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研究生: 許展鳴
Chan-Ming Hsu
論文名稱: 消費者對Nike支線品牌廣告視覺符號的偏好分析
An Analysis of Consumer Preferences to Visual Signs in Advertisements of Nike Sub-Brands
指導教授: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
Ken-Tsai Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 155
中文關鍵詞: 品牌視覺符號消費者偏好
外文關鍵詞: brand, visual sign, consumer preference
相關次數: 點閱:211下載:7
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Digital technology is rapidly changing human values and lifestyles. The internet has become the main source of commodity information, and young people are the main consuming power that cannot be ignored. Transforming traditional brand marketing models and creating visual strategies that empathize with young people have become current important issues. The main purposes of this study were to understand consumer preferences for advertising visual signs, and to propose suggestions for advertising visuals and strategies for a brand’s visual marketing. This research used advertisements of Nike sub-brands as examples in line with the theory of semiotics to explore the composition and meaning of graphic visual advertising images. In-depth focus group interviews were conducted to understand young consumers’ perceptions and preferences of visual signs in brand advertisements. Online questionnaires were used to collect data for verifying popular visuals as elements that attracted the attention of young consumer groups and for comparing the differences or commonalities between the results of interviews and questionnaires. Finally, visual marketing strategies and suggestions were summarized and proposed for brand implementation.
The results were four items in the preference analysis of advertising visual signs as follows. (1) Advertising visuals and themes should be clear and consistent. (2) Visual types and design styles should be diverse and creative. (3) Advertising visuals should have cultural essences. (4) “Color”, “content” and “structure” should be combined in advertising visual signs and the emphasis could be on “color” and “content”. There were five business strategies in brand marketing as follows. (1) Brand goals should be clear. (2) Brand management should not follow the trend but should focus more on the company’s areas of expertise and customer groups. (3) Brand visual transformation was not the main reason for sales growth while long-term management was the factor for brand growth. (4) The key to brand visual marketing was to gain empathy and brand memory in advertisements. (5) Brand marketing should meet the real needs of consumers.

論文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 圖表索引 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 1 1.3 研究目的 2 1.4 研究範圍與限制 3 1.5 研究架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 符號學 5 2.1.1 符號學的定義 5 2.1.2 符號的意義 6 2.1.3 符號形象種類 8 2.1.4 符碼的組成 9 2.2 圖像研究 11 2.2.1 圖像的意義 11 2.2.2 圖像的構成 11 2.2.3 圖像的功能 13 2.2.4 圖像與符號 14 2.3 平面視覺廣告 14 2.3.1 平面視覺廣告本質 14 2.3.2 平面視覺廣告的分類 15 2.3.3 媒體消費 17 2.4 體驗行銷 18 2.4.1 體驗經濟 18 2.4.2 視覺體驗 19 2.4.3 美學行銷 20 2.5 小結 22 第三章 研究方法 24 3.1 研究流程 24 3.2 研究工具 25 3.2.1焦點團體法 25 3.2.2訪談法 26 3.2.3問卷調查法 27 3.3 廣告圖像研究樣本蒐集及分類 27 3.3.1 Nike支線品牌廣告圖像樣本的限制 28 3.3.2 Nike支線品牌廣告圖像分類 29 3.4 觀者訪談 29 3.4.1 訪談對象選擇 30 3.4.2 訪談方式 30 3.4.3 訪綱設計 30 3.4.4 樣本圖像篩選 31 3.4.5 調查流程 32 3.5 問卷調查 32 3.5.1 問卷設計 33 3.5.2 統計分析 34 第四章 研究成果 35 4.1 Nike支線品牌廣告圖像分類 35 4.1.1 Nike Sportswear、NikeLab、Nike ACG品牌簡介 35 4.1.2 廣告圖像分類 36 4.1.3 小結 40 4.2 Nike支線品牌廣告圖像符號分析 41 4.2.1 Nike Sportswear 41 4.2.2 NikeLab 44 4.2.3 Nike ACG 47 4.2.4 小結 49 4.3 訪談個案結果 50 4.3.1 個案A 50 4.3.2 個案B 53 4.3.3 個案C 55 4.3.4 個案D 57 4.3.5 個案E 59 4.3.6 個案F 61 4.3.7 個案G 63 4.3.8 個案H 65 4.3.9 個案I 67 4.3.10 個案J 69 4.3.11 個案K 71 4.3.12 個案L 73 4.3.13 個案M 75 4.3.14 個案N 77 4.3.15 個案O 79 4.3.16 個案P 81 4.3.17 個案Q 83 4.3.18 個案R 85 4.3.19 個案S 87 4.3.20 個案T 89 4.3.21 小結 91 4.4 問卷調查結果 94 第五章 結論與建議 102 5.1 研究結論 102 5.1.1消費者對視覺符號偏好整理 102 5.1.2廣告視覺符號的偏好分析建議 103 5.1.3品牌行銷經營策略 104 5.2 後續研究建議 106 參考文獻 108 附錄A:消費者符號偏好訪談逐字稿 113 附錄B:消費者對廣告視覺符號的偏好調查問卷 153  

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