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研究生: 林千玄
Chien-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱: 以UAV協助建立無人化智慧工地之可行性實證研究-以安全支撐工項為例
Feasibility of applying UAVs to facilitate unmanned smart construction sites-using temporary safety support system as example
指導教授: 楊亦東
I-Tung Yang
口試委員: 謝佑明
Yo-Ming Hsieh
T.Y Chuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 無人機UAVContextCapture3D 建模無人化智慧工地
外文關鍵詞: Site inspection, ContextCapture, smart construction site
相關次數: 點閱:182下載:9
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科技始終來自於慣性。近年因無人航空載具,簡稱無人機(英語:unmanned aerial vehicle,縮寫:UAV)問世,建築業者為確保有充裕人力推動工程,開始大量引進資訊科技,並使用UAV 協助工程品質監控,大幅節省管理人力。無人機的應用,有利於提高工程施工質量、加快施工進度、減少部分勞動力成本的支出。面對高齡及少子化趨勢,勞動力日漸匱乏,世界各地營建工程人員數量面臨
結構性的改變,工程技術人力逐漸短缺。本研究期望從上帝的視角,運用UAV 的航拍畫面結合ContextCapture 建模軟體,實行施工影像尺寸查驗及進度紀錄,取代傳統繁雜的人工查驗,期待能有效節省人力、時間成本,透過實證案例研究及專家訪談之看法及建議,評估以UAV 實現無人化智慧工地的可行性及意願為最後結論,冀希未來無人機的使用能普及在每個營造工地,達成人機互動,減少時間及人力成本,共創無人化智慧工地。

In traditional construction projects, on-site engineers need to carry out inspection tools such as tape measure, white board, box ruler and camera, and judge the on-site construction status based on visual inspection and experience. When the site area is large, it takes a lot of time to check the construction progress. It is also sometimes necessary to temporarily stop operations due to construction inspections, and due to the large number of inspection items, inspection efficiency can't be improved. The lack of scientific means and tools impedes effective management of people, machines, materials, and construction environment.
Technology always comes from inertia. In recent years, due to the advent of
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) (English: unmanned aerial vehicle, abbreviation:
UAV), construction companies have begun to adopt various information technology.
UAVs are widely used to assist project management in the reduction of manpower
requirement as well as to improve projects quality control. The application of UAVs can expedite construction progress, also reduce labor cost.
Faced with the trend of aging and declining birthrates, labor is increasingly scarce,construction engineering manpower around the world is facing structural changes. This study uses UAV aerial images combined with ContextCapture modeling software to implement construction image size inspection and progress recording from the perspective of God, instead of traditional complicated manual inspections. The goal is to effectively reduce labor cost and work time . Empirical case studies are conducted to implement the procedure and to assess the outcome. The study also interviews professionals to analyze the feasibility of applying UAVs to help establish unmanned smart construction sites. It is hoped that the use of UAVs can be more popular in more construction site in the future, therefore achieving human-machine interaction, reducing time and labor costs, and establishing unmanned smart construction sites.

摘要 Abstract 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景及動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究方法及流程 1.4 研究範圍及限制 1.5 論文架構 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 UAV 的發展與現況 2.2 UAV 影像建模運用 2.3 施工管理 2.4 無人化智慧工地 第三章 研究方法與執行方式 3.1 研究方法 3.2 專家訪談與問卷研擬 3.3 執行方式 3.3.1 UAV 使用相關規範 3.3.2 安全支撐工項介紹 3.3.3 研究工具 3.3.4 空拍建模流程介紹 3.4 實證前ContextCapture-3D 建模測試 第四章 實證結果分析與專家訪談 4.1 實證方式規劃 4.2 實證流程 4.3 實證結果 4.4 專家訪談資料彙整 4.5 結語 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 本研究結論 5.2 後續研究建議 參考文獻 附錄一 專家訪談調查表 附錄二 本研究產製影像規格及屬性資料

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