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研究生: 黃信寧
Huin-Ning Huang
論文名稱: 微電漿輔助奈米複合材料合成及其表面增強拉曼散射光譜應用
Microplasma-Assisted Nanohybrids Synthesis and Its Application in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)
指導教授: 江偉宏
Wei-Hung Chiang
口試委員: 何國川
Kuo-Chuan Ho
Jyh-Chiang Jiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 大氣常壓微電漿表面增強拉曼散射奈米複合材料
外文關鍵詞: Microplasma, surface-enhanced Raman scattering, nanohybrid
相關次數: 點閱:751下載:13
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我們提供一種簡便的奈米複合材料合成方法,透過大氣常壓微電漿來輔助合成反應進行。微電漿是一種氣體放電型態,其定義為至少需有一幾何維度小是於一毫米才可被稱為微電漿。此外微電漿可與水溶液電極一同作用。透過微電漿內形成的能量物種可以在不含化學還原劑的水溶液環境下驅動電化學反應以及匯聚粒子。根據實驗結果,大氣常壓微電漿反應器可以在數分鐘內快速地合成金屬奈米粒子,我們將此方法進一步延伸到奈米複合材料的合成。所合成的材料經紫外光光譜、穿透式電子顯微鏡、拉曼光譜以及X光光電子光譜進行鑑定。並發現利用微電漿陰極與陽極分解系統所合成的銀金屬奈米粒子/氧化石墨烯複合材料提供了較實驗中其他複合材料更強的表面增強拉曼散射效果。在偵測羅丹名6G的情況下,最低可偵測到10皮摩爾每升的羅丹名6G表面增強拉曼光譜。在增強因子的計算方面則可以提供近1 X 1010的增強因子數值。此外我們也報導了一種以表面增強拉曼散射技術為基礎的高敏感度的多巴胺檢測方法,其偵測濃度最低可達奈摩爾每升。

In last few decades, carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene are two of most famous sp2 bonded carbon atom materials, due to their great mechanical and electrical properties. Recently experimental and theoretical studies have been shown that the nanohybrids of metal nanoparticles (NPs)/CNT or graphene possess superior SERS enhancement by combining electromagnetic (EM) enhancement and chemical (CM) enhancement properties, making them promising candidates for SERS application. However, conventional approaches for nanohybrids synthesis are usually involved time-consuming and laborious wet-chemistry-based methods.
Here we present a facile synthesis method of nanohybrids using a novel atmospheric-pressure microplasma-assisted reaction. Microplasmas are defined as gaseous discharges formed in electrode geometries where at least one dimension is less than 1 mm. Additionally, microplasmas can be operated with an aqueous solution as an electrode. Energetic species formed in the microplasma are capable of initiating electrochemical reactions and nucleating particles in solution without the need for a chemical reducing agent. In our experiments result, we found metal NPs can be synthesized in minutes scale by using atmospheric-pressure-microplasma-assisted electrochemistry, and we further extend this technology to synthesize metal NPs/CNT or graphene nanohybrids. As-produced samples were characterized by UV-Vis,TEM,Raman and XPS spectroscopy. We systematically study the SERS performance of unprocessed-nanocarbons and nanohybrids and we found that the Ag NPs/GO sample from anode electrode dissolution (ED) method provide strongest SERS enhancement. It can reach 1 X 10-11 M R6G detection and EF value is 9.97 X 109. In addition, we further report a SERS-based dopamine detection method using nanohybrids, which can reach nanomolar level detection.

List of Table VIII List of figure IX 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction of metal NPs/nanocarbon nanohybrids and application 1 1.2 Synthesis of nanohybrids 3 1.3 Introduction of plasma-assisted liquid reaction 4 1.4 Introduction of microplasma 13 1.5 Introduction of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) 19 1.6 Introduction of current dopamine sensing techniques 32 1.7 Introductions of SERS-based competitive adsorption DA sensing 33 2 Experiment Section 36 2.1 Chemicals 36 2.2 Apparatus 36 2.3 Different functionalized graphene nanoribbons preparation 37 2.4 Microplasma-liquid system 38 2.5 SERS chip preparation 40 2.6 SERS-based Dopamine Sensing 40 3 Result and discussion 40 3.1 Substrate characterization and GERS 40 3.2 Microplasma-assisted electrochemistry reaction for silver NPs synthsis 48 3.3 Nanohybrids synthesis, characterization and SERS application 55 3.4 SERS-based competitive adsorption for dopamine sensing 67 3.5 Interference factor (IF) 76 4 Conclusion 80 5 Supporting information 81 5.1 Enhanced factor calculation 81 6 Reference 83

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