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Author: 薛逸華
Yi-Hua Hsueh
Thesis Title: 汽車駕駛訓練產業系統架構設計及應用之研究
The Research on the System Architecture Design and Application of the Automobile Driving Training Industry
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Committee: 賴源正
Yuan-Cheng Lai
Chuan-Kai Yang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2016
Graduation Academic Year: 104
Language: 中文
Pages: 65
Keywords (in Chinese): 汽車駕駛訓練產業駕駛訓練管理系統系統設計資訊系統應用
Keywords (in other languages): car driver training industry, driver training management system, information system design, information applications.
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  • 根據統計全國駕駛人有 90% 來自駕訓班的養成,是否落實教學品質對駕駛人未來在安全駕駛行為影響甚鉅,因此交通部訂定了民營汽車駕駛人訓練機構督導考核方案,來監督駕訓品質以促進駕駛安全。然而近年來因少子化的衝擊,導致學員招生逐年遞減,在營運成本與同業惡性競爭日益嚴重下,如何做有效的績效管理與教學品質上的平衡將是一大課題。
    本研究將探討如何透過資訊化,來提升教學品質,讓學員用更有效率的學習方式,增加其駕駛道德觀念,進而減少交通事故率。研究對象將以台北市 104 年度特優等第駕訓班為主。
    1. 本研究分析了現有管理模式的種種弊端,在此基礎上,按照交通部提出的規定對駕駛學員計時訓練,系統地計數每一個學員的綜合訓練時間和訓練里程。
    2. 對駕駛管理系統作了簡要的介紹,並根據所需要執行的功能以及與硬體的需求歸納出駕駛管理軟體的功能。
    3. 針對駕駛管理流程中一些基本資訊,例如報名與綜合管理、訓練管理、考試管理等提出了詳細的處理方法。

    Driver training has played an increasingly important role in people's daily life. With the rapid development of our economics, the dream of owning a private car can easily come true. Therefore, driving skills training becomes an urgently service for many people. In order to enhance the diathesis of the driver, scientifically training and management is necessary. Therefore, driver training management is the core of the business, which controls the entire process of the training. The present driver training enterprise has more students, more vehicles, more trainers, and the students from enrollment to getting the driver's license have to experience a series of processes simultaneously, while the relationship between the students, the vehicles, and trainers changes frequently. This makes the traditional manual management be more complex day by day. In order to solve the problem, this paper designed and developed a type of driver training management system which is based on a computer software.
    First, we analyzed all sorts of malpractices of the existing management patterns according to the practice times training to the student, and scientifically measured each student's integrated training time and training course. Second, we made brief introduction of the driver training management system. According to the functions which needs to be realized as well as hardware demand summarized the software functions of the driver training management system. Thirdly, in view of some basic information such as registration and synthesis management、training management、test management of the driver training management system are proposed with the detailed processing methods. Fourthly, we established maintenance to the foundation data, including information of the driver training school, the basic information establishment, test expense establishment, the mesh point management, the vehicles management, the trainer management, college、major and grade maintenance, the foundation code table maintenance and so on, in addition, it established system jurisdiction management, including the user landing, the password revision, system menu maintenance, user maintenance, system authorization and so on, and therefore this system had better security. This driver training management system management has already been put into the actual use, and the practice proved this system could effectively enhance the customer service level, enhance the synthesis competitive ability of the enterprise, effectively manage the related information of the enterprise, and can simultaneously inquire into this information nimbly, fast, and accurately.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究目的 3 1.4 研究架構與流程 4 1.4.1 研究架構 4 1.4.2 研究流程 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 中國大陸汽車駕駛訓練班經營現狀 6 2.1.1 學習駕駛技能的變化 6 2.1.2 目前大陸汽車駕駛訓練班所存在的主要問題 7 2.2 國外汽車駕駛訓練班產業的概況 10 2.3 國外考駕照制度的現況 12 2.4 臺灣考駕照制度現況 17 2.5 部分國家和地區駕駛人訓練監管制度 17 第三章 汽車駕駛訓練管理系統的基本架構 23 3.1 汽車駕駛訓練班管理系統概論 23 3.2 駕駛訓練管理系統的硬體設備 24 3.2.1 車載智慧駕駛訓練記錄儀 24 3.2.2 汽車駕駛訓練卡 27 3.2.3 IC卡插口 28 3.3 駕駛訓練管理系統的軟體設計 28 3.3.1 軟體的主要功能 28 3.3.2 軟體設計方法、需求與流程 31 第四章 駕駛訓練班系統資訊化之應用與管理 33 4.1 駕駛訓練班管理資訊系統建構的必要性 33 4.1.1 概論 33 4.1.2 目前汽車駕駛訓練班管理所存在的問題 34 4.1.3 解決的措施 36 4.1.4 駕駛訓練管理資訊系統的內容 38 4.1.5 建立汽車駕駛訓練班管理資訊系統的附加價值 38 4.1.6 結語 40 4.2 e化與汽車駕駛訓練班市場管理的發展策略 40 4.2.1 目前汽車駕駛訓練班市場的現狀及其主要特色 41 4.2.2 目前汽車駕駛訓練班市場存在的主要問題 42 4.2.3 e化運用於汽車駕駛訓練班市場管理的主要措施 44 4.3 駕駛員訓練資訊化管理 46 4.3.1 實現駕駛訓練產業的資訊化建構,加強駕駛動態管理 46 4.3.2 結語 48 4.4 未來汽車駕駛訓練班運用APP應用軟體 48 4.4.1 未來汽車駕駛訓練班運用APP應用軟體的四個階段 48 4.4.2 未來汽車駕駛訓練班應用 APP應用軟體的經濟效益及社會價值 50 4.5 雲端應用導向的汽車駕駛訓練班管理系統設計 51 4.5.1 可行性分析 51 4.5.2 汽車駕駛訓練班管理系統的架構設計 52 4.5.3 汽車駕駛訓練班管理系統的整體設計 54 4.5.4 雲端平臺導向的行動應用部署 55 第五章 結論與建議 57 5.1 結論 57 5.1.1 e化汽車駕駛訓練班對汽車駕駛訓練班市場管理的促進功能 57 5.1.2 駕駛訓練班管理系統 58 5.1.3 雲端應用導向的汽車駕駛訓練班管理系統設計 59 5.1.4 大數據分析的對策 59 5.2 本研究的進一步研究方向 60 5.2.1 未來的駕駛員訓練產業資訊化管理系統 60 5.2.2 行動網際網路的發展趨勢 61 參考文獻 63


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