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研究生: 黃銘俊
Richard Firdaus Oeyliawan
論文名稱: 基於 TraVeLGAN 與 Perceptual Loss 實現照片轉換表情符號之應用
Photo-to-Emoji Transformation with TraVeLGAN and Perceptual Loss
指導教授: 林伯慎
Bor-Shen Lin
口試委員: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Chuan-Kai Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: cartoonizationphoto-to-emoji transformationSiamese networkgenerative adversarial networkTraVeLGANperceptual loss
外文關鍵詞: cartoonization, photo-to-emoji transformation, Siamese network, generative adversarial network, TraVeLGAN, perceptual loss
相關次數: 點閱:300下載:9
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Cartoon is one of the media that could both convey information and induce entertainment effects. Cartoonization of real photos is therefore of interest, and may be achieved through image transformation approaches such as generative adversarial networks. However, conventional generative adversarial network may suffer from mode collapse, i.e. generating highly similar images. This is because the only constraint imposed on the generator is to produce something similar to real images, so it leads to multiple-to-one mapping. TraVeLGAN, on the other hand, is the network that may tackle this issue by forcing the synthesized images separated and keeping their spatial relationship similar to that of the original images. In this study, image transformation for human face from photo-realistic image to emoji image based on TraVeLGAN is investigated. In the initial experiment, TraVeLGAN may generate the images with higher diversity, but they often have mismatched semantic attributes, such as hair and skin color, or shape of the head. To alleviate this problem, perceptual loss computed from VGG19 is proposed to be used with TraVeLGAN, since perceptual loss may make the output image closer to the input image on the feature map. Experimental result shows TraVeLGAN can produce the images with better quality and higher SSIM score. In addition, perceptual loss obtained from a shallower layer, such as the first or second convolutional layer, may give higher similarity and better quality. Furthermore, a generative adversarial network with perceptual loss is conducted for comparison, and it is found that TraVeLGAN is helpful for improving image quality.
Keywords: cartoonization, photo-to-emoji transformation, Siamese network, generative adversarial network, TraVeLGAN, perceptual loss. 

Contents Abstract iv Acknowledgement v Contents vi Content of Figure viii List of Formula ix List of Table x Chapter 1 Introduction 11 1.1 Background & Motivation 11 1.2 Contribution 13 1.3 Summary 13 Chapter 2 Literature Review 15 2.1 Convolution Neural Network 15 2.2 Generative Adversarial Network 17 2.3 Image Transformation 18 2.4 VGG Network 19 2.5 Siamese Network 20 2.6 U-Net Network 21 2.8 TraVeLGAN 22 2.9 Metric Evaluation 22 2.9.1 Structural Similarity 22 2.9.2 Fréchet Inception Distance Score (FID Score) 23 Chapter 3 Baseline 25 3.1 Experiment Setup 25 3.2 GAN 26 3.3 TraVeLGAN 28 Chapter 4 Improvement and Analysis 32 4.1 TraVeLGAN with Perceptual Loss 32 4.2 Implementation 34 4.3 Additional Experiment using original GAN with Perceptual Loss 37 4.5 Discussion 40 Chapter 5 Conclusion 44

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