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研究生: 陳慶澤
Ching-Tse Chen
論文名稱: OMO的發展與挑戰—以S公司從線上到線下為例
The development and challenges of OMO – The case study of S corporation
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 蔣成
Tchen Tchiang
Chia-lin Lee
Seng-Su Tsang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 電子商務OMOO2O物流業便利商店商業模式雙邊市場資源依賴理論競合策略
外文關鍵詞: e-commerce, OMO (Online Merge Offline), O2O (Online to Offline), logistics industry, convenience store, business model, two-sided markets, resource dependency theory, coopetition strategy
相關次數: 點閱:515下載:0
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本個案內容是出自新加坡商遊戲公司跨領域經營電子商務平台,個案從2015年開始在台灣發展,以免運、手機 APP、遊戲化等策略吸引年輕消費者,並逐漸擴大商品種類和供應商數量,成為台灣最受歡迎的電商平台之一。在電商發展站穩腳跟後於2021年開始投入實體門市拓展,提供包裹取件、物流寄件和購買零食飲料香菸的功能,並在一年快速擴展到800家門市,但在實體通路快速拓展後,面臨租金翻漲、門市坪效不彰、人力薪資調漲、架上商品庫存周轉不佳等問題,對其營運成本和獲利能力造成壓力。
綜觀其發展歷程,個案公司的核心競爭力在於其創新、用戶友好和深入了解市場需求的能力,並在發展中不斷調整和優化其商業模式和服務,以應對市場變化和競爭者的挑戰以達成獲利並取得市場佔有率。個案公司踏入實體零售業是一個嘗試線上整合線下的OMO(Online Merge Offline)策略,旨在提升物流效率、增加消費者黏著度和滿足多元化的消費需求,但也需要考量本身與既有物流業、便利商店業的差異化、協同化和競爭化的關係,以及其對品牌形象、客戶體驗和營運管理的影響。

This case study originates from a Singaporean gaming company that diversified into operating an e-commerce platform. The venture commenced in Taiwan in 2015, employing strategies such as free shipping, mobile apps, and gamification to attract young consumers. Gradually, it expanded its range of products and number of vendors, becoming one of Taiwan's most popular e-commerce platforms. As it established itself in e-commerce, in 2021, it ventured into physical retail, offering logistics, mailing services, and shopping functionalities, rapidly scaling to 800 stores. After the rapid expansion of physical outlets, the company faced challenges such as surging rents, inefficient store space utilization, rising labor costs, and poor inventory turnover. These factors exerted pressure on operational costs and profitability.
The core competitiveness of this company stems from its innovation, user-friendliness, and deep understanding of market demands. Nevertheless, continual adjustments and optimizations of its business model and services are necessary to adapt to market shifts and challenges posed by competitors. Venturing into physical retail was an attempt to employ an OMO (Online Merge Offline) strategy, aiming to enhance logistics efficiency, increase consumer engagement, and meet diverse consumer needs. Yet, it needs to consider differentiation, synergy, and competition with existing convenience store businesses, along with its impact on brand image, customer experience, and operational management.
This paper adopts Harvard case study method writing approach, comprising the case document and a teacher's guide. Through instructor-led discussions based on this case's development, it guides students in exploring four management issues: Business Model Canvas, Two-Sided Markets, Resource Dependency Theory, and Coopetition Strategy fostering the integration of theoretical learning and practical application.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第1章 個案本文 1 1.1 序 1 1.2 個案公司的困境與挑戰 3 1.3 個案公司的發展歷史 4 1.4 個案公司於網購平台/物流業/便利商店業的發展背景 5 1.5 個案公司的下一步? 17 1.6 問題與討論 17 第2章 教師教學指引 18 2.1 個案總覽 18 2.2 教學目標 19 2.3 學生課前準備與討論 20 2.4 教學總覽 21 2.5 個案分析—問題與參考答案 22 2.6 教學建議與板書規劃 34 參考文獻 39

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