簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王澤民
Tse-Min Wang
論文名稱: 台灣企業設計部門於兩岸分工之模式探討
A Study of Co-operation Design Projects between Taiwan and Mainland China
指導教授: 鄭金典
Jin-Dean Cheng
口試委員: 張文智
Wen-Chih Chang
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 中國市場產業趨勢工業設計部門兩岸設計分工
外文關鍵詞: China market, Industrial trends, department of industrial design, Division of Labor in Design Cross the Strait
相關次數: 點閱:358下載:4
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Following the implementation of China market’s open-door policy, China and Taiwan has joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) and therefore the cross- strait economic or trade interactions have been more and more frequent. With respect to such trends, the tendency of industrial migration for the local businesses in Taiwan has been more common and those businesses have one by one established subsidiaries (branch offices) or set up manufacturing plants in China respectively. For the reason that the fact of “Research and Development in Taiwan; Manufacturing in China” is falling behind among the competition along the process of globalization, many businesses had no choice but installing research and development institutions in China, and gradually constituted the model of labor division in design cross the strait. With respect to such trends, the industrial design departments in Taiwanese businesses have to transform accordingly in response to the trends. This study applied analyses of industrial data, literature review and interviews with experts to in-depth investigate and understand the background elements, operating status, problems in implementation, directions of improvement and impact on designing staff based on the development of the division of labor in design cross the strait in the industrial design departments of Taiwanese businesses. The research results of this study have contributed to conclusions as follows:

1.In response to the fact that the manufacturing end is located in China, the industrial design departments needed to develop the model of labor division in design cross the strait. In the earlier period in China, there was only demand for manufacturing, therefore the way of development was mainly vertical division of designing forces; later, with respect to the demand of domestic consumer market in China, the horizontal division of labor began to expand gradually. Because the manufacturing plants are located in China, there are still some of the businesses continue to adopt vertical division of labor in design. For the business with multiple overseas offices have already increasingly developed business functional division of labor in design.

2.The benefits and problems generated by the labor division in design cross the strait are correlated. The benefits are about assisting the manufacturing end to process the matters related to design, in order to ensure the timeline of product development goes smoothly and lower the expenses and costs for the businesses. Moving forward, it can help upgrade the functionality of design departments and furthermore extend to expanding the business opportunity in the domestic markets in China. On the other hand, the problems caused on the aspects of personnel training, communications and synergy of the teams, which require great deal of time to cultivate, so that during the initial plotting period, the costs required for the business to install industrial departments in China tend to be higher.

3.The management of design and construction of the knowledge platform are the key points for the most pending issue to be improved along the implementation of labor division in design cross the strait. Through specific embodiment of management in design and using the knowledge platform to diminish the communication barriers and improve the efficiency of the execution of design projects, so that the teamwork synergy and experienced knowledge that were acquired through long-term cooperation can be preserved, accumulated and passed forward.

4.The rise of the China market is not only a threat but also an opportunity. The industrial design departments in Taiwan should develop more advanced professional expertise in design to deal with the competition in the future globalization. In addition, the designing personnel should aim on higher and long-term objectives, instead of focusing on what can be done now, they need to be more enthusiastic to enhance their own professional expertise and expend personal horizons to the international community, cultivate the strengths necessary for the competition in the future.

