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研究生: 鄭麗君
論文名稱: 傳統製茶文化保存與經濟發展的掙扎-以貓空茶神為例
The struggle between the preservation of tea-making culture and economic development - Take Maokong Zhang's house as an example
指導教授: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-Huei Yeh
口試委員: 郭人介
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: TOWS 分析五力分析資源拼湊商業模式九宮格茶文化傳承經濟發展
外文關鍵詞: TOWS Analysis, Five Forces Analysis, Resource Bricolage, Business mode Canvas, Tea Culture Preservation, Economic Development
相關次數: 點閱:202下載:0
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  • 在全球化與科技快速發展的當下,傳統產業如何在保留文化精髓的同時,適應經濟發展與市場需求的變化,成為一項重要課題。本研究透過貓空茶神及其家族茶園事業的案例分析,以張慶泉先生這位土生土長在這個小山城的專業茶農戶為人物,來探討傳統家族企業面對現代化挑戰時的策略與應對方式。張慶泉先生憑藉著一股對製茶技術的堅持,對家族事業的責任,將張氏家族茶業從一個小型家庭企業轉型為結合餐飲和觀光的文化傳承中心,展示了對文化傳承的堅持與經濟機會的把握。然而,傳統製茶技術傳承與年輕一代的興趣減弱,為家族企業帶來了挑戰。本研究通過TOWS分析,揭示了張氏家族面對挑戰時的優勢、弱點、機會與威脅,透過五力分析評估了貓空茶神當地的產業環境及業態競爭,以資源拼湊策略探索在資源有限情況下,如何利用手上現有資源找出新商機,商業模式九宮格更為張氏家族提供了一個全面的戰略框架,指引他們在追求文化保存與經濟可持續發展的道路上保持平衡。本案例提供了傳統家族企業透過創新策略與模式,實現文化傳承與經濟發展的寶貴經驗。本研究表明,深入的分析與完整的策略規劃,傳統產業在面對現代化挑戰時,不僅能夠保留文化精髓進而傳承,還能創造新價值與未來機會的關鍵。

    In the current era of globalization and rapid technological advancement, how traditional industries adapt to economic development and changing market demands while preserving their cultural essence has become a significant issue. This study conducts a case analysis of MaoKong Tea Deity and its family tea plantation business, focusing on Mr. Zhang Qingquan, a professional tea farmer born and raised in this small mountain town, to explore the strategies and responses of traditional family businesses to modern challenges. Mr. Qingquan Zhang, with his dedication to tea-making techniques and responsibility towards his family business, transformed the Zhang family tea business from a small family enterprise into a cultural heritage center that combines dining and tourism, demonstrating a commitment to cultural preservation and the seizing of economic opportunities. However, the challenge of passing on traditional tea-making techniques and the dwindling interest among the younger generation poses challenges for the family business. Through TOWS analysis, this study reveals the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by the Zhang family in the face of challenges. A Five Forces analysis evaluates the industry environment and competitive landscape of MaoKong Tea Deity, and the resource bricolage strategy explores how to find new business opportunities with limited resources at hand. The Business mode Canvas provides the Zhang family with a comprehensive strategic frame work, guiding them in balancing the pursuit of cultural preservation and economic sustainability. This case provides valuable experience for traditional family businesses in achieving cultural transmission and economic development through innovative strategies and modes. This study shows that thorough analysis and comprehensive strategic planning are key for traditional industries to not only preserve and pass on their cultural essence but also create new value and future opportunities.

    摘要 ........................... I ABSTRACT ....................................... II 誌謝 ........................................... III 目錄 ........................................... IV 圖目錄 ............................................. VI 表目錄 ....................................... VII 第 1 章 個案本文 .............................. 1 1.1 序論 ........................................ 1 1.2 個案背景及產業概述 ..................... 2 1.2.1 承接家業的心路歷程 ................................... 2 1.2.2 粗製茶與精製茶的差異 ............................... 4 1.2.3 正欉鐵觀音的特有性 ................................. 11 1.2.4 製茶文化保存的價值與重要性 ........................ 14 1.2.5 貓空茶神的經濟發展軌跡 .................................... 15 1.3 個案經濟發展過程中的掙扎 ................................. 17 1.3.1 茶園面積逐漸消失 ..................................... 17 1.3.2 二代重新創茶品輕製茶技術 ................. 18 1.3.3 類似業態進入市場競爭激烈 .............................. 18 1.4 貓空茶神的下一步 ....................... 19 1.5 個案討論問題 ............................... 20 第 2 章 教學指引 ................................... 21 2.1 個案總攬 ....................................... 22 2.2 教學目標與適用對象 ................... 22 2.3 課前準備 ....................................... 26 2.4 學生課前問題 ............................... 26 2.5 個案背景 ....................................... 27 2.6 個案分析 ....................................... 28 2.7 教學建議與時間分配 ................... 39 2.8 板書規劃 ....................................... 41 參考文獻 ....................................................... 43

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