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研究生: 蔡崇仁
Chung-Jen Tsai
論文名稱: 台灣設備業公司營運BU化之優缺點及策略研究-以C公司為例
Researching on the pros / cons and strategies of Taiwan equipment company's business unit; A case study of C company
指導教授: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
口試委員: 喩奉天
Vincent F.Yu
Po-Hsun Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: BCG矩陣SWOT5力分析創業家精神商業模式公司治理
外文關鍵詞: BCG matrix, SWOT, Porter five forces analysis, entrepreneurial spirit, business model, corporate governance
相關次數: 點閱:813下載:0
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以 BCG矩陣,貼近市場、利潤最大化,使營收步步高並於2018年創下營收最高紀錄。但由於產品進入成熟衰退期外部環境衝擊及內部轉型布局並為永續經營,SWOT, 5力分析加上創業家精神及商業模式執行需調整公司治理策略重新補足之前BU化不足。

The development and growth of Business Unit(BU) for small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan have gradually become a way for corporate organization to transform into an international large-scale, but due to business practices in small and medium-sized enterprises, the original BU’s spirit like focus on industry, full authorization and specialization of work make people suffer from the situation called Silo Effect, inclusive of malignant competition with each other, operation only for its own benefit not for the benefit of the entire enterprise, and regarding BU interests of priority. It has caused the internal division of the company and compress the growth spaces. I hope that through this individual case to analyze the advantages and disadvantages about BU and the adjustment of the management promotion in head office can make the company more competitive and transformed into an international enterprise

Our economics, educations, and science have been deeply affected by the Japan colonial period (1895-1945). Especially after the World War Two, the business model and entrepreneurial spirit from small and medium-sized enterprises created the flourish in economic. In addition, due to our language and species as same as China, it brings up the enterprise to extend business branch into mainland China for the subsequent development. In the meantime, after the economic reform and liberalization in China, the rapid economic development has also created many international enterprises. This essay compares the establishment of business divisions and adjustments in response to internal conditions and external changes for the business organizations between Japanese businessmen (Panasonic Pansonic) and Chinese businessmen (Haier Haier). I expect that these two world-class economies which have affected Taiwan for a century can revise our business model in the future.

Owing to the familiarity with the industry from supervisors, the business group is divided by industry. This company in this individual case transformed the business group in 2009. There are three reasons such as the BCG matrix, according the market demands and maximizes profits making the revenue gradually higher and set the record in 2018. However, the product goes into a mature recession period due to the impact of the external environment and internal transformation and as for sustainable operation. SWOT, Porter five forces analysis, entrepreneurial spirit and business model need to adjust for the corporate governance strategy and replenish the shortage on BU.

目錄 誌謝 4 第一章 個案本文 8 1.1 該是調整的時候了 8 1.2 台灣設備業特性與產業動態 8 1.3 個案公司產業沿革與特性 12 1.4 個案公司簡介 13 1.5 事業部(BU)化說明 13 1.6 個案成立事業部背景 15 第二章 他山之石 20 2.1 影響台灣企業的重要文化 20 2.2 組織變革理論 20 2.3 Panasonic的事業部企業轉型 24 2.4 海爾的事業部企業轉型 28 2.5 Panasonic、海爾BU化策略總結 32 第三章 個案公司BU化轉型策略 35 3.1 外部環境衝擊 35 3.2 內部轉型的徵兆 38 3.3 轉型的策略布局 39 3.4 公司文化的轉變 42 3.5 公司治理 43 第四章 教學手冊 45 4.1 個案討論 45 4.2 個案總覽 45 4.3 教學目標 46 4.4 課前準備 48 4.5 適用課程對象 48 4.6 個案分析及課程討論 48 4.7 參考討論問題 49 參考文獻 50

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