Author: |
卓家慧 Chia-Hui Chuo |
Thesis Title: |
品牌形象、品牌關係品質、品牌忠誠度與顧客不滿程度、顧客抱怨行為之關係 ─以台灣筆記型電腦市場為例 A study of the Relationship between Brand Image, Brand Relationship, Brand Loyalty, Customer Dissatisfaction, and Customer Complaint Behavior – UsingTaiwan Market of Note Book PC as Examples |
Advisor: |
Cou-Chen Wu |
Committee: |
none 邢姍姍 none |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2007 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 95 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 122 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 品牌形象 、品牌關係品質 、品牌忠誠度 、顧客不滿程度 、顧客抱怨行為 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Brand image, Brand relationship, Brand loyalty, Customer Dissatisfaction, Customer complaint behavior |
Reference times: | Clicks: 635 Downloads: 3 |
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1. 品牌形象、品牌關係品質與品牌忠誠度皆與顧客不滿程度構面呈現顯著的正向影響關係,意味著最喜愛之筆記型電腦品牌如果發生服務疏失等,使顧客發生不滿時,則顧客不滿程度越高。
2. 當顧客不滿程度越高,則顧客抱怨強度也越高。
3. 品牌形象、品牌關係品質中的「依戀」與品牌忠誠度皆與顧客抱怨行為構面呈現顯著的正向影響關係,意味著最喜愛之筆記型電腦品牌如果發生服務疏失等,使顧客發生不滿時,則顧客抱怨強度越高。但是品牌關係品質構面「契合」與「個人承諾」與顧客抱怨行為構面並無顯著的正向影響關係。
The industry of Note Book PC in Taiwan has two trends of own-brand and OEM strategy. Except the famous worldwide-known brand – ASUS & Acer, all the makers are focus on the OEM manufacturing. The ratio of latter one is 90%, however, its profit is getting lower which was result in 3~5% in2005. Furthermore, against to Desk Top computer, Note Book PC is required of more high technical level. Therefore, the “Brand” effect customer’s purchase decision a lot.
Brand management needs to maintain the good relationship with customers, in order to get the advantages in the competitive environment. The companies who have excellent Brand Image, good Brand Relationship with customers, a lot of customers with high Brand Loyalty, must value its own feathers highly. Have to enhance the product’s function, quality and service system. Otherwise, would bring much more damage and loss once occurs the customer dissatisfaction and customer complain.
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of brand image, brand relationship, brand loyalty, customer dissatisfaction and customer complain behavior based on the Note Book PC in Taiwan market. Consider the consumers who have ever purchased and consumed the note Book PC in Taipei and Hsin Hsiu areas. Sending out 213 coping of questionnaires, and eliminating 24 useless copies, there are 178 effective copies. The effective rate is 83.6%. Based on the descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, the result is as follows:
1. Brand Image, Brand relationship and Brand loyalty have positive effect toward customer dissatisfaction. That is, the most favorite Note Book PC if happened the cases like service failure, the customer’s dissatisfaction would be stronger.
2. Customer Dissatisfaction has positive effect toward Customer Complaint Behavior.
3. Brand Image, one dimension of brand relationship and brand loyalty has positive effect toward customer complaint behavior. However, the other two dimension of brand relationship have indirect positive effect toward customer complaint behavior.
Keywords: Brand image, Brand relationship, Brand loyalty, Customer Dissatisfaction, Customer complaint behavior.
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