簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 曾麗雯
Li-wen Tseng
論文名稱: 代理或自有品牌的決策
The Decision Making of Agency or Branding
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Ju-Yu Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 模組化理論資源基礎觀點企業轉型理論商業生態系統理論
外文關鍵詞: Modularity, Resource-Based View, Enterprise Transformation, Business Ecosystem
相關次數: 點閱:536下載:9
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A decision on whether to act as agent or create & start your own brand; the story of this case story took place at Excelsior Medical Co., Ltd. in 2010, a company founded twenty years ago and started as trade agency. Tom, the highest ranking executive of home appliance department received a letter from the original manufacturer of Honeywell products, kaz, informing him that the agency relationship between the two parties which lasted for 15 years would soon be terminated. For so long he had been worried and it finally took place, as an agency, the threat of being replaced because of unable to accomplish the target the original manufacturer had expected was always there, and sometimes the agency relationship was terminated because the accomplishment exceeded the target through the basic outlet set up by the original manufacturer, and then the original manufacturer would terminate the agency right and establish a branch of its own in private instead. Although a replacement of agency was never a new thing, but this time, he was the one who had to deal with this problem. Through the experiences he had accumulated over these years, he came up with an idea to have a full grasp of product resources, so that the main spindle of product could be lying in the healthy appliances comprised of “air, water, and regimen.” In addition to a long-term stability strategy, he must also think of what resources of own branding in response to the current phase of a company which had been focusing on agency and B2B for years could be selected from? To take a prudent step towards success, but how? He must submit appropriate countermeasures to the general manager during the executive meeting next Friday, at the meantime, he and the chief financial officer who had a dissenting opinion must reach a consensus; on the other hand, would department colleagues, as well as cooperative dealers and distributors support his idea? With the rise of concepts of regimen and health, how to become the leading brand of home appliances in the future was the major issue, and how could he achieve the vision which gradually emerged in his mind?

The discussion of this case study is focused on operational issues a trading company encounters when it is faced with the decision making of whether to act as agent or create & start its own brand. For years, Excelsior Medical Co., Ltd. has been dealing a vertical integration of all sorts of medical-related products, while the business of home appliances lies in the role of agency, when it is faced with the idea of development its own brand, this case study uses a modularity theory to conduct relevant aspects; and to explore the existing internal core competencies of resources remodeling based on the resource-based view; to discuss how to stimulate the customer service department to transform into B2C service and serve as a strong backup of its own brand based on the resource-based view and enterprise transformation theory. Next, to explore how to ensure a stable development for the home appliance department in the next phase and become the leading brand in the healthy home appliance industry based on the business ecosystem theory. Through the development experiences of the actual case and a combined confirmation of theories, this study wishes to provide enterprises some references regarding creating & starting their own brands.

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 壹、個案本文 1 一、代理或自有品牌的決策 (A)1 (一)產業概況: 2 1.健康家電產業型態介紹 2 2.家電產品趨勢 2 (二)空氣清淨機的領導品牌HONEYWELL 3 (三)後起之秀COWAY空氣清淨機 3 (四)多角化發展的佳醫健康事業 4 (五)佳醫與HONEYWELL合作主要事件紀要 5 (六)隱匿的危機 5 1.終於要面對長久以來身為貿易代理商所隱匿的危機 5 2.原有預算利潤的維持及新方向的投入與產出 6 3.攘外必須先安內 7 (七)TOM的另一種選擇 8 1.處理現有庫存 8 2.Coway 空氣清淨機 8 (八)從零開始? 9 1.健康家電產品的生命週期 9 2.通路市場的反應 9 (九)您好!這裡是佳醫客服中心。 10 (十)爭取有力的支持 11 (十一)健康家電產業「是風潮還是產業」 11 二、代理或自有品牌的決策 (B)13 (一)健康家電部門的新紀元13 附件 14 貳、 個案討論 22 一、個案總覽 22 二、教學目標與適用課程 22 三、學員課前討論問題 26 四、學員課前準備 27 五、個案背景 27 六、個案分析 28 七、教學建議 47 八、板書規劃 50 1.課程教案板書一:模組化 50 2.教學個案板書二:資源基礎理論 52 3.課程教案板書三:商業生態理論 54 參、參考文獻 55

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