簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 江瑞仙
Jui-Hsien Chiang
論文名稱: 鐵道倉庫閒置空間發展「藝術村」之使用情形及效益探討-以新竹鐵道藝術村為例
A Study on Utilization and Benefits of Art Village which Developing from the Railway Unused Warehouse-Take "The Art Site of Hsin-Chu Railway Warehouse as An Example"-
指導教授: 李威儀
Wei-I Lee
口試委員: 彭雲宏
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 127
中文關鍵詞: 閒置空間藝術村鐵道藝術網絡空間規劃營運效益經營管理
外文關鍵詞: Unused Space, Art Village, Railway Art Network, Space Planning;
相關次數: 點閱:170下載:2
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  • 台灣閒置空間發展成為「藝術村」之用途算是近年來台灣於空間保存與再利用的新嘗試,空間的再利用跳脫以往既有的如博物館、文化館、建築保存館等發展模式,在閒置空間裡除了導入靜態的藝術展覽外還配合著藝術家的動態創作及資源發展出各類之藝文活動,空間的再利用呈現出建築、藝術創作、藝術家、人流等多面向的互動。

    The purpose of developing Taiwan’s unused space into “Art Village” can be regarded as Taiwan’s new attempt in space preservation and reuse in the recent years. Space reuse has jumped out of the previous development mode such as museum, cultural center and building preservation hall. Besides developing into a static art exhibition, space reuse has also cooperated with the artists’ dynamic creations and resources to expand into various kinds of literary and artistic activities. Space reuse demonstrates many-faceted interaction between buildings, artistic creations, artists, and streams of persons.
    This research regards of `` the art site of Hsin-Chu railway warehouse`` as an individual case to discuss the produced unused space planned utilization situation and the utilization benefits after the unused space of the original railway warehouse has been developed into an art village. It mainly analyzes the railway art village’s space planning, present utilization situation, operational mode, operational objective and management effects. The research further probes into whether or not the development of art village has accorded with the art promotional effect, operation effect and space planning achieved by the railway art village. The operation method mainly uses live investigation and relevant numerical data analysis. Through the live investigation and analyzed results, the following conclusions can be obtained:

    1、Benefits in the Environment Aspect
    Speaking of `` the art site of Hsin-Chu railway warehouse`` space planning design, the interior space is around 400 square feet. The performing area and the artist's studio account for 202 square feet which is 50% of the entire railway art village interior space. It is obvious that this space mainly uses the literary and art development as its main utilization aspect. In addition, the performance area has no other complex utilization state. It can combine with creative fair space to adjust the size of the performing area in accordance with exhibition scale to become a highly free, flexible and manipulative exhibition space. The only deficiency is that the art village is located at a remote place that is difficult to distinguish by the public. The planning of the art village design does not interact with its surrounding environment. Hence, the building loses its vertical aesthetic perception for it is surrounded by automobiles.

    2、Benefits in the Operational Managerial Aspect
    In the operation and management of the art village, its operation units have relevant professional abilities. Therefore, it is easier to obtain relevant resources in handling exhibition planning, application operations, exhibition rental operations, insurance of works, press conferences, and promotions. In order to reduce hindrances in the operation and management, the artistic characteristics of “glass” is regarded as the theme in the art village operation plan. Its operation units also make good uses of natural and humane resources and combines with the local industry. It follows orders and advances the organic growth of art village step by step. It emphasizes the planning of artistic activities and promotion of artistic education.

    3、Fund Operation Aspect
    In the art village fund operation, the government subsidy is limited. Hence, the management of the artistic village is limited by funds. The fund operation cannot be used flexibly. Subsidies are mostly used for essential personnel expenditure and general affair expenditures. The funds utilized for artistic activities and relevant performances are relatively reduced. Basically, the finance of Hsinchu railway art village is still in the deficit state. The management team must independently raise funds to mend its financial needs in the operation. In facing the financial pressure, on the contrary, the management team is impelled to be more active in the activity planning of art village activities. Funds are exercised more prudently to avoid wastes of money. The art village operation leans toward a more economic type of
    operational management.

    4、The Running and Participation of the Exhibition Activity Aspect
    `` The art site of Hsin-Chu railway warehouse`` is active toward exhibition and activity planning. Thus, the art village can truly implement its art promotion purpose. In addition, the railway warehouse space can be perfectly utilized. Relevant art learning, spreading and DIY activities are held to encourage the public to participate in art creation. In the number of visitors visiting the art village on average, there are around 2000 visitors every month in 2005. In 2006, on average, there are over 3000 visitors monthly. The scale of the Hsinchu railway art village space is just sufficient to accommodate these visitors. Looking from the aspects of its space scale and its surrounding environment, the management of art village shall appear by way of small-scale management.

    中文摘要-----------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ 英文摘要-----------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ 謝 誌-----------------------------------------------------------Ⅳ 圖 目 錄-----------------------------------------------------------Ⅶ 表 目 錄-----------------------------------------------------------Ⅶ 第壹章 緒論 前言 --------------------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機----------------------------------------------------2 第二節 研究目的----------------------------------------------------3 第三節 研究方法與內容----------------------------------------------4 第四節 研究流程----------------------------------------------------5 第貳章 相關理論及文獻回顧 第一節 「閒置空間」與「再利用」之定義與內涵-------------------------6 第二節 國內閒置空間發展藝文用途之概況------------------------------11 第三節 「藝術村」之發展內涵-----------------------------------------18 第四節 鐵道藝術村網絡發展源起及規劃內容----------------------------26 第五結 小結--------------------------------------------------------37 第参章 新竹鐵道藝術村使用現況分析 第一節 相關案例分析-台中20號倉庫-----------------------------------39 第二節 新竹鐵道藝術村計畫內容及現況分析----------------------------46 第三節 新竹鐵道藝術村經營管理計劃分析------------------------------57 第肆章 「新竹鐵道藝術村」使用效益分析 第一節 歷年營運計畫內容分析----------------------------------------62 第二節 經費運作分析------------------------------------------------71 第三節 展覽及活動分析----------------------------------------------77 第四節 參訪人數分析------------------------------------------------82 第伍章 結論與建議 第一節 結論--------------------------------------------------------86 第二節 建議--------------------------------------------------------91 第三節 結語--------------------------------------------------------92 參考文獻------------------------------------------------------------參-1

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