簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林欣妤
Shin-Yu Lin
論文名稱: FUJIFILM – 持續蛻變的DNA
FUJIFILM – The DNA to Continued Transformation
指導教授: 葉穎蓉
Ying-Jung Yeh
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Luarn Pin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 35
中文關鍵詞: 組織變革企業轉型學習型組織需求層次理論管理心理學霍桑效應
外文關鍵詞: Organizational Change, Enterprise Transformation, Learning Organization, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Management Psychology, Hawthorne Effect
相關次數: 點閱:493下載:50
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  • 本文個案公司:富士軟片資訊股份有限公司Fujifilm Business Innovation(前身:富士全錄Fuji Xerox),從事「多功能事務機/印刷機」業者,其主要項目包含:銷售設備與服務、維修保養、零件耗材等,亦是日本的母集團企業(富士軟片Fujifilm)轄下之四大事業體之一,1970年在台灣成立分公司,1979年為台灣首家引進普通紙複印機之企業,目前在台灣共有18個據點,以及完整售後服務體系,歷經50多年的在地經營,奠定業界領先地位。



    The company in this article: Fujifilm Business Innovation Co., Ltd. (formerly: Fuji Xerox, Taiwan), is engaged in the "multifunctional coping/printing machine" industry. Its main business includes sales of equipment and services, maintenance, parts, and consumables, etc. It is one of the four major business entities under the parent group company (Fujifilm) from Japan. It established a branch in Taiwan in 1970. It was the first company to introduce plain paper copiers in 1979. It currently has a total of with 18 sites and a after-service network, after more than 50 years of local operation, it has established a leading position in the industry.

    However, with the wave of digitalization in recent years, most enterprises no longer need so many output devices, and under the competition of the same industry, it is difficult to maintain a balance between profit and quality. At the same time, in order to speed up the transformation plan, Fujifilm Group announced a series of cost-saving goals, which include manpower inventory, organizational adjustment, and the introduction of new systems or tools. Facing the coming challenges, the case company (Fujifilm) should find ways to innovate in a short period of time with existing resources and advantages, and how to drive employees to new paths.

    It is a case of Harvard-Teaching. The first chapter describes the company's history, how it changed from a "Hardware Supplier" to a "Digital Consultant". In addition to the original hardware-based sales model, a series of business model reconstruction plans have been launched to achieve the vision of "Walk the Talk". The second chapter is on the study of management issues. It will use Organizational Change Model to analyze and understand the management strategy during the change period.

    ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第一章 個案本文 1 1.1 序曲:前世與今生 1 1.2 衝突罷工,重擊士氣 5 1.3 危機轉機,重建思維 10 1.4 凝聚共識,重塑文化 15 第二章 教學手冊 18 2.1 個案總覽 18 2.2 教學目標與適用對象 19 2.3 學員課前問題討論 20 2.4 教學計畫 20 2.5 教學建議 30 2.6 課程結論 31 2.7 板書規劃 32 第三章 參考文獻 34 3.1 英文文獻 34 3.2 中文文獻 35 3.3 網路資源 35

    3.1 英文文獻
    (1) Maslow, A. H.(1954)Motivation and personality.
    (2) Maslow, A. H.(1965)Maslow On Management, P37-48
    (3) Jay M. Shafritz, J. Steven Ott, Yong Suk Jang(2015)Classics of Organization Theory
    (4) John P. Kotter(1990)A Force for Change:How Leadership Differs from Management
    (5) Peter M. Senge(2006)The Fifth Discipline:The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization
    (6) Miller, K. D.(1992). Managing Change, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.21, No.1, P127-134.
    (7) 18. Hammer, M and Champy, J.(1993)Reengineering the corporation: A manifesto for Business Revolution. N.Y.: Harper Collins.
    (8) Jonathan C. Ho, Hongyi Chen (2018) Managing the Disruptive and Sustaining the Disrupted: The Case of Kodak and Fujifilm in the Face of Digital Disruption. Review of Policy Research, Vol.35, pp.352-371.
    (9) Simon Sinek(2011)Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
    (10) Anona Armstrong and Patrick Foley(2003)Foundations for a learning organization: organization learning mechanisms. The Learning Organization, vol 10: pp.74-82.
    (11) Argyris,C. and Schon, D.A.(1978). Organizational Learning: A Theory of Action Perspective, Addison-Wesley, Harlow.
    (12) C.M.J. van Woerkum , M.N.C. Aarts & K. de Grip(2007). Creativity, planning and organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 20 No. 6: pp.847-865.
    (13) J.P.Kotter(1995). Leading change:transformation efforts fail. Harvard Business Review, 73(2), pp.59-67.

    3.2 中文文獻
    (1) 李序僧(1992)。管理心理學。哈佛企管顧問公司
    (2) 古森重隆(2017)。靈魂經營:富士軟片創業的二次神話。四川人民出版社
    (3) 柯特、柯恩(2002)。引爆變革之心。遠見天下文化
    (4) 溫金豐(2019)。組織理論與管理。華泰文化
    (5) 馬斯洛(2022)。人本管理。崧燁文化事業
    (6) 彼得聖吉(2018)。第五項修練:學習型組織的藝術與實務。遠見天下文化
    (7) EMBA雜誌編輯部(2023)。團隊參與是文化變革的關鍵。EMBA雜誌439期
    (8) 房美玉、蔡維奇、林文政、黃同圳、劉念琪、王群孝、葉穎蓉、 陳春希、陸洛、鄭晉昌、胡昌亞、李誠(2020)。人力資源管理的12堂課。天下文化
    (9) 邱獻弘(2020)。Lewin變革理論的實務驗證與精緻化:FG企業的組織變革經驗。國立中正大學企業管理系博士學位論文

    3.3 網路資源
    (1) 是什麼讓富士軟片數位轉型之路不能一次到位【啟發篇】,CY's 品牌引銷5.4.3
    (2) 都是做底片,為何柯達破產、富士成功壯大?CEO的「共感」經營學,經理人
    (3) 【Gartner看2021年企業轉型趨勢】https://www.ithome.com.tw/news/141911
    (4) 台灣富士軟片資訊以專業顧問式服務,協助企業佈署數位競爭力,商業週刊
    (5) FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation Sustainability Report 2022
    (6) ADKAR 變革管理模型