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研究生: 王曉珩
Hsiao-Hang Wang
論文名稱: 併購與品牌活化:以Aberdeen公司為例
Merger, Acquisition and Brand Activation: A Case Study of Aberdeen Co., Ltd
指導教授: 林孟彥
Tom M. Y. Lin
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Yao-Sheng Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 品牌形象文化衝突企業文化整合行銷傳播品牌活化
外文關鍵詞: Organizational Culture Conflict, Organizational Culture, Brand Image, Integrated Marketing Communications, Brand Activation
相關次數: 點閱:331下載:22
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  • 論文題目:『併購與品牌活化:以Aberdeen公司為例』

    The purpose of this case study was to investigate how an integrated marketing communications brand activation project works when a case company acquires another company. The case company has carried out its business through multiple channels such as banks, VIP wealth management, group insurance and insurance agents, and is proud of its long established low-profile, and its stable and conservative manner of doing business. The company was predicted to survive well through the economic tsunami. In addition, the company assets increased tremendously during the economic hibernation. When the case company acquired the foreign brand Brighton Company, however, the number of employees was increased 10 times. They also had to incorporate individual sales agents into their business channel, which was a new situation for the case company. Most importantly, Brighton Company had to move their business from a very well-known company to a company which was almost unknown in the consumer market. This occurred at the same time the IMC project manager Ally joined the case company. Her main role was to amalgamate the two companies’ resources while helping to promote the right IMC project.
    Another aim of this study is to find out the difficulties and dilemmas that faced Ally from an Integrated Marketing Communications’ point of view, while linking these real-world problems to theory in business practice. The descriptive method of this study undertakes the Harvard Case Study methodology which starts with the two companies’ culture conflict issues after mergers and acquisitions, how the way of doing brand management changed after discussions of brand activation IMC projects, and other related issues such as brand revision and activation. The results of the study can provide many concepts for IMC participators and for entrepreneurs who are also facing the issues of brand aging, and for businesses which have merged with and acquired other brands. It is a vibrant case study which can be a good resource for academic studies, especially for those who are learning notions of integrated marketing communications and brand activation.

    摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝III 圖表目錄VI 第一章個案本文1 第一節兩家保險公司的合併2 一、產業生態3 (一)台灣的人壽保險產業概況3 (二)個案發生時期金融保險業背景介紹4 二、個案公司背景介紹6 (一)關於Aberdeen公司6 (二)關於Brighton公司7 (三)合併Brighton公司之新公司紀元8 (四)合併後之各方心聲9 第二節兩家公司的品牌合併11 一、品牌管理13 (一)Aberdeen公司品牌經營理念13 (二)Brighton公司品牌經營理念13 (三)合併後之品牌管理任務14 二、Aberdeen公司的品牌活化計畫15 (一)企業識別微整型15 (二)整合行銷科的成立17 (三)整合行銷傳播方案的準備工作18 (四)整合行銷傳播方案正式推行23 (五)品牌活化成效28 第二章個案討論31 第一節個案總覽31 一、教學目標與適用課程32 二、學員課前準備35 三、個案分析36 第二節討論問題與參考答案38 一、Aberdeen公司與Brighton公司在合併之後可能會遇到的問題。38 二、兩家公司合併後,Aberdeen公司最大的品牌問題是甚麼?48 三、評估Aberdeen公司的整合行銷傳播案。55 四、併購後啟動的整合行銷傳播專案幫助品牌活化了嗎?66 五、教學建議73 六、板書規劃74 七、課程建議選讀文章75 參考文獻78 中文參考文獻78 英文參考文獻80 網路資源84

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