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Author: 張弘昌
Hung-Chang Chang
Thesis Title: 為金飾禮品業挖掘下一條金脈—以崇光金品股份有限公司為例
Find the Next Golden Lode for Gold Exquisite Jewelry Industry—the Challenge Alead of Solerie Co., Ltd.
Advisor: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Committee: 陳正鋼
Cheng-Kang Chen
Hong-Wen Lin
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2019
Graduation Academic Year: 107
Language: 中文
Pages: 48
Keywords (in Chinese): 崇光金品黃金金幣銀樓禮贈品
Keywords (in other languages): Solerie Co., Ltd., Gold, Gold Coins, Goldsmith Design Shop, Gifts
Reference times: Clicks: 432Downloads: 5
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  • 本個案以一個傳產企業成長發展歷程為藍圖,探討中小企業在不同時期所面臨的經營及轉型決策問題。個案描述崇光金品股份有限公司創辦人Frank在1992年創立,因應業務需求不斷創新取得多項專利技術、面對公司的資源擴充該如何抉擇、公司拓展投資的評估及如何運用數位行銷順利領導公司進入下個成長階段,都是創辦人Frank所面臨的經營決策關鍵問題。

    This case takes the journey of a traditional industry enterprise’ growth and development as a blueprint to explore the operational and transformational decision-making problem faced in different phases by small and medium enterprises This case describe the founder, Frank, who founded Solerie Co., Ltd. in 1992, in response to business needs, Frank obtain numbers of patented technologies by constantly innovation, however, Frank is facing critical business decisions which would lead the enterprise to the next growing phase, including the options of resources expansion, investment evaluation and digital marketing engagement etc...
    The case is divided into two subjects, the content (this article) and the teaching manual. The article will be presented from the viewpoint of an entrepreneur dealing the challenges and the decision-making process on company expansion, investment strategy, organizational change, staff expansion and the digital transformation issues by homogeneous issue. The teaching manual would lead further discussion of company management, employee management, strategic management, business model, digital transformation, etc.

    中文摘要 II Abstract III 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VI 壹、個案本文 1 一、序幕 1 二、產業概況 1 三、崇光金品股份有限公司的概況介紹 7 四、創造公司的附加價值 10 五、資源的擴充 13 六、傳統走向數位的第一步 16 七、拓展與投資的評估 18 八、數位再進化 19 貳、教學指引 22 一、個案總覽 22 二、教學目標 22 三、使用課程與對象 23 四、討論問題與參考答案 23 五、教學建議 29 文獻參考 31 附錄 32 附錄一、經濟部出進口績優廠商名錄 32 附錄二、各行業黃金需求變化量及供應變化量 33 附錄三、近九年黃金需求量 34 附錄四、全球官方黃金儲備 35 附錄五、2017黃金進口統計 36 附錄六、2017進口金幣統計 37 附錄七、2018進口金幣統計 38

     中文文獻:
    Alexander,Osterwalder and Yves Pignenr(尤傳莉,譯者),2012。「獲利世代」,臺北市:早安財經文化。
    Kotler, Philip, HermawanKartajaya, and IwanSetiawan(劉盈君,譯者),2017。「行銷4.0:新虛實融合時代贏得顧客的全思維」,臺北市:天下雜誌。
     英文文獻:
    Kurt Lewin (1947),“Frontier in Group Dynamics: Concept, Method, and Reality in Social Science,” Human Relations, 1(1), 5-41.
    H. Igor Ansoff (1965),“Strategies for Diversification,” Harvard Business Review, 35(5), 113-124.
    Fugate, Mel, Gregory E. Prussia, and Angelo J. Kinicki(2012), “Managing Employee Withdrawal During Organizational Change: The Role ofThreat Appraisal,” Journal of Management, 38(3), 890-914.
    Jeong, Inseong andShung Jae Shin(2017), “High-Performance Work Practices and Organizational Creativity During Organizational Change: A Collective Learning Perspective,” Journal of Management, 45(3), 1-17.