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研究生: 呂孟樺
Meng-Hua Lu
論文名稱: 宏碁個案:少樣是為了追求更好?
Case of Acer:Less for the Best?
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-Huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 公司治理筆記型電腦經營模式危機管理
外文關鍵詞: Acer, Laptops, Business Model, Crisis Management
相關次數: 點閱:345下載:6
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  • 本個案為商業模式轉型的實例,個案描述現任宏碁董事長兼總經理王振堂先生,在2011年3月面對宏碁舊有商業模式造成的大幅度虧損,但總公司卻在事情爆發前,不知道虧損的原因與程度。就在王董事長親上火線,才得知原先獲利來源之一的歐洲市場,竟然成為宏碁大幅度虧損的主要原因,一直以來的管理策略,引以為傲的零庫存神話,竟然演變成只是將庫存積壓在經銷商銷處,當市場轉變成不景氣時,庫存積壓的問題就引爆開來。

    This case study, which is an actual case about the transformation of business models, describes that the current chairman and managing director of Acer Mr. JT Wang, in the face of Acer's business model which caused a substantial loss in March 2011. Corporation before the outbreak of the things, did not know the causes and extent of loss. Mr. Wang, understood the original source of profit, one of the European market, has now become a substantial loss of Acer, the main reason, the management strategy has been proud of zero inventory myth, even the evolution of into just overstock sales at the dealer inventory backlog detonated off the market into a downturn.
    In addition, Acer is the listed company, Mr. Wang required to find the best solution in the shortest possible time, and avoided the company's operations and greater panic, although the front of the decision that reversed the direction of the company's operating notes PC, but this decision do not know whether to meet customer expectations? Can Acer to regain the status of the top three in the global PC sales?
    This paper includes the case study and teaching guidelines. The readers can understand the operation and management of reference prepared by the business model, and later described for the management of change and technological innovation, so that students encounter the same situation in the future can know the way to deal with.

    目錄I 表目錄III 圖目錄IV 摘 要V AbstractVI 誌 謝VII 宏碁:少樣是為了追求更好1 一、筆記型電腦產業1 (一).筆記型電腦1 (二).產業介紹與競爭者5 二、宏碁公司背景7 (一).品牌更替7 (二).發展沿革8 (三).營運模式9 三、少樣是為了追求更好?10 (一).大量生產(Mass Production)10 (二).iPad的竄起11 (三).從獲利到虧損13 (四).少樣是為了追求更好?(Less for the Best)14 教師手冊16 一、概要16 二、教學目標16 三、教學手冊17 四、作業與問題17 五、教學計劃與分析19 六、教學建議42 參考文獻44 附錄46

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