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研究生: Filimon Hadish
Filimon Hadish
論文名稱: Graphene and Graphene Quantum Dots for Glucose Sensing
Graphene and Graphene Quantum Dots for Glucose Sensing
指導教授: 周賢鎧
Shyankay Jou
口試委員: Cheng-I Hsieh
Cheng-I Hsieh
Yi Hu
Yi Hu
Bohr-Ran Huang
Chen-Hao Wang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: GrapheneDownstream oxygen plasmaGlucose sensorGraphene quantum dotsSpent coffee groundPhotoluminescence
外文關鍵詞: Graphene, Downstream oxygen plasma, Glucose sensor, Graphene quantum dots, Spent coffee ground, Photoluminescence
相關次數: 點閱:467下載:4
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Diabetic patients were concerned in most developed countries and stimulate the advancement of glucose biosensors. Accurate and rapid detection of glucose, based on enzymatic glucose oxidase (GOx) electrode sensors can be developed with graphene as electron mediator. Pristine graphene (PG) attracted researchers for its extraordinary properties. The remarkably high electron mobility in graphene at room temperature, which exceeds 2000 cm2/Vs, highest thermal conductivity (3000 W/mK), combined with the excellent optical characteristic of graphene-based materials holds promises in electronic, optoelectronics and biosensor application. However, development of graphene-based devices requires control over the functionalization and modification of the graphene surface. Thus, in the first work modification of monolayer graphene surface with downstream oxygen plasma treatment to form graphene oxide (GO) for use in glucose biosensors was studied. Raman spectrum and XPS characterization techniques were involved to confirm the functionalization of graphene. Amperometric and voltammetric methods were engaged to ensure the simultaneous reduction of GO with fast immobilization of glucose oxidase (GOx) enzyme modified graphene surface. Cyclic voltammetry investigation indicated that fabricated glucose sensor shows a high surface resistance as a resultant sensitivity of 0.118 µA mM-1cm-2 and a detection limit of 0.0526 mM towards glucose confirmed by amperometric measurments. This method provides fast and simultaneous immobilization of GOx and reduction of GO, and can be used in the fabrication of other electrochemical biosensors. Considering success and limitations of the first work, we projected the glucose sensor to use graphene quantum dots as substitute of reduced graphene oxide.
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have fascinating photoluminescence (PL) properties with promising applications in fluorescent sensing. In this work, PL properties of GQDs obtained from precursors of glucose and spent coffee ground (SCG) were synthesized via a simple hydrothermal reduction. In the second work we developed a hydrothermal approach for synthesis of GQDs and boro-graphene quantum dots (BGQDs) with glucose precursor for application of simple and sensitive PL probe glucose sensing, which provides an alternative to the commonly used potentiometric detection method. Boron free and doped GQD based sensor was used for detection of glucose in the range of 5–50 mM after 5 months of preparation. Thus, this fluorescent based sensor was easily synthesized and can be stored for a period of long time. In general, GQDs PL probe showed a satisfactory detection of glucose, however up on doping with boron the BGQDs based sensor provided a linear response to glucose with a correlation coefficient of 0.98985 and a low detection limit of 4.8 mM.
Third work was similar in all aspect except SCG was utilized as precursor. Thus, we have prepared BGQDs employing glucose in second work and SCG where less amount of boric acid was mixed as boron dopant to realize fluorescent glucose sensor. Various characterizations reveal that the boron atoms have been successfully doped into graphene structures with the atomic percentage of 19 and 70.8% for both BGQDs made from glucose and SGC. The photoluminescence of developed BGQDs showed a linear response to glucose over a concentration range of 5–45 mM. The BGQDs biosensor exhibited a sensitivity of 0.00772 mM-1 and a limit of detection of 3.23 mM for glucose sensing. These results demonstrate that the synthesized BGQD, has a promising potential in electro catalytic and efficient to the PL enhancement mechanism determination of glucose.

Keywords: Graphene, downstream oxygen plasma, glucose sensor, graphene quantum dots, spent coffee ground, photoluminescence.

Diabetic patients were concerned in most developed countries and stimulate the advancement of glucose biosensors. Accurate and rapid detection of glucose, based on enzymatic glucose oxidase (GOx) electrode sensors can be developed with graphene as electron mediator. Pristine graphene (PG) attracted researchers for its extraordinary properties. The remarkably high electron mobility in graphene at room temperature, which exceeds 2000 cm2/Vs, highest thermal conductivity (3000 W/mK), combined with the excellent optical characteristic of graphene-based materials holds promises in electronic, optoelectronics and biosensor application. However, development of graphene-based devices requires control over the functionalization and modification of the graphene surface. Thus, in the first work modification of monolayer graphene surface with downstream oxygen plasma treatment to form graphene oxide (GO) for use in glucose biosensors was studied. Raman spectrum and XPS characterization techniques were involved to confirm the functionalization of graphene. Amperometric and voltammetric methods were engaged to ensure the simultaneous reduction of GO with fast immobilization of glucose oxidase (GOx) enzyme modified graphene surface. Cyclic voltammetry investigation indicated that fabricated glucose sensor shows a high surface resistance as a resultant sensitivity of 0.118 µA mM-1cm-2 and a detection limit of 0.0526 mM towards glucose confirmed by amperometric measurments. This method provides fast and simultaneous immobilization of GOx and reduction of GO, and can be used in the fabrication of other electrochemical biosensors. Considering success and limitations of the first work, we projected the glucose sensor to use graphene quantum dots as substitute of reduced graphene oxide.
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have fascinating photoluminescence (PL) properties with promising applications in fluorescent sensing. In this work, PL properties of GQDs obtained from precursors of glucose and spent coffee ground (SCG) were synthesized via a simple hydrothermal reduction. In the second work we developed a hydrothermal approach for synthesis of GQDs and boro-graphene quantum dots (BGQDs) with glucose precursor for application of simple and sensitive PL probe glucose sensing, which provides an alternative to the commonly used potentiometric detection method. Boron free and doped GQD based sensor was used for detection of glucose in the range of 5–50 mM after 5 months of preparation. Thus, this fluorescent based sensor was easily synthesized and can be stored for a period of long time. In general, GQDs PL probe showed a satisfactory detection of glucose, however up on doping with boron the BGQDs based sensor provided a linear response to glucose with a correlation coefficient of 0.98985 and a low detection limit of 4.8 mM.
Third work was similar in all aspect except SCG was utilized as precursor. Thus, we have prepared BGQDs employing glucose in second work and SCG where less amount of boric acid was mixed as boron dopant to realize fluorescent glucose sensor. Various characterizations reveal that the boron atoms have been successfully doped into graphene structures with the atomic percentage of 19 and 70.8% for both BGQDs made from glucose and SGC. The photoluminescence of developed BGQDs showed a linear response to glucose over a concentration range of 5–45 mM. The BGQDs biosensor exhibited a sensitivity of 0.00772 mM-1 and a limit of detection of 3.23 mM for glucose sensing. These results demonstrate that the synthesized BGQD, has a promising potential in electro catalytic and efficient to the PL enhancement mechanism determination of glucose.

