簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 柯景瀚
Ching-Han Ke
論文名稱: 個性化產品創新商業模式-陳敬凱手工皮鞋工作室
Personalization Product Service innovation Business Model: Chenjingkai Office
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 服務創新服務設計商業模式服務主導邏輯符號消費理論社會影響力製鞋業
外文關鍵詞: Social Impacts.
相關次數: 點閱:348下載:47
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本個案描述一位平面設計師-陳敬凱,接受朋友的合作邀約,在2012年成立Chenjingkai Office,提供皮鞋產品服務,卻在經營初期面對到顧客對於皮鞋產地與製作流程的質疑,同時在設計過程中,也看見了台灣製鞋產業的凋零與人才斷層的問題。台灣的製鞋師傅縱使擁有著精良的技術,卻因為普遍企業追求大量生產、壓低成本的策略,讓製鞋師傅不僅社會地位偏低、工作環境欠佳,也無法獲得應有的報酬。因此他希望藉由設計的思考與影響力,讓顧客在最短的時間內感受到台灣製造與手工的價值,並且尋求改變產業環境的機會。



The case describes a graphic designer, Mr. Chen, accept his friend’s invitation to set up Chenjingkai Office to produce leather shoes product on 2012. While at the beginning of his business, his customer questioned about the source of leather shoes product. In the designing process, he also found that the fallen of Taiwan shoe industry and the lack of young talented person to join into this industry. Although our shoe workers are highly skilled craftsmen, due to the pursue of mass production and the strategy of lowest production cost, they still can’t get a good working environment, reward and social status. Mr. Chen want to let customer feel the value of hand made and Taiwan made in a very short time through design thinking, and seeking of an opportunity to change the environment of traditional industry in Taiwan.

Mr. Chen opened a showroom and starts his “personalized leather shoes order service” in a small alley on 2014. He displayed all of the material of leather shoes making process, and serve only 4 hours a day to let customer designed their own personalized leather shoes in six steps; while in the manufacturing side, he maintained the productivity through modular production processes, and give a good reward to them because of the adding value of leather shoes product, trying to create a virtuous cycle on industry.

The case is adapted Harvard Case Study research method to discuss the following issues: service innovation, business model, service dominant logic, symbolic consumption, social impacts, and so on. The case will be also explored on the viewpoints of: how to change the traditional selling model through service innovation, base the core of the business model on customer requirements, combine service experience to achieve co-creation with customers and discuss how to create the additional value for products to satisfy customer’s sense of security and recognition. Finally, provide feedback for the manufacture side from the values produced during the process to achieve social influence of the graphic designers.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 表目錄 V 圖目錄 V 壹、個案本文 1 序幕 1 一、從設計代工到社會影響 2 二、等待升級的台灣製鞋業 4 三、第一款皮鞋的反思 7 (一)溝通對象重定位 7 (二)生產流程再訪查 8 (三)發想流程,規劃策略 9 四、個性化皮鞋訂製流程 10 五、不只是一間皮鞋店 14 (一)從物料延伸產品想像 14 (二)未來經營挑戰 15 附件 16 貳、個案討論 20 一、個案總覽 20 二、教學目標與適用課程 20 三、學生課前討論問題 23 四、個案人物背景 24 五、個案分析 25 課程目標一:服務創新 26 課程目標二:商業模式設計探討 39 課程目標三:服務主導邏輯 46 課程目標四:符號消費理論 49 六、課程結論 55 七、教學建議 56 八、板書規劃 60 參考文獻 61 一、英文參考文獻 61 二、中文參考文獻 62 三、網路部分 63

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