Author: |
張守群 Shou-Chun Chang |
Thesis Title: |
基於聯盟區塊鏈之使用者導向電子訊息交換框架 A User-Oriented Electronic Message Exchange Framework Based on Consortium Blockchain |
Advisor: |
Nai-Wei Lo |
Committee: |
Tzong-Chen Wu 查士朝 Shi-Cho Cha |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2018 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 106 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 116 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 區塊鏈 、聯盟鏈 、智能合約 、電子資料交換 、Quorum |
Keywords (in other languages): | Blockchain, Consortium Blockchain, Smart Contract, EDI, Quorum |
Reference times: | Clicks: 528 Downloads: 18 |
Share: |
School Collection Retrieve National Library Collection Retrieve Error Report |
藉由智能合約,我們能將更複雜的應用放到區塊鏈上,但隨之而來的就是資料隱私的問題,根據區塊鏈的特性:去中心化、資料不可竄改與分散式帳本,讓鏈上的資料是完全公開透明的,任何人都可以去查閱。而為了解決這個問題,如何在區塊鏈上實作資料隱私機制成為了大家研究的重點並發展出了私有鏈(Private blockchain)以及聯盟鏈(Consortium blockchain)的概念。
In recent years, blockchain technology reached its peak, lots of applications based on blockchain were emerged.
The pioneer in the field of Cryptocurrency was Bitcoin.
Alone with the field became more mature, more and more cryptocurrencies appear, which let the public begin to understand the technology of the blockchain.
In 2014, Ethereum showed up with completely new concept, Smart Contract, which lead blockchain application from cryptocurrency transferred to the new field.
With smart contract, we can build more complex applications based on the blockchain, but it brings data privacy issues.
According to the characteristics of the blockchain: decentralization, immutability and distributed ledger, which make data is public to everyone.
In order to solve this problem, how to implement privacy mechanism on the blockchain has become the aim of everyone's research.
Because of this, the concept of private blockchain and consortium blockchain emerged.
In the traditional electronic data exchange system, because they were based on centralized architecture.
On the system stability and data security would be a great concern.
I proposed a message exchange framework based on consortium blockchain, hoping to solve the above problems by this framework.
%My framework is based on Quorum, which make data privacy possible with blockchain architecture.
\noindent Keyword: Blockchain, Consortium Blockchain, Smart Contract, EDI, Quorum
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