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研究生: 王肇宗
Chao-Tsung Wang
論文名稱: 大型電腦廠商因應行動裝置普及下之市場策略-以戴爾、IBM及惠普為例
The Market Strategy for Major PC Vendors in response to the rising popularity of Mobile Devices:Exemplified By Dell、IBM and HP
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 吳宗成
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵詞: 智慧型行動裝置企業併購競爭優勢多角化雲端服務
外文關鍵詞: Smart mobile devices, Merge & Acquisition, Competitive advantage, Diversification, Cloud service.
相關次數: 點閱:489下載:1
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以電腦硬、軟體為主要服務的大型電腦公司如戴爾公司、IBM 公司或惠普公司都在此波市場變革中失去競爭優勢。戴爾公司以成本領導為經營策略,透過直銷及客製化的服務模式,提供客戶專屬及低價的產品,並且以零庫存來優化公司的成本架構,但是當企業單以低成本為策略時,企業卻失去創新的動力與價值。IBM是最早捨棄低獲利個人消費產品的企業,2000年後開始集中目標在軟體服務業,企圖打造全球化的雲端服務,此策略雖然提供企業高價值及高獲利的公司願景,但卻使企業喪失多角化及完整產品服務的優勢。而惠普公司一直致力於創造業務差異化策略,透由不斷的企業併購來提升企業的競爭優勢及競爭者的進入門檻,不過因為CEO 更換頻繁,缺乏策略的一慣性,導致許多購併案失敗,惠普漸漸失去在電腦市場的競爭優勢。

Mobile devices and cloud technology has developed rapidly over past decade. With the rise of smart mobile devices, it drives consumers to obtain information by more than one way. Such as Apple Computer, Samsung Electronics and HTC are more representative enterprise of fastest growing in this period, and many Taiwan suppliers benefit from them. For instance, Facebook, Google and Weibo, these large community websites create substantial of information demand owing to variety of devices, and they also provide quick access to replace the old social model.
The large enterprises like Dell, IBM and Hewlett-Packard, which sell computer hardware or software, they lost competitiveness gradually in this great revolution. Cost leading is Dell's business strategy, it not only provide specific and lower price products by direct sales and customization, but also optimize cost structure by its zero inventory strategy. Nowadays, enterprises would probably lose the abilities of innovation and their value when they only count on the low-cost strategy. IBM was the pioneer which abandons the low-profit personal consumer products. It began to put their target on software service industry after 2000. It attempted to build up the global cloud services. While it provided high-value and high-profit vision in the future, but it resulted in losing the advantage of diversification and complete product services. Hewlett-Packard has devoted to creating business differentiation strategy, and enhanced its competitive advantage and increase the threshold for competitions through merge and acquisition. Unfortunately, since the frequent CEO movement, making it lack of consistent business strategy, HP gradually lose their competitive advantage in computer market and resulted in facing the failure M&A cases.
This study raises three large foreign companies as case examples to research and analyze the business strategy in computer market individually. First, I will analyze the competitive advantage and changing strategies of case company in Chapter III. Second, I will introduce its future development. And I will make the conclusion and raise the relevant recommendations of this study in the end.

摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖目錄V 表目錄VI 第一章緒論 1 1.1 研究背景分析1 1.2 研究動機與目的2 1.3 研究流程4 第二章文獻探討與研究方法5 2.1 消費市場之發展5 2.2 組織變革(Organizational Change)6 2.3 企業競爭策略7 2.4 企業併購理論9 第三章研究架構11 3.1 電腦產業分析11 3.2 個案公司簡介及發展史13 3.3 個案公司之企業競爭優勢策略分析18 3.4 個案公司之經營變革策略分析22 第四章個案未來目標策略分析26 4.1 戴爾未來目標策略分析26 4.2 惠普未來目標策略分析26 4.3 IBM未來目標策略分析27 第五章結論與建議28 5.1 研究結論28 5.2 研究建議28 參考文獻30


1.Porter, Michael E. (1985) , Competitive Advantage : Greating and Sustaining Superior Performance, The Free Press. New York.
2.Porter, Michael E. (1998) Competitive Advantage : Techniques for Analyzing industries and Competitors,Simon &Schuster publishers,USA
3.Scott D. Anthony (2009),The Silver Lining: An Innovation Playbook for Uncertain Time,Harvard Business press.
4.Geoffrey A. Moore (2011),ESCAPE VELOCITY: Free your Company’s Future from Pull of the Past,HarperCollins Publishers,USA.
5.Michael Dell (),Direct for Dell: Strategies That Revolutionized an Industry
6.Holzner,Steven (2005),How Dell Does It,McGrew-Hill Publishers,USA.
7.Gerstner,Louis V.(2002),Who says Elephants Can’t Dance?:Inside IBMs’ Historic Turnaround,HarperCollins publishers,USA.

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