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研究生: 張靖欣
Chin-Hsin Chang
論文名稱: 增強型的快速極化碼解碼
Enhanced Fast Decoding of Polar Codes
指導教授: 賴坤財
Kuen-Tsair Lay
口試委員: 曾德峰
Der-Feng Tseng
Wen-Hsien Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 極化碼順續消去法簡化順續消去法簡化快速順續消去法增強型的簡化快速順續消去法時間延遲
外文關鍵詞: polar codes, successive cancellation(SC), simplified successive cancellation(SSC), fast simplified successive cancellation(FSSC), enhanced fast simplified successive cancellation(EFSSC), latency
相關次數: 點閱:321下載:0
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During the past few years, Polar Codes has gained lots of attention and has been selected as an error-correcting code for the 5th generation of mobile broadband standard. The conventional decodings of Polar codes are Successive-Cancellation(SC) and Successive-Cancellation List (SCL) which keeps more than one path to decode. Due to the successive decision process, it must have the previous decisions as input to decide the next decision, and thus causes significant latency. The most important thing in communication is to pursue fast reception with low error rate. To reduce latency, some methods have been proposed, namely simplified successive cancellation(SSC) and fast simplified successive cancellation(FSSC). Also, there are schemes which keeps more than one path, namely simplified successive cancellation list(SSCL), fast simplified successive cancellation list(FSSCL). All of the methods reduce latency significantly and only suffer negligible error performance degradation or even no error performance degradation as compared to SC decoding and SCL decoding.
In this work, we proposed some new ideas that can be seen as being extended from SSC, FSSC, SSCL, FSSCL. We call it enhanced fast simplified successive cancellation(EFSSC). It can achieve lower computation latency and do not affect the block error rate (BLER) performance. Its BLER performance and the analysis of latency reduction as compared to SC and SCL are also presented.

摘要 ABSTRACT 致謝 目錄 圖索引 中英對照表 第一章 緒論 1.1引言 1.2研究動機 1.3本文架構、論文章節 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 極化碼 2.1.1 極化碼的建構 2.1.2極化碼的通道排序 2.1.3極化碼的編碼 2.2 極化碼的解碼:順續消去法、順序消去列表法 2.2.1 順續消去法 2.2.2 順序消去列表法 2.3 Simplified SC、FSSC 2.3.1 Rate-0 node 2.3.2 Rate-1 node 2.3.3 SPC node 2.3.4 REP node 2.4 SSCL、FSSCL 2.4.1 Rate-0 node 2.4.2 Rate-1 node 2.4.3 SPC node 2.4.4 REP node 第三章 增強型的快速順續消去法 3.1 以W運算解讀順續消去法 3.1.1 Decoding Tree 3.1.2 W運算 3.2 增強型的快速順續消去法(enhanced fast simplified successive cancellation, EFSSC) 3.2.1 多重查核位元 3.2.2 REP Block 3.3 增強型的快速順續消去列表法(EFSSCL) 3.3.1 2PC node 3.3.2 REP Block node 第四章 實驗結果與討論 4.1 錯誤率的比較 4.2 時間延遲的討論 第五章 結論與未來展望 參考文獻

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