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研究生: 李宗倫
Chung-Lun Li
論文名稱: 汽車空調系統之塑模、控制與模擬
Automobile Climate Control: Modeling, Control, and Simulation
指導教授: 鍾聖倫
Sheng-Luen Chung
口試委員: 鄭慕德
Mu-Der Jeng
Shun-Feng Su
Jiann-Jone Chen
Chao-Chi Chan
Chung-Hsien Kuo
Jing-Nang Lee
Yi-Sheng Huang
Chang-Sheng Tai
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 汽車空調控制策略熱動態模型模擬測試平台
外文關鍵詞: automobile, air-conditioning, enthalpy, control strategy, thermodynamic modeling, simulation evaluation platform
相關次數: 點閱:331下載:14
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為了探討如何建立車房空間溫溼度之熱動態變化模型,我們首先將空氣側之完整空調循環過程繪製於濕空氣線圖上,接下來透過室內顯熱比(room sensible heat factor, RSHF)與設備顯熱比(apparatus sensible heat factor, ASHF),將循環過程中之整體熱交換分類為顯熱交換與潛熱交換,其中值得注意的是,顯熱交換的能量轉移與車房空間溫度變化是存在著正比的關係,同理,溼度變化也可透過潛熱交換關係來表示,因此,我們採用此概念以建立車房空間溫溼度之熱動態變化模型。
接著,在這車房空間溫溼度之熱動態變化模型的基礎上,我們探討如何設計出滿足溫溼度要求的控制策略。首先,為了明確地指出此控制策略必須滿足的要求,我們定義兩個控制特性(收斂性convergence property與平衡性equilibrium property),接著,額外空調負載(extra air-conditioning load)的概念將應用至研發控制策略的過程中,如預期般地,此概念讓控制策略表現出收歛特性。另外,此收歛特性也透過李雅普諾夫穩定定理(Lyapunov stability theorem)加以證實。
最後,為了能夠於Matlab/Simulink環境下,精準地建構出模擬測試平台,首先,整個車用空調系統的功能性分析與系統行為必須得詳細地規劃,於此,聯合塑模語言(unified modeling language, UML)提供了使用案例圖(use case diagram)與狀態機圖(statechart diagram)以滿足要求。接著,以使用案例圖與狀態機圖為藍圖,車房空間溫溼度之熱動態變化模型與控制策略為輔,整個模擬測試平台就可成型。透過此平台,不僅可以測試與評估不同的控制策略,還可以隨意調整模擬參數。此外,為了將其控制結果(溫度與溼度)清楚地呈現,我們也提供一個濕空氣線圖人機界面。模擬結果顯示,本篇論文所提出的控制策略,不僅滿足溫溼度要求之外,其擁有的步階追蹤(step change tracking)、雜訊屏除(disturbance rejection)與強健性(robustness)等重要特性以明確地將它的價值與貢獻充分地表現出來。

This study investigates an automobile climate control (ACC) problem in terms of formulating a car compartment thermodynamic model for predicting the variations in temperature and humidity ratio, deriving an effective climate control strategy for accurately controlling temperature and humidity ratio, and realizing a simulation platform for evaluating climate control strategies. Given two characteristics (room sensible heat factor, RSHF and apparatus sensible heat factor, ASHF), heat exchange involving in an air-conditioning circulation cycle can be decomposed into sensible heat exchange and latent heat exchange. Variations in the sensible heat exchange and the latent heat exchange are attributed to the changes in temperature and humidity ratio, respectively. Consequently, the compartment thermodynamic model can be formulated. Then, in addition, to clearly indicate the control target, convergence property and equilibrium property are defined. Taking an extra air-conditioning load into account, the climate control strategy can be derived: air mass flow rate and the percentage of heating air flow rate. The proposed climate control strategy has evaluated by Lyapunov stability theorem to prove the preset convergence property and equilibrium property. After that, during the development of the simulation platform, UML (unified modeling language)-based use case diagram and statechart diagram help to model the system functionalities and dynamic behaviors. Finally, given a tested climate control algorithm and environment conditions, simulation results in terms of temperature and relative humidity in the car compartment can be visually presented on an implemented GUI (graphic user interface) of psychrometric chart. With its flexibility to replace control algorithms and to change testing parameters, the implemented platform has been utilized to test control result of an enthalpy-based control algorithm, robustness of the same control algorithm at different initial conditions, and comparison of two different control algorithms.