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研究生: 邱重融
Chong-Rong Ciou
論文名稱: 電子凸輪之運動曲線分析與應用研究
Study on Analyses and Applications of Motion Curves of Electronic Cams
指導教授: 郭永麟
Yong-Lin Kuo
口試委員: 蔡明忠
Ming-Jong Tsai
Cheng-Hsiung Yang
Yong-Lin Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 電子凸輪軌跡曲線規劃飛剪機運動沖床加工曲線
外文關鍵詞: electronic cam, path planning, flying shear, punching machine
相關次數: 點閱:1445下載:0
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With the development of electronics technology, the mechanical cams are gradually replaced by the electronic cams. In servo systems, the electronic cams can be used with the servo control technology to drive the motor in order to achieve the synchronizations and the tracking motions of the cams. Besides, the electronic cam software can enhance the flexibility of the motion curve design through combining the servo system and the computer platform. This thesis studies the research background of electronic cams and then compares with mechanical cams to show their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the common curves of cam motions will be introduced. Furthermore, this study uses the electronic cam system to design and analyze the motion curves of a flying shear machine and a punching machine.
This study mainly focuses on the trajectory planning of electronic cam curves, including a constant velocity curve (a straight line), a constant acceleration curve (a 2nd-order polynomial), a 5th-order polynomial, a simple harmonic motion curve, a cycloidal motion curve, a modified sinusoidal acceleration curve, a modified trapezoidal acceleration curve, a cubic-spline curve, and a S-curve (a modified trapezoidal velocity curve). These curves are mostly applied to the industry. Besides, electronic cam software is developed by using cam tables, and then the software is used to generate the motion curves of a flying shear machine and a punching machine for further analyses and discussions.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2文獻回顧 3 1.2.1電子凸輪於學術界應用 3 1.2.2電子凸輪於工業界應用 3 1.3研究動機 4 1.4論文架構 5 第二章 電子凸輪 6 2.1電子凸輪概論 6 2.2電子凸輪與機械凸輪 7 2.3 凸輪運動曲線 8 2.3.1凸輪運動曲線概述 8 2.3.2 VDI-2143 凸輪運動規範 9 2.3.3直線 (Straight line)、二階曲線 (Quadratic parabola) 14 2.3.4五階多項式曲線 (5th polynomial) 15 2.3.5簡諧運動曲線 (Basic sine)、擺線運動曲線 (Inclined sine) 16 2.3.6修正梯形加速度曲線 (Modified trapezoid)、修正正弦加速度曲線 (Modified-sine) 17 2.3.7諧波組合曲線 (Harmonic combination) 23 2.3.8正餘弦-直線組合曲線 (Sine-Line-combination) 26 2.3.9三階雲型線 (Cubic spline) 27 2.3.10修正梯形速度曲線 (Modified trapezoidal velocity) 32 第三章 電子凸輪曲線規劃程式與模擬 37 3.1電子凸輪曲線模擬程式流程 37 3.2直線、二階曲線、簡諧曲線、擺線 39 3.3五階多項式曲線 47 3.4修正正弦曲線 49 3.5修正梯形曲線 51 3.6正弦直線曲線 53 3.7諧波組合曲線 55 3.8三階雲型線 57 3.9修正梯形速度曲線 (S-curve) 59 3.10不同曲線組合規劃 61 第四章 電子凸輪應用-飛剪機構 64 4.1飛剪機構簡介 64 4.2飛剪機構運動數學模型 65 4.3飛剪機構運動分析模擬 67 4.4飛剪機構運動分析模擬-考慮廢刀週期 74 第五章 電子凸輪應用-伺服沖床加工 78 5.1伺服沖床簡介 78 5.2沖床機構運動數學模型 78 5.3電子凸輪-沖床應用 80 第六章 結論與未來展望 90 6.1 結論 90 6.2 未來展望 91 參考文獻 92

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