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研究生: 張智林
Chih-Lin Chang
論文名稱: 微波測距雷達模組研製及其關鍵組件設計
Development of Microwave Ranging Radar Module and Its Key Component Design
指導教授: 曾昭雄
Chao-Hsiung Tseng
口試委員: 瞿大雄
Tah-Hsiung Chu
Shih-Yuan Chen
Hwann-Kaeo Chiou
Hong-Yeh Chang
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 梳型濾波器以濾波器為基礎之振盪器微波振盪器壓控振盪器分枝耦合器耦合器微帶線微波電路微型化環型偶合器單晶微波積體電路砷化鎵
外文關鍵詞: combline filter, filter-based oscillator, microwave oscillator, branch-line couplers, microstrips, microwave circuits, rat-race couple, rmonolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), pHEMT
相關次數: 點閱:715下載:19
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器,將可獲致效果極佳之相位雜訊特性。此外,為了精準估算出振盪器之相位雜訊效能,本論文採用複數品質因數(Qsc)估算振盪器之整體Q 值,並將其振盪器設計在該頻率峰值上,以取代使用濾波器之相位延遲響應頻率峰值設計振盪器。
再者,本論文提出一非對稱T 型結構設計方法,用以實現一系列微波被動電路,如分枝耦合器、環型耦合器、功率分配器及六埠網路。非對稱T 型結構係由兩段不同電氣長度之串聯高阻抗微帶線及並聯低阻抗段枝所構成,再搭配彎折技術,則可將該非對稱T 型結構作更彈性之電路佈局,達成電路縮小之目的。此外,與傳統對稱T 型結構比較,使用非對稱T 型結構研製被動電路,能有效地改善反射損失頻寬。

In this dissertation, the six-port network is employed to realize a microwave ranging radar system. The circuit design procedures, implementation, and verification are completely presented.
Firstly, a new low phase-noise microwave oscillator is developed based on the microstrip combline bandpass filter. This component acts as a continuous wave (CW) signal source in the developed radar system. For this type of the oscillator, the filter is embedded into the feedback loop to treat as a frequency stabilization element. Since the bandpass filter is synthesized by multiple resonators, it can obtain a better quality factor as compared with that of a single resonator. Besides, instead of designing the oscillator at the group-delay-peak frequency of the filter to achieve a good phase-noise performance, in this dissertation, the peak frequency of the complex quality factor Qsc is adopted for the oscillator design.
Furthermore, an asymmetrical T-structure is applied to develop the compact planar branch-line coupler, rat-race coupler, Wilkinson power divider, and six-port network. The quarter-wave transmission line, namely the basic element for realizing these components, can be replaced by the asymmetrical T-structure, which is composed of a low-impedance shunt stub and two series high-impedance lines with unequal electrical lengths. To further reduce the circuit size, the high-impedance lines can be flexibly folded and optimally filled in the blank area of the blank space, this design approach can achieve a significant circuit size reduction. In addition, as compared with the approach using the symmetrical T-structure, utilizing the proposed asymmetrical T-shaped structure to develop these passive components can significantly improve the return loss bandwidth.
Finally, a microwave ranging radar system can be integrated by the developed low phase-noise filter-based oscillator and the six-port network. Since the six-port network acts as a frequency discriminator between the transmitted signal and the received signal, one can simply calculate the phase difference between there two signals. Therefore, the distance to the target can be extracted from the phase difference by transmitting two CW frequencies.

Contents 摘要 i Contents iv Chapter 1 1 Introduction 1 1-1 Research Motivation 1 1-2 Literature Survey 1 1-3 Contributions 4 1-4 Chapter Outlines 5 Chapter 2 Filter-Based Microwave Oscillator 6 2-1 Introduction 6 2-2 Oscillator Design Using Complex Quality Factor 8 2-2-1 Complex Quality Factor 8 2-2-2 Complex Quality Factor of Filter 10 2-2-3 Oscillator Designed at Qsc-Peak Frequency 13 2-2-4 Oscillator Designed at Group-Delay-Peak Frequency 15 2-2-5 Design Procedures of Filter-Based Oscillator 19 2-3 Oscillator and VCO Design Based on Combline Filter 19 2-3-1 Oscillator Design Using Combline Filter 20 2-3-2 Complex Quality Factor of Oscillator 22 2-3-3 Narrow-band VCO Design Using Combline Filter 26 2-3-4 Wideband VCO Design Using Tunable Combline Filter 29 2-4 MMIC Filter-Based VCO Using 0.15-m GaAs pHEMT Technology 33 2-5 Summary 38 Chapter 3 Compact Planar Passive Components with Asymmetrical T-Structures 39 3-1 Introduction 39 3-2 Design Method of Asymmetrical T-Structure 43 3-2-1 Asymmetrical T-structure Equivalent to a High-Low Impedance Section 43 3-2-2 Transferring a High-Low Impedance Section Back to an Asymmetrical T-Structure 46 3-3 Branch-Line Coupler Using Asymmetrical T-Structures 49 3-4 Wilkinson Power Divider Using Two-Section Asymmetrical T-Structures 56 3-5 Ka-Band Single-Balanced Mixer Using Asymmetrical T-Structure Rat-Race Coupler 62 3-6 Summary 69 Chapter 4 Development of Six-Port Ranging Radar Sensor 70 4-1 System Block of the Radar Sensor 70 4-2 Microwave Six-Port Network 70 4-3 Implementation and Evaluation of Radar Sensor 75 4-3-1 PLL CW Source 75 4-3-2 Quasi-Yagi Antenna 78 4-3-3 Performance Evaluation of a Ranging Radar Sensor 78 4-4 Summary 82 Chapter 5 Conclusions 83 5-1 Summary 83 5-2 Suggestions for Future Work 84 References 86

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