Keywords: Graphene, downstream oxygen plasma, glucose sensor, graphene quantum dots, spent coffee ground, photoluminescence.

Table of Contents Table of Contents Acknowledgements i Table of Contents ii List of Figures vi List of Tables xii List of Abbreviations xiii Abstract xv 1. Introduction 1 2. Introduction to graphene 4 2.1. Preparation of graphene 6 2.1.1. Mechanical Exfoliation 7 2.1.2. Chemical Exfoliation 8 2.1.3. Chemical Vapor deposition 10 2.2. Electronic properties 15 2.2.1. Graphene’s theoretical electronic structural expression 16 2.2.2. Functionalization of graphene 19 Substitutional Doping (covalent doping) 20 Charge-transfer doping (non-covalent doping) 23 2.2.3. Quantum Confinement effect 24 Graphene Quantum dot (GQD) 27 Photoluminescence of GQDs 28 Synthesis approach of GQDs 30 2.3. Graphene based glucose sensor 33 2.3.1. Electrochemical 38 Cyclic Voltammetry 38 Amperometric 41 First generation 42 Second generation 43 Third generation 45 2.3.2. Photoluminescence 46 2.4. Raman spectrum of graphene 50 2.4.1. Instrument Set-Up 51 2.4.2. Graphene phonon 52 G-band 55 2D (G')-band in Graphene 55 D-Band 57 3. Motivation and objectives 59 3.1. Objectives 59 4. Experimental section 60 4.1. Materials 60 4.2. Instruments 61 4.2.1. Raman Spectrophotometry 61 4.2.2. Electrochemical techniques 62 4.2.3. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectrophotometer 63 4.2.4. UV-Visible and Photoluminescence (PL) spectrophotometer 65 4.2.5. X-ray photo spectrometer (XPS) 66 5. Functionalization of graphene surfaces with downstream plasma for glucose biosensor145 67 5.1. Introduction 67 5.1.1. Graphene synthesis 68 5.1.2. Plasma treatment of PrG/SiO2/Si 69 5.1.3. Electrode fabrication 70 5.1.4. Immobilization of GOx to GO/SiO2/Si 70 5.1.5. Sensor characterization 71 5.2. Results and Discussion 71 5.2.1. Raman characterization 71 5.2.2. XPS characterization 72 5.2.3. Electrochemical characterization 74 5.2.4. Amperometric determination of glucose at GOx/RGO/SiO2/Si electrode 76 5.3. Summery 80 6. Graphene quantum dot from glucose for glucose sensing 81 6.1. Introduction 81 6.1.1. Hydrothermal method 83 6.1.2. Microwave method 83 6.1.3. Immobilization of GOx/GQDs modified GCE electrodes 84 6.2. Result and Discussion 84 6.2.1. Raman characterization 84 6.2.2. FTIR Characterization 86 6.2.3. UV Characterization 87 6.2.4. Photoluminescence characterization 89 6.2.5. PL quenching of GQDs and BGQDs as a probe sensor to glucose 90 6.3. Summery 92 7. Graphene quantum dot from spent ground coffee for glucose sensing 93 7.1. Introduction 93 7.2. Preparation method 93 7.3. Results and Discussion 94 7.3.1. QY measurements 94 7.3.2. Raman and FTIR characterization 95 7.3.3. XPS chracterization 96 7.3.4. Optical Characterization GQDs and BGQDs 99 7.3.5. Electrochemical SGCGQDs 102 7.4. Summery 103 8. Conclusions and Future outlooks 104 8.1. Conclusions 104 8.2. Future Perspectives 106 9. Extended graphene application 109 9.1. Polycaprolacton (PCL)/Graphene composite scaffold for bone tissue engineering (work conducted at Taipei medical University in Prof. Yung-Kang Shen Lab) 109 9.1.1. Introduction 109 9.1.2. Materials and Preparation methods 111 Materials 111 Preparation of PCL/G composite scaffold 112 9.1.3. Characterization 112 Porosity measurement 112 Compression test: mechanical properties 113 Hydrophilicity 113 FTIR Spectroscopy 113 Degradation test 113 In Vitro cell culture 114 9.1.4. Result and Discussion 114 FTIR Spectrum 116 Mechanical properties 117 Hydrophilicity 118 Porosity 120 9.1.5. Summery 120 References 121 Appendices 136 Appendix-A 136 Appendix-B 137

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