簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 蘇信汎
Shin-Fan Su
論文名稱: 國際間反避稅政策對境外公司衝擊之研究
A research on the impact of international anti-tax avoidance rules against the offshore company
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 陳正綱
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: 境外公司海外稅收遵從法案共同申報準則實際管理處所制度
外文關鍵詞: Offshore company, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Common Reporting Standard (CRS), Place of Effective Management (PEM)
相關次數: 點閱:195下載:0
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  • 早期企業利用境外公司從事三角貿易或投資控股,藉由租稅架構的安排,將利潤留置海外,藉以規避國內應納之稅負;個人也利用境外公司股東及董事資訊不透明的特性,隱匿身分持有資產,或是變更稅務身分,以享受外國投資人所享有的租稅優惠。
    美國私人銀行瑞銀集團 (UBS) ,協助客戶利用境外公司的特性隱蔽客戶美國人的身分,藉以逃避美國當地的稅負,故美國於2010年起推動海外稅收遵從法案 (FATCA) ,經濟合作暨發展組織 (OECD) 依據其精神,提出了國際版FATCA法案,即共同申報準則 (CRS) ,故國際間的稅務資訊交換已成為共識。
    我國於 2016 年初提出所得稅法第43條之3及之4修正草案,即受控外國公司(Controlled Foreign Company,簡稱CFC)及實際管理處所(Place of Effective Management,簡稱PEM),將以往透過租稅規劃規避稅負的情形予以改正,並強調租稅公平性的重要性。

    During the early period, some enterprises used an offshore company to engage in triangular trade or invest on Holding Company, and then they further take the advantage of locating their profits at oversea through tax structure arrangement as to avoid domestic tax burdens; individual utilize the limited amount of information of offshore companies available to the public to conceal its real properties or change its tax status as to enjoy the tax benefit shall assign to foreign investors.
    United Bank of Switzerland (UBS), the US private bank, assists clients in using the characteristics of offshore companies to conceal the fact of customers are Americans in order to escape local taxes in the United States. Therefore, the United States promoted the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in 2010, and on the basis of its spirit that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) launched an international version of the FATCA which namely the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) . As such, the international exchange of tax information has become a consensus.
    In early 2016, Taiwan proposed the draft revision of the amendments to Articles 43-3& 43-4 of the Income Tax Act, the aim is for the Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) and Place of Effective Management (PEM) to correct the situation of tax evasion via taxation planning and emphasize the importance of fairness in taxation.
    This study explores the policy changes experienced by offshore companies in recent years. The taxation, investment risk and the convenience on the operation shall take into consideration during the application. Moreover, the situation of concealing of real individual status by use of offshore company will be no longer existed due to the FATCA and CRS come into force. In addition, it is necessary to establish its own accounting system as to facilitate the requirements of tax information exchange. The implementation of the domestic CFC and PEM system not only prevents investors use the limited amount information of offshore company available to the public to delay or evade tax, but also avoid investors from changing their tax status as to enjoy the tax benefit in which assigned to foreign investors. It aims to meet the principle of equality in substantive taxation. However, the most importance is to assist the Taiwanese businessmen in China to identify their tax resident status as to avoid the duplicate taxation.
    For the demand side of offshore companies, such as enterprises, individuals, specialists, etc., it shall re-examine whether their investment structure meets the requirements of the current regulations and achieve the benefits for the time while planning. On the other hand, the supply side of the offshore companies, such as registered companies, it shall provide a combination of legal and tax consultancy services, and further launching products in respond to the policy changes as to expand their customer categories.

    目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 壹 緒論 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究動機及目的 1 三、研究範圍 2 四、研究流程 2 貳 文獻探討 4 一、境外公司 (OFFSHORE COMPANY) 4 二、美國海外稅收遵從法案 (FATCA) 6 三、共同申報準則(CRS) 8 四、受控外國公司(CFC) 12 五、實際管理處所 (PEM)制度 16 六、其他相關文獻 19 參 研究方法 24 一、研究架構 24 二、研究方法 25 三、訪談的流程 26 四、訪談問題 27 肆 資料分析 28 一、訪談樣本描述 28 二、境外公司的功能性 29 三、FATCA及CRS的影響 30 四、CFC及PEM之因應方式 31 五、境外公司面臨之困境 32 六、境外公司未來之發展方向 32 伍 結論與建議 34 一、境外公司功能性 34 二、FATCA及CRS之影響 34 三、CFC及PEM之因應措施 34 四、需求面與供給面的比較分析 35 五、後續研究建議 38 參考文獻 39 中文文獻 39 網路文獻 40 附件 41 附錄一、AG 41 附錄二、BH 42 附錄三、CI 43 附錄四、DJ 45 附錄五、EK 46 附錄六、FL 47

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