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 IV Contents V List of Figures VIII List of Tables XI Nomenclature XII 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and objectives 1 1.2 Overview of an automobile air-conditioning system 2 1.3 Contribution 3 1.3.1 Compartment thermodynamic modeling 3 1.3.2 Climate control strategy 4 1.3.3 Evaluation platform 4 1.4 Relative work 5 1.4.1 Compartment thermodynamic modeling 5 1.4.2 Climate control strategy 7 1.4.3 Evaluation platform 10 1.5 Paper organization 12 2. Car compartment thermodynamic model 14 2.1 Assumptions 14 2.2 Characterization of an automobile air-conditioning system 16 2.3 Psychrometric chart: specific enthalpy and air-conditioning processes 17 2.3.1 Specific enthalpy 17 2.3.2 Psychrometric chart 19 2.3.3 Air-conditioning processes in the air distribution system 20 2.3.4 Derivation of from thermodynamic 21 2.3.5 Air-conditioning analysis with psychrometric chart 24 2.4 Two characteristic: RSHF and ASHF 26 2.4.1 Room sensible heat factor (RSHF) 26 2.4.2 Characterization of cooling capacity 27 2.4.3 Apparatus sensible heat factor (ASHF) 28 2.5 Psychrometric analysis of the air-conditioning phenomena 28 2.5.1 Psychrometric analysis for summer 29 2.5.2 Psychrometric analysis for winter 30 2.6 Car compartment thermodynamic model 34 2.6.1 Compartment thermodynamic model for summer 34 2.6.2 Compartment thermodynamic model for winter 36 2.7 Modeling verification 36 2.7.1 Derivation of air flow rates for verification: constant enthalpy and constant temperature 37 2.7.2 Overview of simulation environment 38 2.7.3 Simulation results: constant enthalpy and constant temperature 39 2.8 Modeling demonstration by comparing with Axaopoulos’ model 44 2.9 Summaries 45 3. Automobile climate control 46 3.1 Climate control problem definition: Convergence property and equilibrium property 46 3.2 Realizing the climate control strategy 49 3.2.1 The climate control strategy for summer 49 3.2.2 The climate control strategy for winter 51 3.3 Overview of the control structure 53 3.4 Validation the convergence property of the control strategy with Lyapunov stability theorem 54 3.5 A weather information-based automobile climate control strategy 58 3.6 Summaries 66 4. Emulation environment for automobile climate control 68 4.1 UML-based representation for an automobile air-conditioning system 68 4.1.1 Functional analysis with use case diagram 68 4.1.2 Dynamic behavior with statechart diagram 70 4.2 An evaluation platform realization with Matlab/Simulink 73 4.2.1 Overview of the realization result for the evaluation platform 73 4.2.2 Outdoor environment model 74 4.2.3 Car compartment model 75 4.2.4 Air-conditioning apparatus model 75 4.2.5 Automobile climate controller (ACC) model 76 4.3 Simulation platform verification 79 4.3.1 Evaluation of the proposed control strategy: for summer case 79 4.3.2 Evaluation of the proposed control strategy: for winter case 80 4.4 Verification for step change tracking, robustness analysis , and disturbance rejection 81 4.4.1 Simulation results for step change tracking 82 4.4.2 Simulation results for robustness analysis 83 4.4.3 Simulation results for disturbance rejection 84 4.4.4 Simulation results for multi-tracking towards temperature and relative humidity 85 4.5 Evaluation of different environment conditions 86 4.6 Evaluation of different control strategies 88 4.6.1 Evaluation of different control strategies: for summer case 88 4.6.2 Evaluation of different control strategies: for winter case 90 4.7 Summaries 93 5. Conclusions and future work 95 5.1 Conclusions 95 5.2 Further Work 95 Reference 97 Biography and Publication 103

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