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研究生: 張佳音
Chia-Yin Chang
論文名稱: 設計師創業之行銷研究
A study on marketing of design enterprise
指導教授: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
口試委員: 張岑瑤
Tsen-Yao Chang
Ting-Kuei Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 設計師創業曝光推廣展覽通路資源基礎觀點資源依賴觀點
外文關鍵詞: designer, entrepreneurship, promoting, exhibition, marketing, channels, Resource-Based View, Resource Dependency View
相關次數: 點閱:1052下載:18
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It`s been observed that there have been a great deal of design entrepreneur phenomena going on globally. These design enterprises all wish to have a steady growth on their businesses by using sufficient marketing strategies and distribution channels. From the literature review, it is known that the key to maintain a competitive advantages is to possess the resources, which most design enterprises are lack of. Therefore, this study selected ten new design enterprises, using multiple case researches and proceeded with focus groups interviews, to better understand how these design enterprises plan their marketing strategies, and promote products overseas. By analyzing the material with thesises such as Resource-Based View and Resource Dependency View, this study expect to give advises to the new design enterprises of how to make both short term and long term marketing strategies and help designers better access with resources both inside and outside their enterprises.

一、緒論----------------------------------------------------1 1.1研究背景與動機-------------------------------------------1 1.2研究目的-------------------------------------------------2 1.3研究流程與架構-------------------------------------------4 二、文獻探討------------------------------------------------7 2.1台灣創業環境與創業行為的發展-----------------------------7 2.2設計師創業----------------------------------------------14 2.3資源與能力----------------------------------------------21 2.4通路規劃與通路組合--------------------------------------30 2.5行銷在企業整體發展下的定位------------------------------37 2.6行銷案例與策略------------------------------------------41 三、研究方法-----------------------------------------------48 3.1研究架構------------------------------------------------48 3.2研究企業選擇與條件限制----------------------------------51 3.3研究設計------------------------------------------------53 3.4訪談流程------------------------------------------------55 3.5研究方法------------------------------------------------56 3.6資料分析------------------------------------------------57 3.7信度與效度----------------------------------------------57 3.8分析架構------------------------------------------------58 四、分析---------------------------------------------------60 4.1曝光和推廣----------------------------------------------60 4.1.1曝光與推廣-內往外-------------------------------------60 4.1.2曝光和推廣-依賴外部資源-------------------------------65 4.1.3曝光與推廣-小結---------------------------------------72 4.2通路與行銷----------------------------------------------73 4.2.1通路與行銷-主動---------------------------------------73 4.2.2通路與行銷-被動---------------------------------------79 4.2.3通路與行銷-間接通路-----------------------------------82 4.2.4通路與行銷-直接通路-----------------------------------87 4.2.5通路與行銷-小結---------------------------------------89 五、結論---------------------------------------------------90 5.1研究結論------------------------------------------------90 5.2研究限制------------------------------------------------99 六、參考文獻----------------------------------------------101 七、附錄--------------------------------------------------111

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