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研究生: 薛凱云
Kai-Yun Syue
論文名稱: 鐵-12錳-4鋁-0.5碳合金鋼之亞共析型反應研究
The study of hypoeutectoid reaction in a Fe-12Mn-4Al-0.5C alloy
指導教授: 鄭偉鈞
Wei-Chun Cheng
口試委員: 王朝正
Chaur-Jeng Wang
Tien-Shou Lei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 共析鐵錳鋁碳碳化物亞共析
外文關鍵詞: eutectoid, Fe-Mn-Al-C alloy, Carbide, hypoeutectoid
相關次數: 點閱:204下載:2
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本研究為探討Fe-12.3 wt% Mn-4.13 wt% Al-0.5C合金的亞共析型的相變化情形。合金經過1050℃前處理後,再分別進行900至500℃之時效處理。
經800、700和650℃時效的合金,其沃斯田體的晶界處出現應為初析肥粒體的晶粒。經600及550℃時效之試片,則發現有大量似波來體的組織生成於沃斯田體的晶粒內。於600℃處理之試片中,觀察到初析肥粒體的存在;以及肥粒體與M23C6碳化物往沃斯田體晶粒成長之情形,此為沃斯田體分解為肥粒體加M23C6碳化物的共析反應的證據,故可知本合金於600℃的相變化的形式為:γ → α + M23C6碳化物的亞共析型反應。此似波來體的析出組織所佔的體積分率於550℃時效的試片是最多的。故本合金的恆溫變態曲線的鼻部區域,應於550℃附近。
似波來體組織內的M23C6碳化物,是具面心立方的晶格,其晶格常數為a = 1.057 nm。此M23C6碳化物應是以沃斯田體晶粒(或是少部份的過飽和之BCC麻田散體相)分解為肥粒體加M23C6碳化物的共析反應形式出現。此M23C6碳化物在鐵錳鋁碳合金以共析反應形式出現,是首次被觀察到。而M23C6碳化物與肥粒體間具有以下之特定之方位關係:(011)B//(111)C,[011]B及[112]C之兩軸近似平行,(200)B平面近似平行於(220)C平面。其中下標B為肥粒體,及C為M23C6,而此關係是近似於N-W方位關係。

In this research, we proposed a hypoeutectoid transformation of a Fe-12.3wt%Mn-4.13wt%Al-0.5wt%C alloy aged at low temperatures, ranging from 900 to 500℃. Before the aging processes, the alloy was with a solution-heat-treatment at 1050℃ for an hour.
The grain boundaries were covered with a proeutectoid ferrite for the alloy aged at temperatures below 800℃. For the specimen aged at 900℃, the microstructure of the alloy was similar to that with the solution-heat-treatment. There were pearlite-like structure for the alloy aged below 650℃. The volume fraction of the pearlite-like structure reaches the maximum value for the specimen aged at 550℃. Thus, the nose of the TTT curve of the alloy is around 550℃.
The pearlite-like phase consists of ferrite and carbide. The carbide is not cementite, Fe3C. The carbide is Mn23C6 carbide having FCC crystal structure. The lattice constant of the Mn23C6 carbide is a = 1.057 nm. There is an orientation relationship between ferrite and M23C6 of the type (011)B//(111)C, [011]B near [112]C and (200)B near (220)C, where B and C stand for ferrite and M23C6, respectively. The M23C6 carbide existing in Fe-Mn-Al-C alloys is the first time observation in the form of pearlite-like structure.

目 錄 第一章 前言.............................................1 第二章 文獻回顧.........................................12 2.1 共析型相變化.................................... 12 2.2 析出型相變化.................................... 15 2.3 鐵基合金的碳化物............................. 17 第三章 實驗方法.........................................30 3.1 合金煉製.....................................30 3.2 熱處理..........................................31 3.2.1 高溫熱處理………….................................. 32 3.2.2 時效處理…………..................................... 32 3.3 試片製作.......................................33 3.4 分析設備與方法...................................35 3.4.1 分析設備…………........................................ 35 3.4.2 分析方法…………...................................... 36 第四章 結果與討論.......................................44 4.1 1050℃前處理....................................44 4.2 低溫時效處理...................................44 4.3 析出物晶體結構鑑定...............................49 第五章 結論.............................................92 參考文獻.................................................94 附錄...................................................96


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