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研究生: 陳星嶧
Hsing-Yi Chen
論文名稱: 針對椎弓足螺絲暨骨水泥擴張術之拉出強度參數化及靈敏度探討:有限元素分析
Parametric and sensitivity studies for pullout strength of pedicle screws with injection of bone cement : A finite element analysis.
指導教授: 徐慶琪
Ching-Chi Hsu
Ching-Kong Chao
口試委員: 徐錫靖
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 骨質疏鬆椎體成型術氣球椎體成型術骨水泥穿孔式椎弓根螺釘
外文關鍵詞: Osteoporosis, Vertebroplasty, Balloon Kyphoplasty, Bone cement, Cannulated and perforated pedicle screw
相關次數: 點閱:373下載:18
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當病人的骨質密度很低時,椎弓根螺釘(椎弓足螺絲)的咬合能力會大幅的降低,同時也提高鬆脫的風險性。近來已經有研究將椎體成型術(Vertebroplasty)或氣球椎體成型術(Balloon Kyphoplasty) 與椎弓根螺釘結合達到增加螺絲咬合能力的效果。目前為止,尚未有文獻以有限元素分析的方式,探討骨螺絲與不同骨水泥的大小及位置所得到的拉出強度。本文將利用有限元素分析建立一套模擬骨螺絲骨水泥拉出強度的方法論,並與先前的文獻結果比對驗證本研究之可信度。

Due to very low BMD (Bone mineral density), it is a challenge to fix pedicle screw on osteoporotic spine, therefore the risk of screw loosening will increase. Recently, there are some studies using Vertebroplasty and Balloon Kyphoplasty to increase strength of pedicle screw fixation. However, using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method to simulate the pullout strength of pedicle screw with bone cement augmentation has not been established. Hence the purpose of this study is creating a Finite Element Analysis methodology to simulate the pullout strength of pedicle screw with bone cement augmentation, and then compare with the previous studies in order to prove our methodology being reliable.
In finite element analysis, we measure the vertebral body dimensions from CT-scan imagine first, and then we will design our finite element model using the imagine data. The ANSYS software is used to create our 3-D finite element model. The model includes cancellous bone, cortical bone, pedicle screw, and bone cement. After creating finite element model, we do the parametric and sensitivity analysis to make sure that the maximum bone cement pullout position is the same or not under different boundary conditions. The finite element model study is divided into three parts, first we consider smooth screw and only cancellous bone, second we consider smooth screw and cancellous bone with cortical bone, third we consider screw with thread and only cancellous bone.
According the FEA result, there are two important parameters that can affect the pullout strength obviously in our study. First is the young’s modulus of cancellous bone and second is the bone size. If we will do the mechanical test in the future, the bone cement is suggested should not very close to constrained side. Finally, we compare our simulation result with the previous result. It shows that Finite Element Model for the pullout strength of pedicle screw with bone cement augmentation is a feasible and reliable methodology.

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XIV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機與目的 1 1.2脊椎解剖與構造 5 1.3骨質疏鬆椎體之病灶及治療方法 8 1.3.1骨質疏鬆椎體之病灶 8 1.3.2治療方法 11 1.4多孔式椎弓根螺釘簡介 12 1.5文獻回顧 13 1.6本文架構 21 第二章 材料與方法 22 2.1研究方法簡介 22 2.2椎體影像量測及尺寸設計 25 2.2.1電腦斷層掃描影像 25 2.2.2影像量測 29 2.2.3量測結果 33 2.2.4 椎弓足寬度量測與螺絲尺寸探討 37 2.2.5椎體與骨水泥分佈幾何尺寸探討 38 2.2.6幾何尺寸設計 39 2.3 材料簡介 40 2.3.1人造假骨簡介 40 2.3.2 骨水泥簡介 42 2.4有限元素法簡介 45 2.5有限元素模型建立 46 2.6收斂性分析 52 2.7參數化分析 53 2.8靈敏度分析 53 2.8.1不同外型骨頭 54 2.8.2 不同拉出位移量 55 2.8.3不同骨水泥楊係係數 55 2.8.4不同鬆質骨楊氏係數 55 2.8.5不同骨頭尺寸大小 55 2.8.6不同骨水泥大小 56 2.8.7考慮有無硬質骨影響 56 2.8.8考慮有無螺紋之影響 57 2.9考慮不同位置及不同骨水泥大小 61 第三章 結果 63 3.1收斂性分析 63 3.2參數化分析 64 3.3靈敏度分析 66 3.3.1不同外型骨頭 66 3.3.2 不同拉出位移量 66 3.3.3不同骨水泥楊氏係數 67 3.3.4不同鬆質骨楊氏係數 67 3.3.5不同骨頭大小尺寸 68 3.3.6不同骨水泥大小 69 3.3.7考慮有無硬質骨之影響 69 3.3.8考慮有無螺紋之影響 71 3.4考慮不同位置不同骨水泥大小 83 第四章 綜合討論 87 4.1參數化分析結果趨勢探討 87 4.2靈敏度分析 89 4.2.1不同鬆質骨楊氏係數 89 4.2.2不同骨頭大小尺寸 90 4.2.3考慮有無硬質骨之影響 92 4.2.4考慮有無螺紋之影響 93 4.3考慮不同位置不同骨水泥的大小 95 4.4考慮不同固定端面積的大小 99 第五章 結論與未來展望 106 5.1結論 106 5.2未來展望 107 參考文獻 108 作者簡介 114

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