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研究生: 楊智鈞
Jhih-Jyun Yang
論文名稱: 多組單相換流器的並聯控制策略
Parallel Control Strategy for Single-Phase Inverters
指導教授: 黃仲欽
Jonq-Chin Hwang
口試委員: 葉勝年
Sheng-Nian Yeh
Chang-Hua Lin
Chuan-Sheng Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 單相換流器主僕控制法電壓控制模式電流控制模式
外文關鍵詞: single-phase inverter, master-slave control, voltage closed-loop control, current closed-loop control
相關次數: 點閱:1406下載:2
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This thesis aims to develop the parallel operation system of single-phase full-bridge inverters for linear loads. The proposed system consists of a voltage closed-loop controlled module and three current closed-loop controlled modules. It can not only sustain the output voltage and frequency, but also share output current and power equally. The circuit structure presented comprises four push-pull converters and their follow-up inverters. In addition, controller area networks are introduced for communication among units to synchronize the operation and mode switching of the inverters, expanding the capability and reliability of the system.
In this thesis, the 32 bit digital signal processor, “TMS320F28069”, is used as the control core to realize the closed-loop control with voltage and current feedbacks. This will thus reduce the circuit component and enhance system reliability. Experimental results indicate that the output voltage of the master inverter is 110V with the total voltage harmonic distortion of 2.5%. The overall output current of 8.8A and output power of 968W are equally distributed among the four single-phase inverters. The total current harmonic distortion of the three current closed-loop controlled inverters is 4.6% for each module. The efficiency of parallel operation system of inverters is 86.7%. In addition, simulation and experiments are given for various scenarios among the four inverter modules including normal and faulty operating situations. The close agreement between simulated and experimental results thus verified the feasibility of the control strategy proposed.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 符號索引 VI 圖表索引 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機及目的 1 1.2 文獻探討 1 1.3 本文架構與特色 3 1.4 本文大綱 6 第二章 單相換流器數學模型與控制策略 7 2.1 前言 7 2.2 單相換流器之數學模式 7 2.3 單相換流器的脈波寬度調變控制 9 2.4 單相換流器之控制策略 11 2.4.1 單相換流器之電壓控制模式 11 2.4.2 供電時的電壓角位置偵測 12 2.4.3 單相換流器之電流控制模式 14 2.5 單相換流器並聯控制策略的模擬 17 2.6 結語 20 第三章 多組單相換流器的並聯控制策略 21 3.1 前言 21 3.2 並聯策略之電壓及電流模式的切換 21 3.3 並聯系統之控制策略及模擬 23 3.4 結語 31 第四章 實體製作與實測 32 4.1 前言 32 4.2 硬體電路架構 32 4.3 軟體規劃 37 4.3.1 主程式流程規劃 37 4.3.2 多組並聯控制程式規劃 39 4.3.3 電壓閉迴路控制程式規劃 40 4.3.4 相角偵測程式規劃 41 4.3.5 電流閉迴路控制程式規劃 42 4.4 實測結果 43 4.4.1 單相換流器之電壓閉迴路控制策略實測 43 4.4.2 單相換流器之電流閉迴路控制實測 44 4.4.3 多組單相換流器並聯時模式切換實測 45 4.5 結語 52 第五章 結論與建議 53 5.1 結論 53 5.2 建議 53 參考文獻 54 附錄A 計算機模擬程式 58

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