簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李忠憲
論文名稱: 營建安全之不安全行為影響因素探討
Study of influence factors of construction unsafe behaviors
指導教授: 呂守陞
Sou-Sen Leu
口試委員: 楊亦東
I-Tung Yang
C-W Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 不安全行為貝氏網路風險評估敏感因子
外文關鍵詞: Unsafe behavior, Bayesian-Network, Risk assessment, Sensitive factor
相關次數: 點閱:204下載:0
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藉由AgenaRisk 軟體預測及迴歸分析探討,可得知迴歸分析之結果近似AgenaRisk軟體預測,並可驗證其軟體預測之可行性。再經由勞安所架設營造業重大職災知識平台歷年統計數字佐證,可分析得知基本事件中以A1教育訓練為不安全行為中最為重要。38組基模又可依其重要性排序為未確實穿戴防護具(E1)、未使用防護具(E2)及未依正常安全工序作業(E4)等不安全行為。與職業災害統計出之勞工未使用個人安全防護具、未正確使用個人防護具及未使用保險措施或漠視警告三大項相似。故建議營造現場除了加強各危險場所之安全防護之外,落實各種教育訓練、每日危害告知及定期加強檢查。勞工確實配戴防護具及正確使用,對於職業災害的發生率與死亡率相信會逐漸降低改善。

The construction industry is a high-risk occupational disaster industry all over the world. Since the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Law, the government has continued to promote disaster reduction measures, but there has been no significant improvement in the construction safety. One main indirect occupational disaste influence factor is unsafe behavior. In order to explore and analyze the relationship between unsafe behaviors and occupational disaster risks in the construction safety, the impact of unsafe behaviors in construction safety is explored through objective analysis.
Through AgenaRisk software prediction and regression analysis discussion, it can be known that the results of regression analysis are similar to AgenaRisk software prediction, and the feasibility of its software prediction can be verified. Based on the statistics of the major occupational disaster knowledge platform in the construction industry established by the Labor Safety Institute over the years, it can be analyzed that A1 education and training are the most important unsafe behaviors in basic incidents. The 38 groups of archetypes can be ranked according to their importance as unsafe behaviors such as not wearing protective equipment (E1), not using protective equipment (E2), and not operating in accordance with normal safety procedures (E4). It is similar to the three major items of occupational accident statistics of workers not using personal protective equipment, not using personal protective equipment correctly, and not using insurance measures or ignoring warnings. Therefore, in addition to strengthening the safety protection of various dangerous places, it is recommended to implement various education and training, daily hazard notification and regular strengthening of inspections at the construction site. If workers do wear protective equipment and use it correctly, it is believed that the incidence and mortality of occupational accidents will gradually decrease and improve.

摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒言 1.1 研究動機與目的 1.2 研究方法流程 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 營造業職業災害原因探究 2.2 不安全行為 2.2.1 不安全行為導因分析 2.2.2 職業災害原因 2.2.3 防止職業災害對策 2.3 應用貝氏網路風險評估 第三章 基模建模與分析 3.1 基模資料庫之建立 3.2 貝氏網路模型建立 3.2.1 貝氏理論 3.2.2 貝氏網路 3.2.3 基模BN模型建構 3.3 風險預測軟體AgenaRisk 3.4 事前機率之評估 3.5 多元迴歸分析風險預測 3.6 衡量評估指標(MAPE) 第四章 風險評估 4.1 高風險基本事件對頂事件之影響 第五章 敏感因子 5.1 敏感度分析統計 5.2 敏感因子之分佈探討 第六章 結論及建議 6.1 結論 6.2 建議 參考文獻 附錄一 38組基模AgenaRisk預測風險機率 附錄二 基模之基本事件(A1-A4) 事前機率達成度統計表 附錄三 基模敏感度分析 附錄四 基本事件事前機率差之高風險統計


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