【目錄】 目錄.................................................V 圖目錄............................................VIII 表目錄..............................................IX 第1章 緒論........................................1 1.1. 研究背景....................................1 1.1.1. 台灣資訊製造業與設計部門發展概況............1 1.1.2. 全球化市場競爭..............................2 1.1.3. 中國大陸工業設計發展概況....................3 1.1.4. 兩岸合作模式的發展..........................4 1.2. 研究動機....................................5 1.2.1. 台灣產業外移加速............................5 1.2.2. 台灣對中國大陸投資比重逐增..................5 1.2.3. 產業變革對設計業的衝擊......................6 1.3. 研究目的與問題..............................7 1.3.1. 研究目的....................................7 1.3.2. 研究問題....................................7 1.4. 研究範圍與限制..............................8 1.5. 研究架構與流程..............................9 第2章 文獻探討...................................10 2.1. 兩岸經貿現況...............................10 2.2. 兩岸產業分工模式...........................14 2.3. 工業設計部門與組織型態.....................17 2.4. 產品設計與開發流程.........................17 2.4.1. 專家學者理論...............................17 2.4.2. 設計流程實例...............................23 2.5. 設計專案與管理.............................26 2.5.1. 設計專案...................................26 2.5.2. 設計管理...................................27 2.5.3. 專案管理...................................29 第3章 研究方法...................................30 3.1. 研究方法的選擇.............................30 3.1.1. 個案篩選...................................31 3.1.2. 訪談設計...................................33 3.1.3. 問卷設計...................................33 3.1.4. 訪談對象...................................35 3.2. 資料蒐集與分析.............................35 3.2.1. 資料蒐集...................................35 3.2.2. 資料分析...................................36 3.3. 研究信度與效度.............................37 3.3.1. 內在信度...................................37 3.3.2. 外在信度...................................38 3.3.3. 內在效度...................................38 3.3.4. 外在效度...................................39 第4章 個案研究...................................40 4.1. 案例一:甲公司.............................40 4.2. 案例二:乙公司.............................47 4.3. 案例三:丙公司.............................54 4.4. 案例四:丁公司.............................60 4.5. 案例五:戊公司.............................67 4.6. 案例六:己公司.............................75 第5章 個案比較分析與討論.........................81 5.1. 台灣企業設計部門發展兩岸設計分工之目的.....81 5.2. 兩岸間進行的設計分工模式...................84 5.3. 兩岸設計分工模式的運作現況.................85 5.3.1. 設計分工模式層級關係比較...................88 5.3.2. 設計分工於設計流程執行項目之比較...........94 5.4. 兩岸設計分工所帶來的實質效益...............96 5.5. 兩岸設計分工模式下所產生的問題.............97 5.6. 現行兩岸設計分工模式的改善方式.............99 5.7. 設計分工對兩岸設計人員的影響..............101 第6章 結論與建議................................103 6.1. 研究結論..................................103 6.2. 後續研究建議..............................105 參考文獻...........................................107 附錄...............................................113 【圖目錄】 圖 1-1 研究架構流程圖................................9 圖 2-1 台灣對外投資地區分布統計.....................13 圖 2-2 產品開發程序.................................21 圖 4-1 甲公司設計組織圖.............................41 圖 4-2 乙公司設計組織圖.............................49 圖 4-3 丙公司設計組織圖.............................55 圖 4-4 丁公司設計組織圖.............................62 圖 4-5 戊公司設計組織圖.............................70 圖 4-6 己公司設計組織圖.............................76 圖 5-1 甲公司設計分工模式層級關係圖.................88 圖 5-2 乙公司設計分工模式層級關係圖.................89 圖 5-3 丙公司設計分工模式層級關係圖.................90 圖 5-4 丁公司設計分工模式層級關係圖.................91 圖 5-5 戊公司設計分工模式層級關係圖.................92 圖 5-6 己公司設計分工模式層級關係圖.................93 【表目錄】 表 2-1 台灣與主要國家貿易金額統計...................12 表 2-2 台灣對外投資地區分布統計.....................12 表 2-3 台灣廠商至中國大陸投資之案件數量與投資金額...13 表 2-4 兩岸產業分工模式歸納.........................16 表 2-5 企業內部與設計公司設計委託案之產品設計流程...20 表 2-6 Cooper & Press(1994)新產品開發流程...........22 表 2-7 工業設計流程模型.............................23 表 2-8 IDEO設計流程.................................24 表 2-9 NOVA設計流程.................................24 表 2-10 PHILIPS設計流程.............................25 表 2-11 BenQ設計流程................................25 表 2-12 組織層級別的設計工作........................28 表 2-13 專案管理之定義..............................29 表 4-1 甲公司設計部門與工作職務.....................42 表 4-2 甲公司的兩岸設計分工模式.....................44 表 4-3 乙公司的兩岸設計分工模式.....................51 表 4-4 丙公司的兩岸設計分工模式.....................57 表 4-5 丁公司的兩岸設計分工模式.....................64 表 4-6 戊公司的兩岸設計分工模式.....................72 表 4-7 己公司的兩岸設計分工模式.....................78 表 5-1 工業設計部門發展兩岸設計分工之目的...........81 表 5-2 兩岸設計分工模式歸納.........................84 表 5-3 兩岸設計分工模式的現況.......................85 表 5-4 設計分工模式分佈狀況.........................87 表 5-5 設計分工於設計流程任務比較表.................94 表 5-6 兩岸設計分工所帶來的實質效益.................96 表 5-7 兩岸設計分工模式所產生的問題.................97 表 5-8 現行兩岸設計分工模式改善方法.................99 表 5-9 台灣設計人員於設計分工之SWOT分析............101 表 5-10 大陸設計人員於設計分工之SWOT分析...........102

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