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研究生: 林芳羽
Fang-yu Lin
論文名稱: 搜尋口碑動機再省思
Motives for Word-of-Mouth Seeking: Revisited
指導教授: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
口試委員: 欒斌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 37
中文關鍵詞: 口碑搜尋動機產品屬性
外文關鍵詞: Word-of-mouth, seeking motives, product-attribute
相關次數: 點閱:225下載:5
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While word of mouth marketing develops faster in recent years, consumers seek word-of mouth messages not only by face to face but also by the internet network. For the motives of seeking word-of-mouth messages, the evolution of social network type maybe makes some change. Because consumers sought information hard in the past time and had less chance to ask word-of-mouth message, now the marketing type becomes different, it must lead to more seeking motives.
In this study, we would investigate an exploratory study about why consumers seek word-of-mouth message and classify the motives. It mentioned many types of motives for seeking word-of-mouth in the academic, but rarely studies classified the motives as functional motives and non-functional motives, and included by product-attributes comparison.This study is divided into four themes. First, we would list the types of motives for word-of-mouth seeking, and deeply discuss the meaning of every motive. Second, we would divide the motives for seeking word-of-mouth into functional and non-functional. Then, with a different view of product attributes and motivations, we would analysis the corresponding relationship to each other. By seeking information process, consumers would get what they want. Final, in seeking word-of-mouth behavior, whether we could be summarized as two categories or not. One is information-oriented behavior; the other is interactive-oriented behavior. According to the research result, we would suggest that the marketing planner could make use of various seeking motives and operate the word-of-moth behavior to improve product popularity.

摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝III 圖目錄VI 表目錄VI 第壹章緒論1 第一節研究背景與動機1 第二節研究問題與目的2 第三節研究流程3 第貳章文獻探討4 第一節口碑型態之演變4 第二節消費者搜尋資訊之動機4 第三節消費者搜尋口碑之動機6 第參章研究設計8 第一節研究架構8 第二節質化研究-焦點訪談法(Focus Group)9 第三節量化研究-調查法(Survey)10 第肆章研究結果11 第一節樣本結構11 第二節質化研究結果12 第三節量化研究結果20 第伍章研究與討論24 第一節研究結論24 第二節學術貢獻25 第三節管理意涵25 第四節研究限制26 第五節未來研究建議26 參考文獻27 附錄一、焦點訪談法問項30 附錄二、調查法問卷31 附錄三、資訊觀點之產品屬性統計表35 附錄四、社會觀點之產品屬性統計表36 附錄五、心理觀點之產品屬性統計表37

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