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研究生: 涂信裕
Hsin-yu Tu
論文名稱: 網路銀行與跨行支付系統整合之研究
The Research of the banks’ crossing payment integrating with the Network banks
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tsung-Cheng Wu
Cheng-Huang Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 電子資料交換金融電子資料交換電子付款金融延伸標記語言通匯系統
外文關鍵詞: Electronic Data Interchange, EDI, Financial EDI, FEDI, Payment systems, FXML, Remittance
相關次數: 點閱:317下載:10
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  •   近年來由美國銀行引起的金融風暴,使全球金融與產業秩序大亂,連帶使歐洲的國家(冰島、希臘、西班牙…等)也面臨政府財政破產的窘境;而亞洲國家受到的衝擊則相對較輕,以大陸為首的一連串經濟活動,帶動區域金融的合併與競爭,台灣的銀行業更是興起一陣跨海佈局的金融投資熱潮。
      由於網際網路無遠弗屆的特性,成為產業間競爭的利器;金融機構合併法三讀通過後,金融機構規模大型化、集團化是必然的趨勢,銀行、證券、投資信託與保險等產業界限將日益模糊化;我國加入WTO後,大陸與國外金融與非金融服務業者的強力挑戰更是不可避免的情勢。為掌握未來在網際網路時代的競爭優勢,銀行無不建置網路電子交易平台(Payment Center)來強化競爭優勢,以爭取客戶的認同、藉以提升銀行的市場佔有率與獲利能力。

    Recently, there are lots of financial meltdowns starting from American Banks. These financial disasters mess up all financial relating businesses in the world, such as European countries, Ice Island, Greece, Spain and so on. Moreover, these financial meltdowns let lots of European governments bankrupt. In the other side, Asian countries feel fewer pounds than others. China leads a bunch of economic activities, and they also blow the wind of merging and completing with other financial businesses. For example, banks in Taiwan has been had a fever of investing overseas companies nowadays.
    Due to that Internet is worldwide, it becomes an advantage for competing. The laws related to Finances have been released, and its let the scale of financial businesses is much larger than before. The lines between banks, funds, and investments will be blurred in the future. After entering into WTO, the challenges from China and overseas’ countries are increasing. For handling the situation, banks start to build “Payment Center” for strengthening their advantages. Therefore, banks would gain the trust from customers and also increase their market rate and gaining ability.
    Payment ways diverse in Taiwan, due to different building backgrounds and distinct technology developing, they cause the opposite of real demanding and systems’ services. For instance, worldwide financial companies all provide all-day money transferring services, but the “Remittance” system in Taiwan only give the services from nine a.m. to three half p.m. FXML, the most suitable system for integrating cash in business, is still not so common and can’t execute in real for assisting customers’ cutting exchanges through the agency bank. FEDI, another system has cutting exchanges’ abilities, is facing the obstacle of its gap from old to new and also its amounts decrease. Thus, this research provides a solving situation by integrating FXML, FEDI and Remittance. Besides, they will combine with the functions on the Internet and build wonderful assets allocating environments for leveling up the quality of services in Taiwan’s financial businesses!

    摘 要 III Abstract V 誌 謝 VI 目 錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究內容及範圍 3 第貳章 文獻探討 5 第一節 金融EDI 5 第二節 金融XML 9 第三節 通匯系統 18 第四節 網路銀行 19 第五節 網路交易安全 23 第六節 金融EDI、金融XML與通匯系統之比較 27 第參章 網路銀行與金融EDI、金融XML與通匯系統整合應用之建構 29 第一節 系統架構與模組設計 30 第二節 主要訊息分派說明 40 第三節 系統軟硬體需求 42 第肆章 網路銀行與金融EDI、金融XML與通匯系統整合潛在系統風險與管理 45 第一節 客戶端作業與憑證之保管及使用 45 第二節 銀行端資訊設備與系統之安全防護 46 第三節 交易訊息經由網際網路傳輸過程中的安全維護 47 第四節 系統的可用性(全年無休的營運服務) 47 第伍章 結論與建議 49 第一節 研究結論 49 第二節 未來研究發展方向建議 51 參考文獻 53

    18、A. Nash, W. Duane, C. Joseph, and D. Brink, (2001) “PKI: Implementing and Managing E-Security”, McGraw-Hill.
    19、David RR Webber, (1998) “Introducing XML/EDI Frameworks”, Electronic Markets, Vol.8 No.1, pp38-41.
    20、ebXML, http://www.ebxml.org/
    21、IFX, http://www.ifxforum.org/

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