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研究生: 黃子威
Tzu-Wei Huang
論文名稱: 居家健身鏡使用意願分析:SOR理論應用
On the Use Intention of Fitness Mirror: An Application of SOR Theory
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 李嘉林
Chia-Lin Lee
Jia-Shiang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: SOR模型社會比較自我意識身體意象運動健身產業
外文關鍵詞: SOR Model, Social Comparison, Self-awareness, Body Image, Fitness Industry
相關次數: 點閱:543下載:0
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People switch their exercise location from outdoor to indoor due to the impact of the New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak. Home fitness equipment with multi-training courses let people exercise with trainers and friends online has become a new consumption pattern that dominants the market. Therefore, this study applied the SOR model to explore the intention of using home fitness equipment, and to discuss the relationship between stimulus, organism and response by using the fitness mirror as an example. In the part of organism, the PAD model scale of M-R model was taken as a reference indicator of psychological state, and physiological state was added to the original SOR model to consider the influence of this variable on product attitude and usage intention.
In this study, collected 596 valid questionnaires through online convenience sampling. The results of the structural equation modeling analysis (SEM) showed that stimulus in the SOR model: convenience, enjoyment, self-image congruence, social influence, and self-awareness, except for convenience, significantly influenced the psychological and physiological states. Finally, response to brand attitude and usage intention. In addition, taking body image as a reference indicator of physiological state, the results of the mediation analysis showed that physiological state mediates the positive relationship between self-awareness and product attitude; and the results of the moderation analysis suggested that physiological state moderates the relationship between self-awareness and product attitude.

1.緒論 1.1.研究背景與動機 1.2.研究問題與目的 1.3.研究定位 2.文獻回顧與假說推論 2.1.理論背景 2.1.1.SOR模型 2.1.2.莫拉比安-羅素模型 2.1.3.社會比較理論 2.2.使用體驗及評價 2.2.1.便利性 2.2.2.趣味性 2.3.使用動機 2.3.1.自我形象一致性 2.3.2.社會影響力 2.3.3.自我意識 2.4.使用意願 2.4.1.產品態度 2.4.2.使用意願 3.研究設計與方法 3.1.研究流程 3.2.研究架構 3.3.研究方法 3.4.研究設計 3.5.研究範圍 3.6.研究分析方法 4.研究分析 4.1樣本特性分析 4.2信度與效度檢驗 4.3模型分析與假說驗證 5.結論與建議 5.1.研究結論 5.2.管理實務建議 5.3.後續研究建議與限制 參考文獻 附錄:正式問卷

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