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研究生: 張語洛
Yu-Lo Chang
論文名稱: 創業家人格特質研究:以創業機會辨識為中介變數
Entrepreneurs Personality Research: Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification as a Mediator
指導教授: 郭庭魁
Ting-Kuei Kuo
Mei HC Ho
口試委員: 郭庭魁
Ting-Kuei Kuo
Mei HC Ho
Chien-Chih Kuo
Yu-Chien Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: 創業機會辨識壓力
外文關鍵詞: Entrepreneurial opportunity identification, Stress perceived, Stress tolerance, Entrepreneurial experience
相關次數: 點閱:492下載:9
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Entrepreneurship has been trendy in Taiwan because the government tries to boom the economy. The prior researchers have proved entrepreneurial opportunity identification plays a key role in entrepreneurship. The main purpose of the study is to examine it empirically. How entrepreneurial opportunity identification will influence entrepreneurial performance is explored in the study. The research tested moderating model and mediating model in entrepreneurial competition: age and entrepreneurial experience moderates stress perceived, stress tolerance and entrepreneurial opportunity identification; entrepreneurial opportunity identification mediates stress perceived, stress tolerance and entrepreneurial performance.

Data was collected from the competition, “From IP to IPO” held by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. The total number of valid team samples was 104, and the individual samples was 427 in collected in four batches continuously. The results are: (1) Stress tolerance and stress perceived will influence the entrepreneurial opportunity identification. (2) Both stress perceived and stress tolerance will be moderated by age and entrepreneurial experience to affect the entrepreneurial opportunity identification. Study contribution is that the data was collected for four batches of competition, which made primary variables in study could subjectively be observed. It also provides a quite reliable reference for those who wanted to start a business.

Abstract 3 1 Introduction 7 2 Literature review 7 2.1 Entrepreneurial opportunity identification (EOI) 7 2.2 Stress perceived, stress tolerance and entrepreneurial opportunity identification 8 2.3 Entrepreneurial opportunity identification and entrepreneurial performance 8 2.4 The mediating role of entrepreneurial opportunity identification 9 2.5 The moderating role of demographic variables 9 2.6 Hypothesis 9 3 Method 11 3.1 Sample and data collection 11 3.2 Measurement 13 3.3 Analysis strategy 17 3.3.1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 17 3.3.2 Reliability Analysis 17 3.3.3 Correlated Analysis 17 3.3.4 Regression Analysis 17 3.3.5 ANOVA 18 4 Result 18 4.1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 18 4.2 Correlated analysis 18 4.3 Hypothesis testing 20 4.4 Structural Model Comparison 22 4.5 Regression analysis 23 4.6 ANOVA analysis 27 5 Discussion and conclusion 28 5.1 Practical implications 28 5.2 Contribution 29 5.3 Limitations 30 5.4 Future research directions 30 5.5 Conclusion 30 6 Acknowledgement 31 7 References 32 8 Appendix 35             List of tables Table 1 Question List of Entrepreneurial Opportunities Identification 14 Table 2 Question List of Stress Perceived 15 Table 3 Question List of Stress Tolerance 15 Table 4 Descriptive analysis of stress tolerance 16 Table 5 Descriptive analysis of stress perceived 16 Table 6 Descriptive analysis of EOI 17 Table 7 Correlations, means, and deviations among variables 19 Table 8 Correlations, means, and deviations among variables 20 Table 9 Result of hypothesis tests 21 Table 10 Structural model comparison 22 Table 11 Regression analysis of moderators 24 Table 12 Regression analysis of EOI and entrepreneurial performance 26 Table 13 The mediating model: stress perceived 27 Table 14 The mediating model: stress tolerance 27 Table 15 ANOVA analysis in batches of 2015 28 Table 16 ANOVA analysis in batches of 2016 28   List of figures Figure 1 Process in FITI competition 13 Figure 2 Structure of the study 21 Figure 3 Moderating effect of entrepreneurial experience on stress tolerance and EOI 24 Figure 4 Moderating effect of age on stress tolerance and EOI 25 Figure 5 Moderating effect of entrepreneurial experience on stress perceived and EOI 25 Figure 6 Moderating effect of age on stress perceived and EOI 26 List of appendix Appendix A. Hong-Tu camp: Demographics data 35 Appendix B. Shih-Chien camp: Demographics data 36 Appendix C. Sample size of Hong-Tu camp 37 Appendix D. Sample size of Shi-Chien camp 37 Appendix E. Extracted questionnaire for FITI competition 38

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