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研究生: 邵培盛
Pei-sheng Shao
論文名稱: 一種取代高溫錫-鉛銲料之新式構裝技術
A Novel Electronic Packaging Technique to Replace High-Temperature Sn-Pb Solders
指導教授: 顏怡文
Yee-wen Yen
口試委員: 吳子嘉
Albert T. Wu
C. M. Chen
Shao-ju Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 迴焊介金屬相
外文關鍵詞: reflow, IMC
相關次數: 點閱:306下載:1
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本研究以In/Ni/Cu/Ni/In 多層結構與Sn/Cu 基材進行200、240 與
300oC 下迴焊接合2 小時後,並在100oC 下進行50~1500 小時的時效
環保之需求。研究結果顯示此三種溫度系統下此多層結構與Sn/Cu 基
材界面處皆會生成(Cu,Ni)6(Sn,In)5 相與Cu2In3Sn 三元介金屬相。迴焊
溫度200oC 時,在靠近鎳層處會有一平整(Ni,Cu)3(Sn,In)4 相的生成;
而300oC 系統在靠近銅基材端會有一平整Cu3(Sn,In)相的生成,且
(Cu,Ni)6(Sn,In)5 與Cu3(Sn,In)相在接合界面中會佔大多數。各系統生
成的介金屬相在經過時效時間增長並不會有任何改變,但200 與
240oC 的系統中兩介金屬相Cu2In3Sn 與(Cu,Ni)6(Sn,In)5 之所占區域比
值會隨之增加;而300oC 之系統Cu3(Sn,In)相亦會隨之增厚,且此相
的成長機制是由擴散控制。在機械強度測試方面,300oC 之系統機械
強度最為優良。綜觀實驗結果In/Ni/Cu/Ni/In 多層結構在迴焊300oC

In this study, the multi-layer structure (In/Ni/Cu/Ni/In) and Sn/Cu
substrate reflowing at 200, 240 and 300oC for 2 h, then aging at 100oC for
50-100 h. Hoping to use this structure to replace the high-temperature
Sn-Pb solders and achieve both reliability and environmental protection
requirements. The results showed the all systems were formed the
(Cu,Ni)6(Sn,In)5 phase and Cu2In3Sn phase at interface. In the 200oC
system, it formed a planar layer (Ni,Cu)3(Sn,In)4 near Ni layer; In the
300oC system, it formed a planar layer Cu3(Sn,In) near Cu substrate, and
most of them were (Cu,Ni)6(Sn,In)5 and Cu3(Sn,In) two phases. All
systems formed IMCs don’t change with increasing aging time. But in the
systems which were reflowed at 200 and 240oC, Cu2In3Sn and
(Cu,Ni)6(Sn,In)5 phases of the occupied area ratio were increased; In the
system which was reflowed at 300oC, Cu3(Sn,In) phase was growth with
increasing aging time, and the growth mechanism is controlled by
diffusion. In the mechanical strength testing, the reflowed at 300oC
system is the most excellent. From all the results, this study finds that
under the reflowed at 300oC system, this multi-layer structure is most
suitable choice to replace high-temperature Sn-Pb solder.

中文摘要 ..................................................................................................... I 英文摘要 .................................................................................................... II 誌謝 ........................................................................................................... III 目錄 ............................................................................................................ V 圖目錄 ..................................................................................................... VII 表目錄 ...................................................................................................... IX 第一章前言 .............................................................................................. 1 第二章文獻回顧 ...................................................................................... 3 2-1 電子構裝簡介 .............................................................................. 3 2-2 無鉛法規 ...................................................................................... 5 2-3 高溫無鉛銲錫 .............................................................................. 6 2-4 界面反應與擴散理論 .................................................................. 7 2-5 固-液擴散接合 ............................................................................. 8 2-6 界面反應相關文獻 .................................................................... 11 2-6.1 In-Sn/Cu 的界面反應 ........................................................ 11 2-6.2 In-Sn/Ni 的界面反應 ........................................................ 12 2-6.3 其他 .................................................................................. 13 2-7 機械性質測試 ............................................................................ 17 2-8 研究目的 ..................................................................................... 18 第三章實驗方法 .................................................................................... 19 3-1 實驗製程與設備 ......................................................................... 19 3-2 界面反應的觀察與分析 ............................................................. 20 3-2.1 介金屬相的分析 ............................................................... 20 3-2.2 機械性質 ........................................................................... 20 第四章結果與討論 ................................................................................ 25 4-1 多層結構的鍍層參數與製備 .................................................... 25 4-2 多層結構與Sn/Cu 基材在迴焊溫度200oC 之系統 ................ 27 4-2.1 迴焊接合2 小時之界面反應 ........................................... 27 4-2.2 在100oC 時效熱處理100-1500 小時之界面反應 .......... 29 4-3 多層結構與Sn/Cu 基材在迴焊溫度240oC 之系統 ................ 34 4-3.1 迴焊接合2 小時之界面反應 ........................................... 34 4-3.2 在100oC 時效熱處理100-1500 小時之界面反應 .......... 36 4-4 多層結構與Sn/Cu 基材在迴焊溫度300oC 之系統 ................ 40 4-4.1 迴焊接合2 小時之界面反應 ........................................... 40 4-4.2 在100oC 時效熱處理100-1500 小時之界面反應 .......... 42 4-5 多層結構機械性質的測試 ........................................................ 49 VI 4-5.1 抗拉強度之測試 ............................................................... 49 4-5.2 破斷面分析 ....................................................................... 50 第五章結論 ............................................................................................ 54 參考文獻 .................................................................................................. 56

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