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研究生: 李明仁
Ming-Ren Lee
論文名稱: 社會科技使用者行為之研究-以即時通訊與部落格為例
Studies Regarding User Behavior in Social Technology–Using Instant Messaging and Blog as Examples
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 陳文華
Wun-Hwa Chen
Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin
Ling-Ling Wu
Gwo-Guang Lee
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 社會科技關鍵多數經驗差異知識資本認知需求認知娛樂自我揭露社會資本社會影響
外文關鍵詞: social technology, critical mass, experience difference, knowledge capital, need for cognition, perceived enjoyment, self-disclosure, social capital, social influence
相關次數: 點閱:565下載:4
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This study explores three kinds of user behavior in social technology, including diffusion, stickiness, and sharing. Some insights are obtained after empirical validation.
Study I investigated the antecedents of instant messaging (IM) diffusion. Based on technology acceptance model and social cognitive theory, this study proposed perceived usefulness, ease of use, need for belonging, perceived enjoyment, critical mass, and social influence as the antecedents of IM diffusion. Surveying 302 IM users, the results demonstrated that IM diffusion is driven by its hedonic value, not utilitarian value of social connection. In addition, technical factors (PU and PEOU) and environmental factors (CM and SI) can facilitate IM diffusion directly or indirectly. The results also revealed that social influence is helpful to increase user perceptions about usefulness and ease of use, and critical mass is related to perceived ease to use. This implies that characteristics of IM can come from environmental origins, and IM is treated as hedonic-oriented and small group media. The research model explains 72 percent of variance of user intention to use IM.
Study II investigated the demographic differences and the antecedents of blog stickiness. Based on social cognitive theory, IS success model, and individual differences theory, this study proposed blog quality, need for cognition, and social influence as the antecedents of blog stickiness. Surveying 231 blog users, the results demonstrate that content is still the king in the blog environment. Social influence only affects the duration in the blog directly, but not the retention to the blog. For gender differences, female readers care for content mainly, but males further care about system quality and social influence. For blog experience and usage differences, while blog veterans or heavy users care about content and social influence, blog newbies care about the quality of context and system. Students and non-students also have different antecedents of blog stickiness. This study not only provides a further understanding into the blog stickiness, but also offers an impetus to future researches.
Study III investigated the blog experience differences and the antecedents of blog sharing. Based on socio-technical theory, social cognitive theory, and social exchange theory, this study proposed perceived usability, self-disclosure, information literacy, social influence, outcome expectation for financial capital, knowledge capital, and social capital as the antecedents of blog sharing. Surveying 268 blog authors, the results demonstrate that usability is a necessity for blog sharing. Blog sharing is primarily a personal endeavor driven by inner self-disclosure, not external information literacy or outer social influence. Sharing behavior is also encouraged by outcome expectancy for knowledge capital and social capital rather than financial capital. In addition, the results also indicated that expectancy for knowledge capital can enhance new entrants to write a blog, whereas expectancy for social capital keeps blog veterans sharing in blogs.
According to above empirical survey, as a conclusion, this dissertation attempts to propose a conceptual framework (technological value, personal characteristic, social value, and outcome expectancy) for investigating user behavior in social technology. Although this framework is supported by theoretical triangulation, it needs more empirically test and validation in future research. In addition adoption behavior, stickiness behavior, and sharing behavior, there still exists several issues such as trust behavior, commercial behavior, and offline-online relationship. Future studies should also emphasize the negative effects such privacy, addiction, and cheating in social technology. The dissertation provides preliminary studies, there still exists many interesting issues need to be investigated in future studies.

1. Introduction 1 2. Study I: the diffusion of social communication media 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Theoretical background and research hypotheses 5 2.3. Methodology 16 2.4. Results 17 2.5 Discussion 28 2.6. Conclusion and limitation 30 3. Study II: the stickiness of social technology, using blogs as subject 33 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 Theoretical background and research hypotheses 35 3.3 Methodology 42 3.4 Results 44 3.5 Discussion and Implications 55 3.6 Conclusion limitation and future research 59 4. Study III: the share behavior in social technology, using blogs as subject 60 4.1 Introduction 60 4.2 Theoretical background and research hypotheses 61 4.3. Methodology 70 4.4. Results 72 4.5 Discussion and implications 83 4.6. Conclusion, limitations, and future research 88 5. Conclusion and future research 89 5.1. Findings of three studies 89 5.2. The proposed framework 91 5.3. Integrated conclusion and future study 93 References 99 Appendix A: Questionnaire of study I 117 Appendix B: Questionnaire of study II 118 Appendix C: Questionnaire of study III 119

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