簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林仲強
Chung-chiang Lin
論文名稱: BIM-SCM-RFID導入開放式住宅整建之研究-以老舊住宅大廈為例
BIM-SCM-RFID Oriented Study for Open Building Renovation -The Old Building Case Study
指導教授: 鄭明淵
Min-yuan Cheng
口試委員: 謝佑明
Yu-ming Hsieh
Sy-jye Guo
Ting-ya Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 開放式住宅無線射頻辨識住宅整建生命週期管理數量計算
外文關鍵詞: open building, RFID, renovation, life cycle management, quantity takeoff
相關次數: 點閱:326下載:6
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  • 根據研究分析顯示,民國87-90年間,台北市住戶整建消費者整建行為調查結果,台北市有整建消費行為比率為28%,比率相當高,其中老舊住宅中因不同需求經常需要做室內隔間的變動,或者因管線的老舊包括漏水、阻塞...等問題需要汰舊換新,但老舊住宅的內部裝修整建工程常礙於水電暗管埋設、既有管道間、空間高度或硬體設施規劃等等之限制;並且,當進行內部裝修時,仍以非模矩化、非系統化之舊思維模式進行,因此造成施工期間容易產生極大之噪音、震動、粉塵與大量廢棄物等環境衝擊。
    本研究探討過去住宅裝修流程中產生之問題:如圖說參差不齊、預算數量計算無共識、採購資訊不足、施工管理不易...等,分別將建築資訊模型 (Building Information Model, BIM)、供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management, SCM)及無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)導入裝修流程中,建立「BIM-SCM-RFID於開放式建築整建模式」,藉此改善過去存在於裝修流程中之問題。
    本研究採用一般老舊住宅大廈內其中一戶做為測試案例,使用Autodesk Revit、Autodesk MEP將住宅內部模擬為開放式建築。模型建置完成後使用Autodesk Qnantity Takeoff進行數量計算,並將計算成果與工料分析資料結合整理成物料需求資料。於採購發包階段,將電子市集導入建材供應鏈中,利用軟體代理人於廠商清單資料進行搜尋、比對、過濾...等功能取得廠商清單得知可構件製造商、供應商,以解決過去採購資訊不足的問題。於營造施工階段利用RFID讀取的功能辨識功能得知構件種類、材料..等資訊進行組裝,改善施工管理不易並加速組裝效率。

    According to a previous study, 28% of the residents of Taipei City renovated their houses during 1999–2001. They renovated old buildings that required different repairs, such as changes in partition and plumbing. However, there are limitations in the extent of renovations possible because of the improper plumbing, exiting shaft channel, and equipment found in old buildings. As a result, during building renovations, the equipment used generates loud noise as well as dispersed dust because of the resulting vibrations inside the building.
    According to the concept of “open building,” the building should be built such that it allows for easy rebuilding. An open building is composed of multiple “blocks.” A resident can remove or update any component of the open building at any time depending on different needs. Also, the components removed can be reused to reduce the impact on environment.
    This study discovered multiple problems in the old renovation process: difficulty in sorting multiple plans, difficulty in reaching a common consensus regarding the calculated quantity results, insufficient information regarding the building materials to be purchased, and difficultly in managing the materials and processes in the construction phase. This study also describes a process that uses building information model (BIM), supply chain management, and radio frequency identification (RFID) in order to resolve these problems.
    The case study used is an old building: Apartment A on the second floor of the building was chosen, and the wall, ceiling, doors, and all of the interior decoration were assumed to be removed. A BIM three-dimensional model of the apartment was generated using the softwares “Autodesk Revit” and “Autodesk MEP.” The quantity in the model was calculated using the software “Autodesk Quantity Takeoff” after generating the BIM model. The list of calculated results was integrated with the material list and the result was a bill of material (BOM). Then, the BOM was integrated with the information regarding the construction progress for implementing dynamic management planning of the material. These two results are the information used in the purchase and contract out phases. In the purchase phase, to obtain the manufacture list, a material seller or manufacturer is searched using an e-market software agent. In the construction phase, RFID tags are used to identify the name and type of component and material. This helps reduce the time taken and increase the efficiency when installing the various components.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3 研究範圍與限制 4 1.4 研究內容與流程 4 1.4.1研究內容 4 1.4.1研究流程 5 1.5 論文架構 8 第二章 文獻回顧 9 2.1台灣住宅整建概況 9 2.1.1台灣住宅整建費用與市場規模 9 2.1.2台灣住宅隔間變更狀況 9 2.2 國內外開放式住宅新建案例 10 2.2.1開放式建築(Open Building)之基本理念及特性 10 2.2.2開放式建築(Open Building)於國外之發展現況 13 2.2.3開放式建築(Open Building)於國內之發展現況 15 2.3建築資訊模型(BIM) 19 2.3.1建築資訊模型(BIM)介紹 19 2.4工程估價與物料管理資訊整合模式 22 2.4.1MRP應用於工程物料管理之分析 22 2.5供應鏈管理(SCM) 24 2.5.1供應鏈之定義 24 2.5.2供應鏈管理之關鍵議題 25 2.5.3電子市集 26 2.6無線射頻辨識(RFID)簡介 29 2.6.1RFID系統之基本組成 29 2.6.2RFID標籤之基本類型 31 2.6.3RFID於營建業之應用及發展現況 33 第三章 開放式住宅整建生命週期各階段之需求探討 37 3.1建築生命週期簡介 37 3.1.1傳統建築生命週期 37 3.1.2開放式建築生命週期 39 3.2開放式建築住宅整建之需求探討 40 3.2.1住宅空間使用之需求 40 3.2.2傳統開放式住宅整建過程之需求探討 41 第四章 BIM-SCM-RFID於開放式建築整建模式 45 4.1BIM-SCM-RFID於開放式建築整建模式 46 4.2規劃設計階段 47 4.3生產製造階段 62 4.4營造施工階段 72 第五章 案例測試-以老舊住宅大廈為例 75 5.1案例介紹 75 5.2建立內裝填充體單元資料庫 76 5.3建立建築模型 78 5.3.1建築模型 78 5.3.2干涉檢查 80 5.4建立機電模型 81 5.4.1確立機電系統模型元件 81 5.4.2機電模型 82 5.4.3干涉檢查 84 5.4.4Architecture與 MEP干涉檢查 85 5.5裝修階段元件計算 86 5.5.1建築模型數量計算成果 86 5.5.2建築模型成本計算成果 87 5.5.3機電設備數量計算成果 88 5.5.4機電設備成本計算成果 90 5.6案例構件編碼 93 5.7物料清單 97 5.8搜尋供應商、製造商 104 5.9施工時程規劃 107 5.10施工營造階段 110 5.11小結 111 第六章 結論與建議 113 6.1結論 113 6.2建議 114 參考文獻 115 <附錄一> 117 <附錄二> 136 <附錄三> 141

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