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研究生: 林彥彤
Yan-tong Lin
論文名稱: 一個基於監督式學習的相片構圖分類系統
A Photo Composition Classification System Based on Supervised Learning
指導教授: 范欽雄
Chin-shyurng Fahn
口試委員: 傅楸善
Chiou-shann Fuh
Rong-chin Lo
Yi-leh Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 攝影構圖霍夫轉換顯著圖特徵匹配sobel 邊緣偵測C4.5 決策樹演算法
外文關鍵詞: photo composition, hough transform, saliency map, feature matching, sobel edge operator, C4.5 decision tree algorithm
相關次數: 點閱:341下載:0
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  • 近年來,由於數位相機與手機內建的相機的盛行,拍照變得越來越簡單,而照片的數量也大量的增加。照片可以用來表達拍照者的情感與對美學的敏感度,其中攝影構圖為拍照時的一個重要元素。攝影構圖的目的為將照片中的主題妥善安排,讓畫面的整體呈現平衡感。儘管攝影構圖在專業的、優秀的攝影作品中為一個重要因素,目前有關攝影構圖的研究並未有大量的研究。

    In recent years, owing to the popularity of digital still camera and camera module of the mobile phone, taking photos becomes easier than before and the number of photos grows exponentially. Photography is a kind of forms of art that the photographers can convey their emotion and aesthetic sensibilities. The photographic composition is one of the important components in the photo. The aim of the composition is to make the photo look balance by arranging subjects in the photo properly. Although photo composition is one of the most important attributes when evaluating image appeal, current computational approaches do not analyze features related to image composition in depth.
    In this paper, we present a simple and effective decision tree learning method for classifying the photo composition. The classification method adopts different approaches to extract photo features, such as Hough transform for line detection, calculating nearest distance between centroid of the saliency map and the center point (or four power points) of the image, feature matching for symmetry detection, and sobel edge operator for local linearity and sharpness of the photo. 138 features are employed as input variables.
    Before applying C4.5 decision tree algorithm, because these input variables are continuous numeric values, discretization is necessary. Minimization entropy discretization method is used to discrete these input variables. After discretization, C4.5 decision tree algorithm is employed to determine the possible photo composition.
    The experiments are conducted to test and analyze different compositions, such as sun-like composition, rule of thirds composition, horizontal composition and so on. The proposed method can correctly identify different photographic compositions, where the overall accuracy is 88.2%.

    中文摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iv Table of Contents v List of Figures vii List of Table x Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Motivation 2 1.3 System description 3 1.4 Thesis organization 3 Chapter 2 Background and Related Work 5 2.1 Principal Types of Photographic Compositions 5 2.1.1 Sun-like Composition 5 2.1.2 Rule of Thirds Composition 6 2.1.3 Diagonal Line Composition 7 2.1.4 Horizontal Line Composition 8 2.1.5 Vertical Line Composition 9 2.1.6 Vanishing Point Composition 9 2.1.7 Symmetry Composition 10 2.2 Reviews of Photo Composition 11 Chapter 3 Feature Extraction 13 3.1 Hough Transform for Line Detection 13 3.1.1 Hough Transform 13 3.1.2 Feature 1: The Ratio of Horizontal Lines 16 3.1.3 Feature 2: The Ratio of Vertical Lines 16 3.1.4 Feature 3: The Ratio of Diagonal Lines 17 3.1.5 Feature 4: The Ratio of Non-horizontal, Non-vertical and Non-diagonal Lines 18 3.2 Salient Region Detection for Location of Main Object 18 3.2.1 Salient Region Detection 18 3.2.2 Feature 5: Nearest Distance between the Center Point of the Image and the Centroid of the Saliency Map 20 3.2.3 Feature 6: Nearest Distance between Each of Power Points of the Image and the Centroid of the Saliency Map 21 3.3 Feature Matching for Symmetry Detection 22 3.3.1 The Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF Descriptor 22 3.3.2 Feature 7: Symmetry 24 3.4 Sobel Edge Operators 26 3.4.1 Feature 8: Horizontal Linearity 27 3.4.2 Feature 9: Vertical Linearity 27 3.4.3 Feature 10: Diagonal Linearity 28 3.4.4 Feature 11: Sharpness 28 Chapter 4 Decision Trees 29 4.1 Basic Concept of Decision Trees 29 4.2 C4.5 Decision Tree Algorithm 32 4.2.1 Entropy and Information Gain 32 4.2.2 Growing Phase 34 4.2.3 Pruning Phase 39 Chapter 5 Experimental Results and Discussions 40 5.1 Experiment Setup 40 5.2 The Result of Decision Tree Classification 43 5.3 The Result of Different Classification Methods 50 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 55 6.1 Conclusions 55 6.2 Future Works 56 References 57

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