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研究生: 李奇澤
論文名稱: 小尺寸利基型矽晶圓廠技術發展與產品策略研究-以G公司為例
Technology Development and Product Strategy of Small-Size Niche Silicon Wafer Makers – the Case of Company G
指導教授: 鄭正元
Zheng-Yuan Zheng
Wen-Ching Hsu
口試委員: 陳炤彰
Chao-Chan A. Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 小尺寸晶圓功率半導體技術發展與產品策略SWOT
外文關鍵詞: small-size wafer, Power semiconductor, technology development and product strategy, SWOT
相關次數: 點閱:408下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探討半導體產業發展趨勢下,分析小尺寸矽晶圓廠之技術發展與產品策略的發展方向。以半導體產業發展而言,晶圓走向大尺寸是產業趨勢。面對產業轉變,在技術發展與產品策略上找到產品的新價值與新需求,是公司永續經營需面臨的課題。本研究以G公司為例,探討G公司在面對產業環境變化,如何利用本身核心技術持續開發新產品,在產品世代交替的過程中仍持續成長達到永續經營的目標。
    全球化競爭是不變的趨勢,公司如何在競爭中持續成長,是每一個產業皆會面臨的問題。企業轉型是要在既有的技術上發展或是跳脫現有的產業鏈,取決於公司的經營決策。以G公司之新竹廠區為例,在面對半導體產業版圖變化,以本身的核心競爭力發展訂定公司的經營目標。過去新竹廠區以功率半導體為目標市場,持續開發領先市場之新產品。同時進入車用供應鏈,以優良的品質管控與製造技術,延續小尺寸晶圓的產品壽命。目前G公司在6吋以下矽晶圓之市場佔有率約為25%,而面對市場趨勢變化,未來將持續往8吋重摻晶圓開發。而功率半導體一下世代的材料為GaN 與碳化矽。G公司將利用在矽基材料的核心技術,延伸發展GaN on Silicon 磊晶晶圓技術,以成為高功率半導體材料生產的大廠。


    For this study, we explored the technology and product strategy development direction of small-size silicon wafer makers in the context of the development of semiconductor industry. Making larger wafers is the development trend of the semiconductor industry. When facing industrial change, finding new value and demand for products through technology development and product strategy are important topics in a company’s sustainable management. In this study, we looked at the case of Company G to explore how Company G used their core technology to develop new products and maintain continuous growth for the goal of sustainable operation when facing changes in the industrial environment
    Global competition is an immovable trend. In every industry, companies must learn how to keep growing in a competitive environment. It is a company’s management decision to determine whether it would develop from its existing technology or leave the current industry chain for corporate transformation. For example, when Company G in the Hsinchu Industrial Park encountered changes in the sphere of the semiconductor industry, it has laid down a management goal of developing its own core competitiveness. The Hsinchu plant targets at the power semiconductor market, and insists on developing new products that lead the market. At the same time, the company G has set foot in the automotive semiconductor supply chain, trying to extend the life of small-size wafer products with its superior quality control and manufacturing technology. Currently, Company G has captured about 25% of the market for silicon wafers smaller than six inches. As market trends change, the company will continue to develop 8-inch heavy doped wafers. GaN and silicon carbide (SiC) are found to be new materials for the next-generation power semiconductors. Leveraging on its core technology in silicon-based materials, Company G will develop the GaN on Silicon epitaxy wafer technology, making itself a leading manufacturer of high-power semiconductor materials.

    Keywords: small-size wafer, power semiconductor, technology development and product strategy, SWOT

    摘 要I AbstractII 誌 謝III 目錄IV 表目錄VI 圖目錄VII 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 個案公司介紹2 1.3 研究對象2 1.4 研究目的2 1.5 論文架構4 第二章 半導體矽晶圓產業分析5 2.1 矽晶圓產業5 2.2 矽晶圓發展趨勢6 2.3 矽晶圓製造關鍵技術與應用領域10 2.3.1 矽晶圓製造流程10 2.3.2 矽晶圓應用領域12 2.3.3 矽晶圓製造關鍵技術13 2.4 小結15 第三章 半導體市場分析16 3.1 全球半導體市場趨勢16 3.2 半導體產業成長趨動因子19 3.3 分離式元件市場發展20 3.4 小結22 第四章 策略與佈局23 4.1 內部分析23 4.1.1 競爭力分析23 4.1.2 產品線分析28 4.2 公司營運政策32 4.2.1 行銷策略方向32 4.2.2 短期營運策略32 4.2.3 長期營運策略32 4.2.4 產品發展方向33 4.3 部門發展策略36 4.3.1 核心技術36 4.3.2 產品研發佈局39 第五章 戰略與執行43 5.1 部門研發藍圖43 5.1.1 驅動因子及產品規劃43 5.1.2 產品規劃及目標設定45 5.1.3 研發資源46 5.2 產品戰略分析48 5.2.1 重摻矽晶圓48 5.2.2 GaN on Silicon產品線54 5.3 智慧財產運用與保護57 第六章 結論與建議58 6.1 結論58 6.2 未來發展建議59 參考文獻60

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