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研究生: 藍亭香
Ting-Hsiang Tina Lan
論文名稱: 「傳承之難,接班人為難」 My Friend's Legacy:接班人如何站穩腳跟
My Friend’s Legacy: Navigating the Challenges of Succession and Business Development in a Family Business
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 呂志豪
Shih-Hao Lu
Chun-nan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 家族企業數位導入變革管理平台經濟繼承計畫
外文關鍵詞: Family Business, Digital Implementation, Managing change, Platform Economy, Succession Planning
相關次數: 點閱:468下載:13
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  • My Friend, an importer of household commodities and daily necessities catering to the Filipino community in Taiwan, is rumored to retire after 25 years of operation. With the closure of 7 exclusive Filipino brands, employees and retailers wonder if the pandemic or other factors led to this decision. My Friend's health is also in question, and there is uncertainty surrounding the future of the importing business as the sole operator. Despite having a potential successor, conflicts between father and son led to a sudden end to the plan, leaving the company in disarray. The challenges ahead include digitalization, change management during growth, online commerce impact, and family business succession planning. Who will take up the reins and lead the company forward? How can the challenges ahead be overcome?
    This paper is written in Harvard Business Case Study Format. The thesis includes two parts: the case story and the teaching notes. Under the instructor's guidance and based on individual case studies, the paper aims to lead students in exploring various topics, such as project management implementation, change management, online platform building, and succession planning.

    My Friend, an importer of household commodities and daily necessities catering to the Filipino community in Taiwan, is rumored to retire after 25 years of operation. With the closure of 7 exclusive Filipino brands, employees and retailers wonder if the pandemic or other factors led to this decision. My Friend's health is also in question, and there is uncertainty surrounding the future of the importing business as the sole operator. Despite having a potential successor, conflicts between father and son led to a sudden end to the plan, leaving the company in disarray. The challenges ahead include digitalization, change management during growth, online commerce impact, and family business succession planning. Who will take up the reins and lead the company forward? How can the challenges ahead be overcome?
    This paper is written in Harvard Business Case Study Format. The thesis includes two parts: the case story and the teaching notes. Under the instructor's guidance and based on individual case studies, the paper aims to lead students in exploring various topics, such as project management implementation, change management, online platform building, and succession planning.

    Abstract I Acknowledgment II PART I The Case Story 1 A.Introduction 1 B. Company Overview & Industry Background 2 I. Where it all starts - founded background 2 II. Importing opportunity 4 III. Change in sales target – a justification from general environment change 5 IV. When and why - Labor shortage 7 V. My Friend and its affiliates founded timeline 10 C. Digital implementation: Overcoming Resistance to Change 15 I. First attempt 15 II. Second attempt 16 D. Overcoming business challenges: Managing Change in the Context of digitalized implementation 18 E. Expectations of New Business: Platform economy 19 F. Succession Challenge and future leadership concern 21 PART II Teaching Manual 23 A. Overview 23 B. Key Issues and Learning Objectives 23 C. Problem statement 24 D. Level and depth of case analysis 25 I. Target audience and prerequisites 24 II. Teaching plan 24 III. Teaching timetable 25 IV. Case analysis 26 1. Project management 26 2. Change management 31 3. Platform economy 37 4. Family business succession 46 V. Teaching Notes 55 E. Reference 61

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