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研究生: 吳敏
Min - Wu
論文名稱: App使用性、遊戲化機制與介面美感對遊客體驗之影響——以互動青草巷App為例
The Effects of Usability of Application and Gamification and Design Aesthetics on Tourism Experience - Evidence from Herblane App
指導教授: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
口試委員: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
Jeng-Neng Fan
Rung-Huei Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 手機應用程式介面美感使用性遊戲化體驗科技接受模型
外文關鍵詞: Application, aesthetic interface, usability, gamification, experience, TAM
相關次數: 點閱:897下載:41
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隨著智慧型手機越來越普及化的發展,帶動整個產業鏈包含硬體、軟體及行動服務的市場呈現爆炸性的成長。應用程式(Application, APP)結合行動數位科技加值旅遊服務內容已得到廣泛的運用。然而App對遊客體驗所產生的影響仍在研究中,本研究以國科會計畫——發現青草巷之研究成果「互動青草巷App」為研究媒材。此App針對遊客所開發,通過生活狀態檢測及草藥探索遊戲的方式使得傳統青草知識更親民化,更易於在社群網路上擴散。本研究將探究遊客在使用青草巷App,對於旅遊體驗的影響,並進一步研究互動青草巷App設計因素與遊客旅遊體驗之關係,本研究從App的知覺可用性(Perceived Usefulness)、知覺易用性(Perceived ease of use)、介面美感(Aesthetic Interface)、遊戲化機制(Gamification)著手,發展評量之問卷,並邀請實驗組(使用App)與對照組(未使用App)共117位受測者進行實地測試,以探討上述各因素對遊客體驗度(Memorable Tourism Experience)之影響。


With the growing popularity of smartphone development, the explosive growth of hardware, software and mobile services is brought to the whole industry chain. Mobile Applications for tourism have been widely used. However, the effects of the mobile applications on traveling experiences are still under researching. In this study, the mobile application used is the outcome of the research project sponsored by NSC - Rediscover Herb Lane-An Interactive installation of Inquiring Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine .This App was designed for tourists to get connected to the Herb Lane through identifing their lifestyles, offering herbal recommendations, and leading the tourists to find the herbs in the Herb Lane. This study investigated the effects of the Green Lane App on the traveling experience of tourists, and then studied the relations among the design factors of Green Lane App and traveling experience. The design factors involved perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, aesthetic interface and gamification. 117 subjects were recruited in the study. The subjects were devided in two groups, the experimental group (using the App) and the controled group (not using App), to investigate the effect of the mobile app on the traveling experience.
According to the results of the analysis, the conclusions are: (1)Using Green Lane App can enhance the traveling experience.(2)App with better usability will enhance the traveling experience.(3)App with professional designed interface can improve its usability , thereby enhance the traveling experience.(4) Gamification mechanisms can affect the intention to use.

目錄 一、緒論 1.1研究背景與動機 1.2研究目的 1.3研究範圍 1.4研究流程 二、文獻回顧 2.1區域推廣 2.1.1區域推廣概況 2.1.2傳統商圈推廣 2.1.3臺灣商圈推廣現況 2.1.4臺北萬華區青草巷概況 2.2體驗 2.2.1體驗定義 2.2.2體驗類型 2.2.3觀光體驗 2.3科技接受模型 2.3.1科技接受模型緣起 2.3.2重要構面 2.4遊戲化介面 2.4.1遊戲化定義 2.4.2實際運用案例 2.5介面美感 2.5.1介面美感定義 2.6行動內容 2.6.1虛實整合 2.6.2行動內容簡介及其應用 三、研究設計 3.1研究架構 3.2研究假設 3.3研究媒材 3.4研究方法 3.5研究工具 3.5.1研究問卷 3.5.2資料分析工具及統計方法 四、研究結果分析 4.1樣本資料分析 4.2體驗度差異性分析 4.2.1問卷信度分析 4.2.2各構面描述性統計量分析 4.2.3各構面體驗度差異性分析 4.3 App各設計因素與體驗度之關係 4.3.1問卷信度分析 4.3.2問卷效度分析 4.3.3 App各項設計因素與使用意願描述性統計 4.3.4結構方程模型分析 4.4研究假設檢定 五、結論與建議 5.1研究結論 5.2實務建議 5.3研究限制及後續研究建議 參考文獻 附錄


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