軸觸覺鉗系統開發與夾持力重現探討
Development and Haptic Rendering of a 2-DOF Medical Forceps System for Minimally Invasive Surgery Training
指導教授: 林紀穎
Chi-Ying Lin
口試委員: 郭重顯
Chung-Hsien Kuo
Yuan-Hsiang Lin
Chi-Cheng Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 力量反饋虛擬實境微創手術觸覺回授最小可差覺
外文關鍵詞: Force feedback, Virtual reality, Minimally invasive surgery, Haptic, JND
相關次數: 點閱:391下載:5
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In this research we have designed a haptic surgical forceps system with two degree of freedom to reproduce the force felt by operator while gripping object using real minimally invasive surgery forceps. At first, we use load cell to measure the reaction force from surgical forceps when gripping objects. Second, kinematic analysis is performed to obtain the relationship between jaw and the grip end. The force equation with respect to the displacement is obtained for grasping different materials through curve fitting. Third, the curve fitted equation is applied to generate the required torque commands of the two axis motors so that the operator can feel its corresponding reaction force. Moreover, we can reproduce different types of reaction forces by changing parameters or adding the damping term to the force equation. Fourth, a virtual environment is constructed as a visual feedback interface in order to make operators feel more realistic in surgical operations. At last, we discuss our experiment data using Weber's law for psychophysical analysis. We can get just noticeable difference through some human factors experiments, and then discuss the influences of just-noticeable-difference in this study. In summary, the developed system which integrates force feedback and visual feedback can be applied as a good testing platform for surgical training simulation and further investigation for force rendering.

摘要 Abstract 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 前言 1.2 文獻回顧與研究動機 1.3 研究貢獻 1.4 論文架構 第二章 系統設備架構 2.1筆記型電腦 2.2 Arduino MEGA 2560控制板 2.3 Maxon 馬達 2.4 ESCON馬達控制器與IBT-3馬達控制板 2.5 Honeywell Sensotec 荷重元 2.6二維手術觸覺鉗平台 第三章 力量量測 3.1 力回饋介紹 3.2 觸覺介紹 3.3 力量量測 3.3.1 荷重元校正 3.3.2 夾爪延長機構設計 3.3.3 量測夾持材質反力 3.3.4 曲線擬合 第四章 觸覺具現化模擬 4.1 虛擬牆介紹 4.2 虛擬牆建立 4.3 系統介紹與運動學推導 4.4運動學分析與模擬 第五章 虛擬實境設計 5.1 何謂虛擬實境 5.2 虛擬實境建置 5.3 虛擬實境與系統連結 5.3.1 Arduino MEGA 2560相關通訊 5.3.2 Simulink相關通訊 5.3.3完整通訊連結 第六章 心理物理學探討 6.1何謂心理物理學 6.2心理物理學運用於醫療工程 第七章 實驗結果 7.1系統操作介紹 7.2物件反力探討 7.3人因實驗 7.3.1人因實驗條件 7.4人因實驗結果 7.4.1實驗一:手部軟硬度區分 7.4.2實驗二:微創手術鉗夾取軟硬度區分 7.4.3實驗三:觸覺鉗平台夾取軟硬度區分 7.4.4實驗四:估計分數與實際分數評分差異 7.4.5實驗五:相似度評分 7.4.6實驗六:絕對閾限與差別閾限量測 7.4.7實驗七:加入阻尼項進行夾取 7.4.8實驗八:閾限值趨勢探討 7.4.9實驗九:加入虛擬實境進行閾限值趨勢探討 第八章 結論與未來研究目標 8.1結論 8.2未來研究目標 參考文獻

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