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研究生: 林明學
Ming-Xue Lin
論文名稱: 應用於低軌衛星通訊之雙極化孔徑耦合寬頻天線陣列設計
Design of dual-polarization aperture coupled wideband antenna array for low-orbit satellite communication
指導教授: 謝松年
Sung-Nien Hsieh
口試委員: 謝松年
Sung-Nien Hsieh
Ding-Bing Lin
Chun-Long Wang
An-Shyi Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 微帶天線天線陣列孔徑耦合雙極化低軌衛星波束成型
外文關鍵詞: Patch Antenna, Antenna Array, Aperture Couple, Dual Polarized, low-orbit satellite, beamforming
相關次數: 點閱:656下載:12
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  • 為了應對第六代行動通訊中需要擴增服務範圍之要求,通訊衛星的地位逐漸重要,其中低軌衛星因自身特性適合進行通訊,在通訊中的地位逐漸重要,本篇論文將針對低軌衛星用於Ku band頻段的雙極化天線進行設計,其中下行(downlink)通訊頻率為10.7~12.75GHz,由於電磁波在空氣中傳播時,其路徑損耗嚴重,因此採用陣列設計來提升增益。天線將使用孔徑耦合進行饋入,並設計成雙極化,使用微帶天線為單元,作為雙極化天線陣列之設計基礎,最後為了應對低軌衛星的移動速度,會將天線組成8X8陣列去進行波束掃描,觀察偏移時增益的變化。

    To meet the requirements of expanding service coverage in the context of the 6th generation of mobile communications, the role of communication satellites has become increasingly important. Among them, low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites are particularly suitable for communication due to their characteristics, leading to their growing significance in the field of communication. This thesis focuses on the design of a dual-polarized antenna for Ku-band operation on LEO satellites. The downlink communication frequency is set between 10.7 and 12.75 GHz. Due to significant path losses in the propagation of electromagnetic waves through the atmosphere, an array design is adopted to enhance the antenna gain. The antenna will employ aperture-coupling for feeding and will be designed to be dual-polarized, using microstrip antennas as the basic building blocks for the dual-polarized antenna array. Lastly, to accommodate the LEO satellite's high-speed movement, the antenna will be configured as an 8x8 array for beam scanning, enabling the observation of changes in gain during the beam-steering process

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2文獻探討 4 1.3論文架構 5 第二章 天線理論 7 2.1 微帶天線 7 2.2 陣列天線 13 第三章 天線單元設計與陣列設計之模擬 17 3.1 孔徑耦合 17 3.1.1 孔徑耦合微帶天線設計 20 3.1.2 孔徑耦合堆疊微帶天線設計 24 3.2 單元設計 27 3.2.1 單元模擬結果 33 3.3 不含饋電網路之子陣列模擬 37 3.4 含饋電網路之子陣列模擬 42 3.5 波束控制 50 第四章 總結 57 參考文獻 58

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