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研究生: 李晏慈
Yan-cih Li
論文名稱: 在雲端環境下手持式裝置的商務價值
Exploring Handsets Value in Business Application under Cloud Computing Environment
指導教授: 許總欣
Tsung-Shin Hsu
口試委員: 歐陽超
Chao Oui-Yang
Shan-Ping Chuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 雲端運算點對點攜帶自有裝置企業資訊系統行動化YouTube
外文關鍵詞: Cloud computing, Client to Server, BYOD, Business Information System, Mobilization, YouTube
相關次數: 點閱:428下載:5
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The hunger of cloud responded on survey of Garner CIO in 2012, deployment of mobile technology and cloud service were listed on top 2 and 3. A recent study based on log data analysis and in-depth interviews of smartphone users also revealed that people prefer to be always connected to their work and that they maintain a sense of calm and control in their work. Given the desire of workers to bring the devices they use at home into the workplace, enterprise must adopt a ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) vision.
This paper concerns around the business applications value on handheld devices in enterprise because of companies assess the necessity of cloud computing, BYOD, business processes. That is, to discover the tangible changes on handsets from individual, department, and organization help companies understand the intangible values. In the future, this article gives mobile Business Information System value for enterprises, and supervisor can decide on adopting cloud computing concepts step by step from one department to whole business on management, technology, and strategy.

Abstract I 誌謝 II Contents III List of Figures V List of Tables V 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Status quo 2 1.3 Objectives 3 1.4 Research structure 3 2 Literature Review 5 2.1 Changed client to server relationship 5 2.1.1 PC to Handsets 7 2.1.2 Grid computing to Cloud computing 11 2.2 Reduced people to handheld machine distances 14 2.2.1 Bring your own devices 16 2.3 Increased mobilization of Enterprise 17 2.3.1 e-Business 18 2.3.2 Cloud Computing Service: SaaS, IaaS, PaaS 20 3 Mobilization Solution 23 3.1 Problem to solution 23 3.2 Solution to validation 28 3.2.1 From web-based business model to App-based business functions 29 4 Application and Implement 31 4.1 Demand of mobilization 31 4.2 Two tiers of mobile Business Information System on cloud computing 32 4.2.1 Service layer 33 4.2.2 Presentation layer 36 5 Business Platform Application 44 5.1 Web-based business application on PC 45 5.1.1 Partner program 46 5.1.2 Advertisement 46 5.1.3 Live stream platform: rental partner 47 5.1.4 Track overview 47 5.2 Business functions of application on handheld devices 48 5.2.1 Production 49 5.2.2 Marketing 50 5.2.3 R&D 52 5.2.4 Human resource 54 5.2.5 Finance 54 6 Conclusion 60 6.1 Findings 60 6.2 Limitation 61 6.3 Suggestion 61 Reference 62 List of Figures Figure 1 1 Research structure 4 Figure 1 2 Article structure 4 Figure 2 1 Literature review framework 5 Figure 2 2 Client and server 6 Figure 2 4 Handsets ability compensate inability of PC 9 Figure 2 5 Opera mini APAC smartphone share 11 Figure 2 6 Five stages of workforce access along the any device journey 17 Figure 2 7 Sources of value creation in e-business 20 Figure 2 8 Value chain of SaaS service business 20 Figure 2 9 Cloud business model ontology 21 Figure 2 10 Three business model of cloud computing 22 Figure 3 1 Research step 23 Figure 3 2 Problem to solution 24 Figure 3 3 Two tiers mobile Business Information System framework 26 Figure 3 4 Solution to validation 28 Figure 3 5 Demand pull out solution and validate capability 28 Figure 4 1 Two tiers framework with strategy, technology, and management perspectives 33 Figure 4 2 Service layer 34 Figure 4 3 Service value of enterprise IT: BYOD 36 Figure 4 4 Research model of mobile work characteristics and support 37 Figure 4 5 Job position limits of authority 40 Figure 4 6 Mobile App’s Intangible value and Tangible change in individual, department, and organization 41 Figure 5 1 Platform business application 44 Figure 5 2 YouTube business model 46 Figure 5 3 YouTube business canvas 55 List of Tables Table 2 1 Key features of smartphones 10 Table 2 2 Grid vs. Cloud computing 12 Table 2 3 Classification of cloud computing issues 13 Table 2 4 Top 10 social media websites 13 Table 2 5 Difference between with a smartphone and without a smartphone 15 Table 3 1 Process of developing mobile business application solution 24 Table 3 2 Multi-tiers architecture literatures 27 Table 5 1 YouTube business functions 48 Table 5 2 Technique specifications 53 Table 5 3 Technique format 53 Table 5 4 Seven value item of YouTube value propositioning 58

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