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研究生: 藺以忠
Yi - Zhong Lin
論文名稱: 中小學校舍詳細資料庫之建立與耐震評估方法之比較
A Database of the Compulsory School Buildings and Comparison between Seismic Evaluation Methods in Taiwan
指導教授: 黃世建
Shyh-Jiann Hwang
Hung-Ming Chen
口試委員: 鍾立來
Lap-Loi Chung
Yeong-Kae Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 校舍資料庫耐震評估方法非線性靜態推跨分析
外文關鍵詞: seismic evaluation m
相關次數: 點閱:453下載:8
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本研究之主要目的在於建立中小學校舍之詳細資料庫,並使用資料庫之資料比較三種耐震評估方法之相關性。此方法為強度韌性法(現行耐震評估法)、國家地震工程研究中心(國震中心)之初步評估法和非線性靜態推跨分析法。中小學校舍資料庫能提供台南市、台北市和桃園縣之三十棟中小學校舍詳細資料給所需要分析之人士。依據國震中心所執行之花蓮縣新城國中現地實驗,現行強度韌性法似較保守。國震中心之初步評估法是依據結構物之需求與提供側向能力容量比率,評估此耐震能力。本研究使用杜怡萱博士之非線性模型計算柱之塑鉸性質,並使用ETABS V.8之非線性靜態推跨分析。最後比較三種耐震評估方法之相對關係並作結論。

This study mainly focuses on the introduction of a database of the compulsory school buildings and comparison between the three seismic evaluation methods—strength-ductility method (the prescribed method), NCREE preliminary evaluation method, and pushover analysis method—in Taiwan. The detailed database provides the detailed data of the school buildings to the engineers and researchers who want to analyze and research the compulsory school buildings. The three seismic evaluation methods will be compared using the detailed data from the database. Based on the in situ pushover experiment result conducted by the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) in Hualien County, the strength-ductility method was more conservative than other two methods. The NCREE preliminary evaluation method, developed by NCREE, is based on the ratio of the lateral load capacity and demand of the constructions considering the important factors. Hence, the method is scientific and systematic. Dr. Tu’s model is used in the pushover analysis. The differences and correlations between the three methods will be thoroughly presented in this study.

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION1 1.1 Background1 1.2 Objectives and Scope2 1.3 Organization3 Chapter 2 LITERATURE SURVEYS5 2.1School Building Database5 2.1.1 Entity-Relationship Model5 2.1.2 Relational Algebra7 2.2 Preliminary Seismic Evaluation Method10 2.3 Detailed Seismic Evaluation Method11 Chapter 3 DATABASE13 3.1 Physical Schema of the Detailed Database13 3.2 Query14 Chapter 4SEISMIC EVALUATION METHODS AND COMPARISON16 4.1 Preliminary Seismic Evaluation Method (NCREE Preliminary Method)16 4.1.1 Assumptions17 4.1.2 Ultimate Shear Strength of Vertical Members ( )17 4.1.3 The Calculation of the Inherent Seismic Performance (E)19 4.1.4 Influence Factor (Q)21 4.1.5 Seismic Resistant Index (Is)23 4.2 Detailed Seismic Evaluation Method (Strength-Ductility Method)24 4.2.1 Overview Procedure24 4.2.2 Linear Analysis25 4.2.3 Simulation of the Brick Walls28 4.2.4 Seismic Capacity of the Building30 4.3 Detailed Seismic Evaluation Method (Pushover Analysis)31 4.3.1 Strength for the Moment Capacity Curve (Q)32 4.3.2 Strength for the Shear Capacity Curve (V)33 4.3.3 Determination of the Failure Mode34 4.3.4 Deformation for the Moment Capacity Curve34 4.3.5 Deformation for the Shear Capacity Curve37 4.3.6 Setting up the ETABS-Nonlinear’s Parameters39 4.3.7 Calculation of the Failure Ground Acceleration (PGA)40 4.4 Analysis of Hsin Tseng Junior High School Building40 4.4.1 Introduction40 4.4.2 Materials and Methods41 4.4.3 Analyzed Results41 4.5 Comparison45 4.5.1 Hsin Tseng Junior High School Building45 4.5.2 Twelve School Buildings46 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION49 REFERENCES51

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