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研究生: 林旺嶒
Wang-Chen Lin
論文名稱: 金融業內部終端資訊設備 之資安防護實務設計
On Practical Design of Information Security Protection for Internal Client Equipments in Financial Indurstry
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
Nai-Wei Lo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: IP管理IP衝突資訊安全資訊資產管理資安軟體部署
外文關鍵詞: IP Administration, IP Conflict, Information Security, Information Asset Management, Ssecurity Software Implementation Rate
相關次數: 點閱:215下載:0
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  • 本論文的研究目的,主要在探討如何在金融業各營業據點確保內部網路位址資源能被有效管理,進而透過這套網路位址管理資訊系統進行資訊終端設備管理及其資安軟體部署率之管控。本研究提出一套管理運作機制,透過IP偵測工具將金融業內部所有資訊資產設備之網路連線資訊彙整至系統,由系統內之各功能模組預設的功能,連結至其它外部管理系統取得相關資訊後傳回監控管理模組,並儲存於系統預設的資料庫中。資訊資產管理也由原先的紙本管理提升為系統化管理,也能藉由連線至內部資安系統彙整而來的軟體安裝與版本資訊,強化終端資訊系統之資安防護完整性。
    系統基本概念是透過自動化的機制來管理金融業內部所有IP資源,綁定IP Address、MAC Address以防範未經授權連入內部網路所造成的風險。本機制是透過系統發送連線封包修改ARP對照表的方式,來阻斷非法連上網路設備的連線,避免因IP衝突而影響網路運作,並以蒐集而來的網路位址(IP)資訊,協助資訊人員在最短時間內掌握異常IP之連線問題及發生的地點。延伸金融業在資訊資產管理的自動化,與終端資訊設備在防毒軟體、惡意程式掃描軟體及資料防洩密軟體等資安軟體之安裝部署率,確保資訊端點設備皆能符合金融業內部資安相關規範,提升金融業終端資訊設備在資安威脅的防護能力。

    The main object of this thesis is to explore how to ensure that internal network address resources be managed effectively in the financial industry's business areas, and through this network address management information system, for the administration of terminal information equipment also controlling the security software deployment rate. This study proposes a management operation mechanism , which through the IP detection tools to integrate the network connection´s information of whole the information assets equipment of internal financial industry to the system, where each functional module of the system is in charge to preset its own function, then link to external management system to obtain relevant informations and return it to the monitoring management module, and be stored in the preset database of the system. The informations of asset management is also updated from the original document management to systematic management, through the version´s information and the installation of software from the internal security system, also can strengthen the security of the terminal information system.
    The basic concept of the system is to manage all IP resources in the financial industry through an automated mechanism, and link the IP address and MAC address to avoid the risk caused by the unauthorized connection to the internal network. This mechanism is to send packets through the wiring modifications of the ARP table system, to block illicit devices connected to the Internet connection, to avoid IP conflicts that affect the operation of the network, and to collect and incoming network address (IP) information helps the information officer to control the connection problem and the location of the abnormal IP in the shortest time possible. Extend the automation of the management of information assets of the financial industry and the terminal information team in antivirus software, malicious Program installation software and anti-leakage software and other rates of installation and implementation of security software, to ensure that endpoint equipment information can meet the internal security standards of the financial industry, increase the equipment of information of terminals for the financial industry in the protection of security threats.

    目 錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 2 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 IP與MAC管理 5 2.2 資訊資產管理 9 2.3 資訊安全 11 第三章 系統規劃與設計 16 3.1 系統架構 16 3.2 系統設計 18 3.2.1 系統管理平台 18 3.2.2 監控管理模組 19 3.2.3 設備定位管理模組 20 3.2.4 裝置辨識管理模組 21 3.2.5 資產管理模組 22 3.2.6 微軟更新部署管理模組 25 3.2.7 通訊設備備份管理模組 26 3.2.8 報表平台管理模組 27 第四章 情境模擬 28 4.1 資訊設備連進內部網路在本系統之應用情境 28 4.2 資安事件數位鑑識處理流程情境 31 4.3 資訊資產盤點作業 32 4.4 GCB稽核管理作業 33 第五章 結論與建議 34 5.1 結論 34 5.2 未來研究議題 37 參考文獻 39

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    Study-Area(2019),ARP 協定,2019/5/30 取自http://www.study-area.org/network/network_ip_arp.htm
    維基百科(2019),OSI 模型,2019/5/30 取自http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/OSI模型
    維基百科(2019),DHCP 動態主機設定協定,2019/5/30 取自http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/DHCP

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