簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 蒙家琪
Chia-Chi Meng
論文名稱: 組織蛻變困境:當空降主管遇上本位主義文化時 ~ 以外勞人力仲介A公司為例
Organizational Change Dilemma, When Outside Manager Meet Selfish Culture ~ A Case Study of Foreign Labor Agency Company
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 葉穎蓉
Ying-Jung Yeh
Chun-Nan Chen
Chia-Fen Chi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 知識管理組織變革公平理論派閥文化本位主義穀倉效應
外文關鍵詞: Organizational Change Management, Clan Culture, Silo Effect
相關次數: 點閱:375下載:0
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  • 政府於2016年11月《就業服務法》第52條修法,取消外籍勞工在台灣工作滿3年得強制出境台灣1天後再入境的工作規定,這使台灣外勞人力仲介公司減少國外仲介聘僱費之營收來源。本個案外勞人力仲介公司經營20多年,經營的客戶數與引進外勞人數,一直是首屈一指的No.1。本個案公司面臨外部政府取消「3年1日」政策,使年營收損失20~30%,內部面臨著客戶大量解約轉單流失的危機,個案總經理檢視組織人才,無法達到公司的期待,決定從外部尋求引進管理人才,作大幅的組織改革。



    In November 2016, the Ministry of Labor revised Article 52 of the Employment Services Law to abolish the provisions on compulsory entry and exit work charges for foreign workers who have worked in Taiwan for three years. In this case, the foreign worker agency company has been operating for more than 20 years, and the number of clients and the number of imported foreign workers has always been the number one. The company lost 20% of its annual revenue to government policies and lost customers. The general manager reviewed the organizational talents and failed to meet the company's expectations. He decided to introduce management talents from outside and carry out substantial organizational reform.

    At that time, the company was in a situation of internal and external troubles. If you are a new executive of the company, the customer is lost, the professional knowledge and ability of the employees are insufficient, the performance and bonus system is unfairly distributed, the company's organizational culture management problems, and the employees reject the new executive, what kind of corporate management strategy would you take? Assist the company to adjust the management system.

    This thesis is presented in the HBS case method. The content includes two parts: the Article and "Teaching Notes". Under the guidance of the teacher, the case study guides the students to discuss: How to carry out knowledge management? How to make organizational change? How to improve the unfair performance appraisal and bonus system? How to get rid of the struggle of employee factional culture and interests? It is expected that the case study to provide the insights for senior management to take a note.

    摘要 I Abstract I 致謝 II 目錄 III 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 壹、 個案本文 - 1 - 一、 開場白 - 1 - 二、 產業背景 - 2 - 1. 台灣1950~1990 年代之經濟發展歷程 - 2 - 2. 外籍勞工開放歷史 - 3 - 3. 引進外籍勞工立法與開放原則 - 5 - 4. 外勞人力仲介公司 - 10 - 三、 個案公司背景 - 12 - 公司概況簡介 - 12 - 四、 個案公司面臨的挑戰 - 14 - 1. 專業知識斷層,嚴重失傳 - 14 - 2. 鯰魚效應,排擠抗拒 - 16 - 3. 績效考核與年終獎金 - 19 - 4. 組織地下關係與企業情感文化 - 20 - 五、 討論問題 - 21 - 貳、教學指引 - 22 - 一、 個案總覽 - 22 - 二、 個案人物介紹 - 23 - 三、 教學哲學 - 24 - 四、 學生課前準備與問題討論 - 25 - 五、 課程適用及教學方式 - 25 - 1. 教學目標一:知識管理(Knowledge Management, KM) - 27 - 2. 教學目標二:組織變革模型與變革步驟之探討 - 33 - 3. 教學目標三:公平理論之探討 - 38 - 4. 教學目標四:派閥文化、穀倉效應之探討 - 42 - 六、 板書規劃 - 46 - 1. 板書ㄧ:個案現階段所面臨的各項「管理問題」 - 47 - 2. 板書二:知識管理 - 48 - 3. 板書三:變革模型與組織變革八步驟 - 49 - 4. 板書四:組織公平 - 49 - 5. 板書五:派閥文化、穀倉效應 - 50 - 參考文獻 - 51 - 中文文獻 - 51 - 英文文獻 - 53 - 網路資源 - 55 -

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    MBA 智庫百科:本位主義

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